EDITORIAL Tragedy on the tube is not entertainment As if ihn Amy Fisher trilogy wasn't enough, television networks, bastions of creativity, are preparing to bring us even more inspiring, true-life dramas. CBS has paid $500,000 to James and Jennifer Stolpa. the couple who, with their baby, was caught in a Neva da snowstorm. A few weeks later. Rob and Dee Dubin got lost during an Aspen cross county ski trip. They've since signed with the William Morris Agency and are awaiting offers Is this the new career for the 1990s? Get stupid, get lost, get rich? While those movies may be simply stupid, the gen uine tragedy based shows border on tasteless. The Amy lisher tyiog\ is tho most sordid oxamplo of tolovision gorus bad. Does America really n»?ed six hours of a whinv New York teen age brat shooting a woman in the head? Apparently so. it you look at the ratings. All three movies rated in the top 15 for the week they ran. It's not clear which is more distress ing — the networks for CBS has paid $500,000 to a couple who were caught in a snowstorm. Is this the new career for the 1990s? Get stupid, get lost, get rich? vor to bring us this trash, or our apparent desire to watch it. In the past three months, networks have given us sto ries about the 11192 Oakland Hills fire and the H)B‘> San {•'rant isco earthquake. And to give the movies that added sense of credibility, the producers used actual video footage o! the disasters. Creativity at its grandest. Hut now, straight out of today's headlines, NBC is preparing to bring us the stories of the Wacko, er. Waco cull standoff and the World Trade Center bombing. The Waco story will be told on In The Line of Duty: Assault in tVnco. (Perhaps a better title would be How Not to Serve a Search Warrant.) The show itself is a weekly series that focuses on law enforcement officials who have been killed in the line of duty. Now there’s family entertainment. The Trade Center story will be titled Terror in the Towers. Actually, if NBC could just rerun The Tower ing Inferno, complete with dubbed New York accents, they would only need to film a segment dealing with the actual blowing up of the van. Dateline NBC probably has some footage thoy could uso. Unfortunately, as long as the public watches these shows, the networks will continue to make them. It’s almost enough to make a person watch PBS during a pledge drive. Oregon Daily The Oregon Emerald •» pub—h«f da»fy Monday through Friday ckrrmg the ter*** year and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by the Oregon Oa> an Courts' Mug O*do*ph. Amy Oeveoport. Amanda Term*. Teresa Nunts*nger t<*a Knee«ei Mau* D#m«an Mci ean. Rebe a Merr»t!. S?cve M.m», Tift.n. '<♦' Taste Noe M,i’* «r* Schusla* E'San Sha* M^nae* SNocfar Enc* Studemcfca* Mar*Surtor. M*n«*e 1homp*oo Agu»ai. Amy Van Tuy*. Todd Wt&am* General Manager Judy Rad Production Manager M*h»>e. wr Aidy Oonrv .'y Production Ingrid W'-’e v'o ••>'\*’. ' *'** Granger 0e»- M . .-ir-L- Stacy tuMcheU j«wi« Ryaxj, Jenn-ter SmihL Artne Stephenson Newvoom Buftin+fts Otttc* 346-5511 346-5512 Display A