Committee reverses plan to break-up EMU budgets By Tammy Batey and Chester Allen Emerald Reporters Reversing a decision made earlier this year, the Inci dental Fee Committee voted Thursday to hear the entire KMU budget consecutively rather than during eight sep arate meetings. Committee member Kfrem Mehretah sparked the pol icy change when he moved to suspend the hearing of a portion of the EMU budget. Mehretab said he was uncomfortable with an earlier vote to break-up the EMU's budget hearing Committee members Anno Wagoner anti Ed Carson sup ported Mehretab. voting to hear the EMU budget during the first week of April. EMU board members opposed the committee's earlier plan, saying dividing the budget was an attempt to con trol the EMU's use of student money Committee Chairman Steve Masai said the committee should not change policy while three members wore absent. Committee members Zoe Pargot. Lydia Lerina and Jose Balderas did not attend the meeting. Masat said he believed the IFU's vote would be over turned during a meeting of the entire committee. Carson said the entire committee should review the issue during a special meeting next week. "We should get the other members here os soon us pos sible to make a final decision." Carson said "It should he one hell of a meeting." Relations between the EMU and IFC were also at issue during Monday night's IFC meeting. The IFC granted half the social request of the Child ('.are A Development Cantors for the construction of new playground equipment at Moss House Preschool Program Several IFC mombors said they iwlieved money for the playground structures should come out of the KMU Equip ment Fund. The KMU Hoard thinks "Let's just shuffle it to the IFC because we can gut n few thousand there,"’ (arson said "F'sp« ially with tho KMU taking more authority it seems they should pay for it." CCOC had requested S9.000 to build new structures ut Moss House and at Villard House Toddler Program IFC members voted to allocate $4,500 to replai e the more damaged of the two structures Regina OnpOol-Froy KM1 t (.1X' Parent Couiu il i h.ur woman, said the present state of the playground equip ment is dangerous for the children Tlie tenuous relationship between the IFC and the EMU Hoard came up when IFC members discussed the KMU Craft Center's budget Monday, hut the committee even tually decided on a $11 -'i.22~ budget The IFC approved a 10.3 percent increase in the Stu dent Senate's budget. John Thomas. Student Senate pres ident. said the group has been active in recent years and more money would help. The IFC also decided the budgets of Panhellenic Coun cil and the American Institute of Architei ture Students and granted a special request by the laitin Amerii an Sup port Committee for $1 ,txx) to pay for the expenses of bring ing Chilean poet Cecilia Vicuna to the University In regular business Thursday, the IFC approved four student groups' 1993-94 budgets and two sjms ial requests GROUP PanheUeruc Councrf At AS Student Senate EMU C'sift Conte* LASC Danes Oregon! Pro iiin* Society Legal Services 'n- V WiK frtfMfttttiL S?839 ST.177 - 1 395 40? ♦ 3 /. 332 8 08? .103 112,800 113277 . 004 7.715 .''.368 13 3.872 4,318 .115 0 250 70,539 73.101 . 3 8 > .! x t>y Oityl»ly The Latin American Support Committee received • 13 percent budget decrease from this year's budget i omnuttee members said the group hus Iteen dormant for the past year Tim committee also dm ided tlm budgets of Dam « (Ire* gon'. I lte Pre-law Society. which was not funded last year, and laigal Servic es The committee Thursday approved a Hong Kong Stu dent Association internal budget transfer of $400. and OSPIKC nu.(lived $-00 to pay for n member's travel expenses to a conference in Illinois. Pnaao &* Although the original tire-damage estimate for the Sigma Phi Epsilon house was $35,000, members say costa will be $110,000. Fraternity suffers after fire damage By Matt Bender Emerald Reporter Thu Sigma Phi Epsilon frater nity house is low on troth live-in members and morale after a fin* gutter! the third floor of the chapter's house two weeks ago Tuesday. Feb. 23, a fire that was started by a space heater left the third floor of the fraternity badly damaged The flames were contained to the room contain ing the space heater and the cor ridor outside the room, hut smoke and heat damage made the rest of the floor unliveable Dave Swartlev. Sigma Phi Epsilon president, said 26 mem bers of the fraternity hail to move out after the fire "We only have about to guys left living in the house." he said. "It's real tough on morale for the house because we were used to seeing each other every day." Swartley said Sigma Phi Epsilon. 1000 Alder St., used to have 36 members living in its house Me said two members taut to move back into the dorms, u few others moved into live-out members' houses, and 20 members are now living in the Eugene Motor Lodge. The fraternity is currently paving the costs of the members' motel bill but is hoping its insur ance company will reimburse them Swartley said the insur ance is going to cover most of the diftnage the fraternity suf fered in the fire The repairs to the third floor will end up costing about $110,000. Swartley said. Origi nal Eugene fire department esti mates said the damage was around $35,000. "It's a lot worse than it seemed in tile beginning.' he said "Everything on the floor was smoke damaged." Contractors estimate that it will cost $70,000 to repair the structural damage to the third floor Swartley said he hopes insurant o w ill cover most of the structural damage. An additional 540.000 damage was don*’ to I ho contents of the third flour Sumo of the items damaged are covered under the members' parents’ homeowners insurance policies l he fraternity is also planning a fund-raising drive that will holp cover additional costs. "We are planning tentatively with our alumni hoard to start fund raising in a couple of weeks,” Swartley suid. "so we can pay for repairs and improve ments to the house," Contractors have just started to begin work on the Sigma i’lu Epsilon house this week. The uir|>et has been torn up and con tractors are starting to tear down the damaged third floor. Swartley said the contractors estimated the house repairs will bo done In two months The two members of the fra ternity who were injured in the fire two weeks ago are both doing fine, Swartley said. After the fire, Mark Nguyen, whoso room the fire started in, spent a day in the hospital. 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Friday m* 12 $4 Frtim PixiUrul Snow Bud and the Flower People Gravel Pit Marshal Plan Saturday 11 $8 The rnmulcn i>l roekttl! Poison Idea D.C. Beggars Alcoholics Unanimous The Psychedelic Rangers Sunday m» m$i An KOUSIK inO Mucfcr»ii j»m jcjiuring Fiddlin Sue Uncle T and Johnny 1:00 p-» Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays Mandatory Informational Meeting for 33-34 Oreoon Cheerleading Squad logouts Monday, March IS 5-6 p.m. at Mac Caurt Tryouts run from Sunday March 28 to Wednesday March 31 u For questions call Kim Barger 346-5485 .s We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos. TV’s Insured, custom packing Boxes for sale UPS. Emery, Motor Freight 2705 Willamette Street » 344-3106 (convenient parking)