A • AXQ • CD < e cc C <3 • L X X • rM wj X r*Nj Wl X < e < < < < ca © L_ u <1 < • X X • cc E <3 u X X • rM vl X a X < e Ill It's hard to leave the family you love And pretend that you are all grown up And can go away to a school of strange faces in faraway places All by mysell So you smile at the passers-by And chat with the person Who sits next to you in class, And you pretend to get along line, And everyone is happy But you. Because deep down inside Non realize that pretending just isn't enough You still need a place to call "home" Someone to call "Mom Who will scold you for leavingyour things lying around And then turn around and nurse your cold, Forgetting tli.it you're supposed to l>e All grown up Hut, most ot all, You need friends Someone to laugh with, Someone to soak up your tears anil shed a lew at the same time. Someone to lx* crazy with Someone to share your darkest secrets Someone just to remind you now and then That you are an individual, And that as an individual, You matter. My sorority has given me all these things: A home, a mom, and friends. But, most of all It has made me feel T hat as an individual I matter. Your opportunity to become affiliated into the Greek system and become a part of the sorority that is right for you. AO • A ?£Q • X£2 • KKr • KA • nBO • IK • KA0 • AT • fOp • A^A • AO • AX£2 • X£2 • KKr • KA • flBO • IK ♦ KA0 ♦ Af - TOP« AAA » AO ■ AXQ • XQ • KKf • KA • • IK •