Oregon Daily FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94. ISSUE 121 Man charged with murder acted alone, police say j Wife of suspect says he suffered ‘fits of violence” PENSAC'Ol.A. Fla. (AP) — The man arrested in the slaying of a doctor outside his abortion clinic apparently acted alone, police said Thursday. His wife said he had suffered "great Tits of violence" and threatened her and their children. The man was ordered held without frond. In the wake of what’s believed to tie the nation's first killing stemming from an abortion demonstration, clinics around the country tightened security and women's groups urged Congress to approve legislation making the blocking of clinics a federal crime. At conservative Pensacola's two abor tion clinics, police increased security. The clinic where Dr. David Gunn was killed was closed, and a candlelight vigil in his memory was planned for Thursday night. Gunn, 47. was shot three times in the back with a 38-caliber revolver at point blank range as he was getting out of his car at the hack door of the Pensacola Women's Medical Services. Anti-abortion demonstrators were picketing the < liitio Turn to SHOOTING, Page 4 Photo Oy knttvoi'y fc»»**y Kitty Piercy, Oregon National Abortion Rights Action League presi dent, and Sally Sheklow, Eugene Feminist Woman's Health Cantar development director, spoke out Thursday on the murder of Dr David Ounn, an abortion provider in Pensacola, Fla Murder angers local activists j Local clinics have increased security since the murder of a doctor Wednesday By Daralyn Trappe EmofakJ Associate I dtfOf The fatal shooting in Florida Wudnosdav of an abortion provider hits provoked outrage from local pro-i hoice advo cates; the state's most promimmt anti-abortion group also denounced the murder. At a press conferom e fhursday at the F.ugeno Feminist Women's Health Center, Sally Sheklow, the center's devel opment director, said she is appalled at the murder of Dr. David Gunn, hut not surprised "Frankly. we're amazed that something like this didn t happen earlier.” she said " The Feminist Women's Health Center and other t:lini< s who provide abortion services have survived violent ottos ks for year*.'' In September. Sheklow said, the center was set on fire Sheklow blamed anti-abortion groups and the "religious right" for creating a c Innate of violence that fosters such attacks "(Wednesday's) murder is the most serious form of vio lence to i nme out of the antrdbortiou movement,'' Sheklow said " The anti-abortion movement has i mated a wave of ter ror in this country and it is these fieople who an- responsible for the murder of I)r Gunn." Kittv Piorcy, president of Oregon National Abortion Rights Action League, said anti-abortion groups in general and the Reagan-Bush administrations have fostered an atmosphere in which harassment, rather than protection, lias been om our aged Bei kv Moure, spokeswoman for Oregon Right f’o Life, responded that simply having a position on a issue does not Turn to VIOLENCE Pago 4 Groups deny stories of serial rapist j Ri$e in local sex crimes lead to increased fear among women By Rebecca Merritt Emerald Reporter _ Thu Eugene police department Indieves there is not a serial rapist in the area even though one sus pect has Ihiuii Iinked to four different sex crimes, an EPD spokesman said Thursday. Sgt Dave Poppy said despite increasing fears and rumors among local women, the police depart ment has not been withholding information regarding any reported sexual assault However, he said, the department realises that most sex crimes are unreported and is working to increase rape awareness. Thursday's news conference, representing the Sexual Assault Support Services of Lone County. Self Defense from the Inside Out and the Eugene Office of Publii Safety, was organized in response to the recent scare created by rumors and media attention surrounding recant sexual assaults. “Rumors, false information and a tielief in the myths and stereotypes afiout rope and rapists have served, in our community, to keep people's fear level high ami restrict people's lives." said Krin Collier, program coordinator for Sexual Assault Support Services Calls to the support service's crisis line have increased by 25 percent since the media publi cized information about a series of rapes commit ted hi North Eugene that involve a white male suspect in Ins mid-30s with shoulder-length brown hair and a thin beard. The first of these rapes occurred Nov to near Trend College. Poppy said The next two victims were raped in a parking lot near the Santa Clara Fred Meyer Dei 26 and Feb. 2 The fourth sex crime was committed Feb \ in front of Sheldon High School. Poppy said four sexual assaults were reported last weekend However, the police department is certain the crimes are unrelated to previous assaults "There's no reason to believe they are connect ed." Poppy said. The demand for self-defense classes has also grown liei.au.su of the large number of rapes (lulls to Self Defense From the Inside Out have increased by 50 percent. "Many calls are from people who want to know Turn to RAPIST. Page 4 Rainmakers Don Delaplian (right), crew leader for Grant's Land scaping, helps Monte Crase install the new sprinkler system between Gilbert and Fenton halls WEATHER All of the Northwest will enjoy fine weather Friday and Saturday as a dry air mass will bring sunny and pleasant weather. High temperatures will be in the upper Ms THERE'S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN HAYWARD. CaItf*(AP) - The geese in Patrick Swartz s yard look like barnyard birds, but tlwy re really playing watchdog. The four geese, along with a tough Peking duck named Yacky. have trapped at feast four suspected burglars with their loud honking and wing flapping since he started his flock live years ago. Swartz said They re the urban watchdogs of the 90s." said Swartz, a retired morti cian 'If they see anything weird, they II alert us," The 45-pound geese made their latest collar last month, honking to alert police to an armed robbery suspect behind their pen. Nine months ago. they cornered a man who allegedly broke into a neighboring house. _SPORTS LAS VEGAS (AP) - The UNLV basketball program, dogged by problems ihe pasi 10 years, has been (oiled anew with a report that an instructor was pressured into giving a passing grade to leading scorer J.R. Rider "I find it unimaginable that any instructor would let any one prvssure them into giving a grade.' UNLV President Robert Masson said Thursday Vicki Bertolino told the Los Vegas fleview Journal she was pressured bv two people in Ihe athletic department to give Rider a grade even though he had not completed his course work. She said the pressure came at a time when her huv band was recovering from a heart attack.