'5 APTS DUPLEXES Irg 1 tMdrtn apt tuty to«v*h#d *g wmb m do»et v»u*#d *ood eaifeng* w sfcyfct#. *acv»r«ty •rtiranc*. parking patio satup ky 7 paoc*# 1 W* to ear* Du» hurry and ?a*«* ovar >*as». WQfmo, no dapoartft 687 S966 PROSPECT PARK 7 badroo** apartmart avarf no<« qu»*t country «tmo*ph«r* «**Conv*n.*n! C*y iocabor othar *Mfe«ras mctoda pool termiMMMfcaCbofl eta, rac room and playground. right paid 25th and Char* tm% 4*4 £553 245 ROOMS 245 ROOMS l*rg# room for r#r*t ^ 2 **©*> tor**' NoutM mVt*W of Nlteacft K>oM from c*mpu*> &20Gfwo«K»r **$ f#rm wuT-1 *A*f‘ V46 90*7 M#CRum-l*rg# room KMOOwt Now## m*Ml NfbkJ campus Cksm h*r$m1 %*, *wg# y*«j. t*d Aug 686-0^92 0P**» *70. tQOlytfRIE ttftSrwo Room and Irg D*rt pr*v wttranc# ry Now**. cAMT. carp*«, eamput. Sprw>g l#rm $?/£♦ <1*p 4|U 4963 /■afoot In tmMi hi your futuro Dolly Cm ora Id daoolfWd Adworti w»S*N raid mlngj 255 ROOMMATES WANTED 5 Wocfc* from cam put 2 t*>V" dpf !Si*f *' uh*. *r#e cab*#, parking. **»m poo* 66391&3 245 ROOMS r: w INTERESTED IN? Member Owned Collective Living • Shared Meals • Music • Activism • Feminism • Environmentalism Diversity Egalitarianism Consensus Community ion 6 STUDENT CO-OPS Non Accepting Applications I.orax Manor 1648 Alder 6834960 Ok ( ampix‘111 luh 1670 Alder 683-3453 Janet Mnith I 1790 Alder ! 683-3777 J a_Jl Do we capture your interest? - If you have an eye for photogra phy or creativity on a Macintosh, the Oregon Daily 1 Emerald wants you on our Spring '93 staff. Openings for a photographer and a graphic artist are now available Pick up an application and sub mit clips of work to the Graphics Editor. ODE. Suite 300, EMU. Deadline is Friday. Apnl2. 5 p.m. 2S5 ROOMMATES WANTED ftoCurfMng from South Amortoo fOOfWffUW V* Sc***Q tOrrr C# Av« 3f fM iW _ _____. Sh«« 1 bo&'OOm 1 hsUt* ho*** luM* rMhghbortvood. m©0»y Hirrv«*v«hl *> Mks to c*mpw» on bo* rfkJt) S^OGmto* dop. open oho* iTO. ‘mm through Aug C«ft P«*or Of flAOy 344 2642 Spring Mrm *Kiv* homo through July, no «o*l to '^v«r port »yv S**>Q345 65ft5_ Room lor root o o*** 2 bocfrm Apt ftrApUKP. 'mmt carnpvSk «o kroc* ##vp»t* $187 Amo. $75 stop 48* 5/52__ __ __ To 0*4*0 2 bt&™ 0£* f v t#c»**y »*# ptetro. pup*o». S-'40*S3 Oopftnd u* hot _COt** 4*4 4875_ 2 students toOAfrtg tor roommate 3 frocfrm house CJty «W &*07 5Grmo • dop 667.-2948 275 ELECTtONS Candidates Election Packets are now avail able In Suite 4, EMU Anyone interested in running lor a Student j Government Office for the 1993-94 school year should come by and pick ! one up 290 CAMPUS EVENTS GERMAN 4JS PRESENTS WOYZKCK by Georg Buchner March 12 * i 3th at 8pm Pocket Theater. ViHard Kwi Admission $2 tfhon dM.1 V( H tnterSC Xions A S*mpo*um Apr 5 17. 1963 ! 296 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT !'• L a* ** U*) Sdintl Tomorrow! SAT MAR 13 Good Times 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT AH I CINE MAS m 492 j 1 3th ■ .'-laii m #v*ito tti <**k> '-it fM« «i-s#v»Hi«ii *i '*«•* i\H*44 r WOW HALL #//» <£’ Lincoln TONIGHT Skankin Fickle with Black Happy SATURDAY Tina Marsh and i The Cactus Band Ad «U|»pt»r1 by j Dwvrr Simplon Atlonwv* All Ages Welcome 6H7-27I6 310 MASSAGE 4 BODY WORK S*u*Uu »n C.»v’* IMT '.1WW; Matsmg* K*>*1s> rna*.*dy«>. .WWWWVWVVVSWr/VAWW $ H /: C Y( l } f. TH/S $ PAPF.H TMK PAR SI DC By GARY LARSON sZ Jurassic calendars Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson VfctN 10 wit Rom in lUt SLEET. MW NOH k BlG Bowl Of PUUN OMWfAL' MOW I UXE TRt CRAZT WfcOOHiSM OF WtlKENDV wiu.. turn "NOCMAi* IS 100 SlfcOHfe A WOftO I TUIHK WfO KMOW VWRMAl If Wl SAW IT 315 COUNSELING PflOetEMSt C*1 > MO t •• «.* I *0* arVWyfTHHiH c©u*>*#fcng and ftfimim !***' # !e*t* ,vu«t>*a*ed counealmg M4 U*t Unplanned Pregnancy? W*i »' '•<««* fODE Cla.vsifiedsj I-Stop shopping I FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. s2.00 off large pizza w/2 Ireo mod. drinks *1.00 ofl mod. pizza w/1 tree med. drink 346-0776 Oiler gcKxl thru winter term Doonesbury by carry trudeau S3 M tXJK nm. unfiiT$oKT Of if A*HAW XV am t i/A/ Mf*/ v»>fcv. ;S A r>7\'M VfAf ABOUT X>,OOOfW- iWH-V> H’U' a-T f&np t*-nr wm ‘HVt^ HWM.'V'iltf MUCH CAM' r\. BUT ilhF* A JOHH . MiV (VtePOWk . *' A Ji.M t*> i '• at -1 KDNfiU>fU>WtN, rut.'. tvKjt T ABuur t ’ 4V" ‘UN00* •■ cut :>« kajoo' sonutnr* *£*** lVuicm' j6&h\ (i CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffcr ACROSS 1 Seals mamba*« 4 Hiuca Wayna’t roiluma T Wala* (Ida 12 flaw roe* 1J f nawood? 14 diagonal ISBIachbad 1* Subtaduga flClabwn* of taaham l» f ata raid }0 Bamb*. to* ona 22 Ravolu liona*y 23 Smooth taking 27 Rava*anl wonda* 29 eVa f on 31 Shadaof y a flow 34 Sladsd a gafdan 33 Ooimant 37 Outdo 3A Unlamad 3* -So that'a 4. ah?* 41 Pia r1y>Vi"i.l hurdla 43 Okatano kaa. a g 47 Old fiancf com 41 April f ootV Day msligalor 52 Postal Craad word 53 Avian pcnllMHrt* 54 Histone lima 55 Annoy 54 Born by •taam 57 Sandra — O'Connor 54 Wool quantity? DOWN 1 Author Dahl 2 Bart's buddy J *«><• hand 4 *Gofclbarg Vanatom' rompowr 5 (>n tha tmarh O'fo om %•* ba 7 Datpot • Swaat* • A/lirta m •Pmtt Match*? to r*ch 11 B ndga • apart Cut)*rt*K>r 17U«I !«•*> not a ft 21 0» mantlad 23 f ind ona ft Solution llm#: 25 min* Yaatofdav't ontwof 3-12 way m lha dark 24 Men 25 Iwansa 26 Ms haal Jackson ■txm) 26 Inlmrtasl mat 30 Dos I’nwi work 31 Slomarh 32 *— was saying * 33 • Ba r>aamg You' 36 (log's dogs? 37 Prop tor Diana Arbus 40 l oalhad 42 Ohio c*y 43 I ulura oak 44 Dark and gloomy 45 1 imalaWa. lor shod 46 Fntraat 46 — da dau< 46 fun, lor shod 50 Altar contlstla Inn 51 nisi bonom