APPLICATIONS DUE FRIDAY! Editor-in-Chief of IN OREGON DAILY EMERALD IN On-gun Dwlv Fmrtjtd tN indrfimdmt tiudmt nrwtpjjvr at tN i Mn-mn rt On'jtun. it furnviliv *tepling apptnAtiona lor IN petition rt Editor tor IN IWVW ACJdrmit Eligible lAndtdAIrt mutl hr olNr An und«grAd«*tr ttudenl jt thr liromtrlv miulUd for i minimum rt m onlit Niun prr term in Ihnt- rt (N lour *jdns» quArten rt hit ot Nr irrm at til not. or i giAduAlr vtudi-nt Al !hr lnm-ml> enrolled lor i minimum rt Ihtir credd hourt pit him in thn-r rt (hr lour * Adcmic i|airtm rt hit or her trfm n Editor Ail Appbcanit mutl N m guod academic tunding IN On ■gun (X»ilv FirufAld it publitNd bv t non pirtd rorpurAOor which upn-rAtoi independently rt IN Imtmilv IN pr.mafv purpitte rt IN OOF it to pnwidc •dm Alton And turning (of -fudi-rn in ill Atpnc'tt rt nrtctpAprf oprfAhan hi treving A c Am put audwnre with twrt. cditorui And adveftnmg tuntml IN Editor rt IN ODE who report* to i Ifrprrvm vuiuntorr Burn) rt Director*, lui nnpontibililv lor Ail iditorul ofniAliont And All editorial control rt IN nrcrtpapi-r Irrm t»l rtlur it lurv * lrtfl thnmghciul IN lAtl tttur rt Spnng trftr I^M. and it putrilfil hv An ontnUbon prr»d whn h Ngmc no lalrt Ihjr Mai I And eetendt ihruugh (un 7 Thtt it A pad petition InhfrtUf) pArtnt tNiuld puk up in Application packet which include* a *>b drvription at (N OOF tnmt dr*k m Sudi VW FML or caI! Mh-SMI for more mlormjhun Compivltd appln Aliont mutl N returned to IN OOF IVuni rt Dtnttoft in IN OEM rtliirhv SCO pm.. Inity, Apnl 1IWI An tndividuA! will N wtrctid bv tN IVun! on Apnl 30 \m Tht (N>w fh.‘v f mrmld « « Egwal (Nt' I mpkmrt and n sorting t -.«iJa mm attlwilly drier* sertpFa t ^..Emerald 300 Ett Memorial Union. PO Bo» 3*59, Eugene Oregon 97*03 j | Actors take to ring on same card KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Mickey Kourke prefers the reality of the boxing ring to the fanta sy world of film making. Heavyweight contender Tommy Morrison, though an aspiring at tor. says he's already living his dream Morrison and Rourke bring a Hollywood flavor to Kansas Gity on Tuesday night as they box sep arately on an eight bout i ard in Kemper Arena. "There is a unique attrai tion to the i ard. it's an event you oxper t to see m Hollywood, not Kansas City. ' Morrison said Sunday at a pre-fight dinner and news conference "People an* second-guessing my decision to Tight since it's so close to (George) Foreman Rut this is what I do. hiving a dream isn't easy unless you work hard at it " Morrison, who claims to be a distant relative of John Wayne and hits adopted Way lie's nickname. "The Duke." is 35-1 with 31 knockouts. He fares "Irish" Dan Murphy, 30-9 with 25 knockouts, of Omaha. Neb "1 owe it to Kansas City to come back and right," said Morrison. IA. who is guaranteed 5100,000 "Tiles wanted me to Tight a tomato can I chose to fight a guy with an impressive rer ord " Murphy provides the Morrison camp with a tuneup fight for a bigger payday Morrison, who starred in Sylvester Stallone's last Rocky film. "Kim kv V." is sr heduled to fight Foreman for the World Boxing Organization title June 7 at Vegas "1 think Tommy will knock out George in three rounds." Morrison's co-manager. Hill Cay ton. said "Hut first he has to win I uesaay. I ms iignt pro vides Tommy with th<» things necessary to warm up (or Georgs The smell of the dressing room, tele vision c ameras, reporters, the c rowd A long wait c an lie disastrous " Meanwhile. Rourke, 3-0-1 as a light heavy weight. will hox Tom Bentley (4-4) of New York But the 34-vear-old actor says he doesn't fight for fame "Boxing gives me another challenge." said Rourke. who starred in Such films ns 91 Weeks. Angel Heart and Wild On hid "Boxing is whole some. whereas Hollywood has a way of spoiling you People treat you like you're something spe cial. You become plastic; you lose your spirit. "1 had a lot of anger about acting I wanted to channel that anger." he said. "I needed to hum ble myself, to do something I wasn't good at. And boxing was the answer." Although Rourke is being paid 55,000, he can make considerably more because the fight will he sold in Furope. which could push his total purse to more than $100,000. according to Rourke's trainer. Freddy Roach. "Mil key is more popular in F.urope than the U S said Roach, who had 54 pro fights before Iks orning a trainer "Kansas City is an opportuni ty for Mick to become more visible. No. he doesn't need the money " "I'm not going to win the championship, hut I would like to he the main event one day.” said Rourke PLAYBOY'S PHOTOGRAPHER IS HERE AND INTERVIEWING Playboy's photographer is now interviewing female students attending University of Oregon for a fall pictoriol. Girls of the Roc 10 Conference. This celebrated annual pictorial features a differ ent college conference each year, and has become one of the most popular and talked-obout magazine features in the country Since Playboy's first college pictorial 16 years ago, nearly 15,000 coeds coast-to-coast have tried out. Many have gone on to become Playboy Playmates, actresses and models If selected, you will be paid a modeling fee, be interviewed by the media, be featured at autograph sessions ond Hove the time of your life with the celebrity status you will gain from your appear ance in Playboy. To qualify, you must be 18 years of age or older and registered as a full- or part-time student at a Pac 10* University. Interested students may call to attend the interview ses sions taking place at the location listed below PLAYBOY University of Orsyss ItsJtsh Call David Chaa/Mayhay Salta Tuesday, March 30 - Thursday, April 1 Bast Wostara Oraaatraa 17S9 Fraaklia Bhrd. 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