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Uth k Wilson GALLERIES Continued from Page 7 ments. h« said "I think dynamics in photog raphy has to do with < ontrnst You're actually controlling dynamics hv the wav you devel op your negative, expansions or contraction* In music, dynam ics has to do with loudness and softness.” (ritgitani said Following in the tradition of Minor White. Gagliani often finds subject matter in the dete riorating architecture of (lalifor nia and Nevada weathered doors, cracked windows, peel ing paint and torn fabric. During the 1050s. Gagliani was one of the few American photographers to work with color His color series front this period was inspired by the color visions he experienced from post-surgical morphine injec tions In 1078 Gagliani itegan his "Strip” series when he went on his first of many trips to Italy. For this well-known series, he double-exposed film in Italy that had first been exposed in the mining towns of California "I get some very strange com binations which is similar to what our reality is today: con tinuous change and not know ing what's going on from day to day." Gagliani said of the series in a Photo Me/m interview-. In 1954. Gagliani and several other photographers founded San Francisco's Bay Street Gallery, one of the first galleries devoted entirely to photogra phy liagliani is a life-long resi dent of the Italian-American community of South San Fran cisco. Since 1965. Gagliani has con ducted annual photography workshops in Virginia City. Nov., and has taught at San Francisco State University. U.C. Extension and the Ansel Adams Gallery in Yosemite Opening at Maude Kerns Art Center March 26 Work by artists who are survivors of sexual abuse and/or incest are featured in "The Silent Child — Art as Healing” at Maude Kerns Art Center Courtesy f**otc Annette Gurdjlan's "Two Women Kissing" at New Zone Art Gallery. The exhibit includes original artwork by Now York artist Ariel Orr Jordan and 15 Oregon artists The exhibit seeks to increase awareness of the prevalence of sexual abuse while illustrating the therapeutic effects of cre ative expression. "Those artists' works investi gate the emotions and traumas of abuse, speaking out about one of the most tragic problems of our society,” said Nancy Frey, artistic director at Maude Kerns. "Art allows inner feelings of anger, frustration and confusion to surface 'The Silent Child' documents the discovery of the truth, and the truth itself is what heals.” The exhibit runs March 2(> through April 25 Two of the artists will speak about sexual abuse and art therapy at a Spe cial Preview Benefit March 25 from 7 to 9 p.m.. and the open ing reception is March 2ti from 7 to 9 p.m. Maude Kerns will also offer a month of related educational seminars in con junction with the exhibit. Call 345-1571 for more information Opening at New Zone Art Gallery April 2 r I the visual interplay between the two art medi JL urns of painling and pho tography is explored in Annette Curdjian's exhibit “Altered Sur faces " "Throughout the process of painting I am continually inter acting with the photographic image that I am using." Gurdjian said of her work, in which she paints directly on the surface of photographs. "The extent that 1 cover or reveal my underlying photo graph changes the degree of photographic presence in a par ticular work and the nature of the visual interplay between the two media.” she said. A longtime Eugehe resident. Gurdjian received her UFA in Visual Design from the Univer sity in 1984. Her work has been exhibited in numerous muse ums and galleries, including the San Diego Art Institute. Recently, Gurdjian was a recipient of an Oregon Arts Commission Visual Art Fellow ship and of the Rest Show award in last year's Willamuttu Valley Juried Exhibition. The opening reception at Newr Zone Art Gallery, 411 High Street, will be April 2 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Opening al the Museum of Natural History April 2 A colorful exhibit of masks, hark paintings and other art pieces from Papua New Guinea is featured at the University's Museum of Natur al History. "Ritual Spirits: Art of New Guinea" shows native art from the Sepik River area, which was untouched by modern civiliza tion until the earlier part of the 20th century. A public opening reception will be held April 2 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. The museum is located at 1080 E. 15th Ave. I ()Kl \1 wilk uccial gusts murrain seven mu bitch Wednesday • April ? * 8pn EMU BALLROOM NEED A ROOMMATE? ADVERTISE YOUR VACANCY IN THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS """norton BUFFALO ■ SATURDAY RENEGADE SAINTS ■ SUNDAYS Eusted Bros. $1 ■ MONDAYS Blues Jam $1 ■ TUESDAYS High St. $2 ■ ST. MTW9C1 DAY — THE DADDIES ■TMumoAvsm Acoustic Junction 37BL70l>«4-7BI