LETTERS Fired coach It's hard lo understand how the most successful coach on the University athletics staff can he fired, but it's tough to second guess a decision without know ing all factors going into it Still, some facts — and some of the rationale given for the firing of women's basketball coach Elwin Heiny — raise doubts about those steering the Ducks through the perilous waters of varsity sports. A University administrator justified the firing by saying in the local paper: "... our foremost obligation in the athletics department is to our students." Maybe he's unaware of an amaz ing statistic that doesn't appear in the box score — that only one woman basketball player on aid failed to graduate during Heiny's years as coach. Or maybe completion of degree work by a student-athlete isn't one of the University's foremost concerns? After Heiny's firing, it's hard to tell which of two tails is wag ging the University athletic "dog ". 1) A capable football coach who trips over himself trying to navigate the second job of athletic director; 2) A colum nist who either is an oracle or a front man for this athletic admin istration. Th*i writer gave many reasons (most of them valid) why Rich Brooks should he director, just before Brooks was named athlet ic. director. Then, days before Heiny — who’s won more games than any other University coach — was fired, he wrote about why Heiny should he fired. Maybe the director now is waiting to read in The Register Guard whom he should hire to coach the women. If so. the Uni versity is in more trouble than we realized. Georg* Beres Eugene National service 1 write to challenge you to join me in a great American adven ture — national service. It is time for Americans of every background to work together to lift our country up. neighborhood by neighborhood and block by block. It is time to rediscover the excitement and idealism that makes us Ameri cans. That is what national service is all about. Through national service, thousands will have the oppor tunitv to pay for college by rebuilding their communities — serving a* teachers. police offi cers. health care worker* and in other capw dies Hot it will take time for these ideas to pass txm gress, and time to implement them Wo must start now. That is why I have t aller! for a Summer of Service this sum mer More than 1,000 voting people will serve in solei ted areas around the country, learn ing to lead tint! getting children who are at risk ready for school. There are many who believe that young Americans will not answer a call to action. They say you are apathetic and insist that you measure your success in the accumulation of material things I know they are wrong, and I know you will answer this chal lenge. You can become an agent of renewal — either through the summer program or on your own. Write and tell me what you are doing, or what you want to do: The White House. Nation al Service. Washington. DC. 20500. Your efforts and your energies can lift the spirits of our nation and inspire the world Please answer this call Bill Clinton U S. President RESUMES Give your resume a professional look, by having it typeset at letter Perfect Graphics. Suite MW EMU. 346-4381 9 5 MorvFri You Just got hit with the advertising power of the Oregon Dali)' Emerald. Put It to work for you Call our ad department at 346 3712 Oregon Daily Emerald HHINTBO SWEATSHIRTS - JACKETS • CAPS -WORLD CLASS SERVICE" IMAOI INHANCIMINT OAOUA MO Wa*T 1NO AVINU* (NI*T TO R*0 3 <*4 -*4 je—~ \ Deliver a KNOCKOUT... • • * without throwing a punch! GOLDWORKS ' 13rn a lowfoco tuq«n»»-•3i3729e yj APPLICATIONS Dl l FRIDAY! Editor-in-Chief olthc OREGON DAILY EMERALD Thr On-gun tXulv tmrtild thr irdrpmdenf rtudttlt mrwypiprr jl ihr Univrruty of 1 >1^1*1. a rurrmtlv irTrpting ippluiltom I of the [xwiltun oi Editor lot Ihr l-rtS-M •kidf-flUr WJf Eligible lindidjitw moil hr nlhrt in aivltf^riauili- tludmf il Ihr University rnrufUd (of i minimum of sivrndit hours [VI mm in ihne of thr louf jcidrmK quirhes of hit or hrr mm n Editor. of i griduilr tfudrol if Ihr l nivrrvtlv m ml Ini I of i minimum of thm- credit hour* per h-rm in Ihnr of Ihr lour * jdffnis vjuiflrrf of his of hrt tnm * Editor All ippiiiints muff hr in good * idnmc standing thr Oregon tAnlv Emrrild if puWifhrd hi j non profit corporifion whnti openlm mdrprndmlly of Ihr University Thr pnnurv purpose of Ihr ODE if to provide (ducihon und (riming (of students in ill i«pes If of newspiprr uprfitKin In rn ing j limpus jutlrixf with neves, tdiforwl .md .tovcftising content Thr Editor of thr tMH- vthf) rejxxl* to i Id |vmv I hi tVsird on Apnl». W! IV Orrycfl Duty fnrmU n in If/ml (tpporlynify f mjiyr' inj n sortmg toawj i muff i silsfi/ly Jftmr jntpifc t Orta, in i\uh Emerald IrV 300 Eft) Memorial Union, PO Boi 3IS9, Eugene. Oregon 97*03 J ©TARGETTHE UofO MARKET CALL OREGON DAILV EMERALD ADUERTISING AT 346-3712 THIS WEEK j JWfflW*">“ ... Pl«*»« Tell Us i5r^ * -~ !*■* m naiyM4, '^Wjfcwwil.,, 0.^0. °* OV» Urn C}fm Of* L emu. 346-6061 346 6062 University Scheduling Student organizations whjo have major events scheduled in April need to confirm all space immediately with the University Scheduling Office. Many tentative reservations are past due and arc in jeopardy of being cancelled. Sec you vx>n'