LETTERS Board member for hire I recently transferred to the University from Lane Com munity College. In my last year there. I served as student body president, during which time I was elected to the board of directors for the United States Student Associ ation. ! lobbied all the community colleges in Oregon to become actively involved with USSA. The reason 1 am writing is to be a voice for the retuns ing non-traditional students. I've returned to school to change my career. I've found that in order to make change, you must get student government leaders involved and working together. I don't see any representation for returning non-tradi tional students on the ASUO administration With the population of these students increasing every term, the ASUO needs to find a representative to address their needs and issues. What better way than to take advantage of my services and qualifications? Then I could continue as a board member of USSA. I was told many times by both the USSA president and vice-president that the University would benefit from this, and that I would have no problem getting funding to attend board meetings. Now that I've missed the January board meeting, and I'll miss the upcoming meeting this month. I'll have to resign my position as a board member. The non-traditional students are invisible on this cam pus. but are a very important part of this community I urge all returning students to get involved and make your presence known. Come to the Returning Students Association. Room 27 of the EMU at 34R-4305. Wo are an important part of this community. Ernie Woodland Student 20-04 works for community In his letter (ODE. March 3). William Amlin does not fully state the impact of the renewal of the tax levy 20 04. Programs that currently allow those 33 criminals he speaks of to work for the taxpayer, rather than spend time in county jail, will tie shut down or drastically elim inated. The tax levy renewal funds a 7f>-bed Work Release Center, an eight-bed Cine County Psychiatriifllospital. a r -S’cS® K_^ I I Khu wr ;»w.i nv 14-t>od facility far juvenile offenders with drug and alco hol problems, an Adult Corrections-related alcohol and drug treatment program that offers sobering and detoxi fication services, and a 60-bed Forest Work Camp facili ty in Alma. Ore These programs help put community members back into society after they have received needed skills, dis cipline or treatment These programs also greatly enhance law enforce ment's ability to provide a community that is sale for slit dents, faculty and staff as well as citizens of lj»ne Coun »y Yes. as Amlin states, "the county jail will stay the same size regardless of whether the three-year tax levy passes." hut what will not remain are some of the pro grams I enumerated earlier. Also, t.t full-time sheriff’s officers will also lie eliminated from the county 1 wish Amlin would reconsider Ins position and do a little more research into what the tax levy funds before marking his ballot. The answer should be yes to 20-04. Carey Drayton Citizens for a Safe Community Motorin’ Otis Despite the fad that tills is Dead Week, I saw some thing so amazing Tuesday 1 felt I had to share it Walking down a pathway between Chapman Mall and the art museum on my way to class, I hardly noticed a bicyclist ride past. A few seconds later, the roar of an engine tore me from my thoughts, and I watched Otis Scarborough of the Office of Public Safety race by in the hot new security pickup, laying on the horn and spew ing sod out the (jack. I couldn't believe my eyes. The bicyclist finally real ized he was aliout to bo plowed down and surrendered in front of the PLC steps Having seen this, I was forced to ask whether such methods of enforcing the bicycle ban on the pathways around campus are perhaps a little extreme. Was Scar borough really acting rationally and appropriately to secure the safety of students? I think not. Brett R. Bolstad Psychology Unfair labels If tho man who bombed the World Trade Center hud been a Christian or a Jew. do you think the headlines would have read "Christian terrorist plants bomb" or "Jewish terrorist bombs World Trade Center?" When a terrorist act is committed bv a fundamental ist Christian (i e . bombing an abortion clinic) or by the IRA in Ireland, it isn't labeled "Christian terrorism." Also, the way Palestinians have been treated in their homeland by the Israeli forces i an't lie denied by uny one. and this isn't called Jewish terrorism But when an Arab commits a terrorist act, he is labeled by his faith us a "Muslim terrorist." In Bosnia. Muslims are being tortured, cnped and are getting their heads i lit off Tho media does not lnliel the Serbian forces as Christian terrorists. These examples show how the media has treated Muslims unfairly and has painted them as nothing but terrorist. The media cannot lie forever All Keyhantard Graduate Student Urban and Regional Planning New on home video VVhilr Steve Close has a less than average premise ff )/>/-,', March 10), his argument contains more tfinn sex en different fallacies Close misses the point of equality i omplntely. so I will write it again nt the eighth-grade level so he can understand it All men and women are created equal Therefore, skin color should have nothing to do with their employment opportunities The most qualified apple ant should receive the job. not the one who has the darkest or lightest skin color. Yes, rat ism exists Hut i omUiting it with more ra< ism is not the answer Paying minority professors more mon ey is not equal opportunity, it's racism I am not offended when you label me an A S S IID.l, K this is the kind of hatred I expect from someone who bathes in ignorant Political Correctness I hope fie can i nine to grips with Ins hate crimes, but then again, how could ho know any better/ Please, liefore responding, read a book oil logic forms Or rent the video, there's prolmhly more pictures Gregory D. Jacobs Journalism (WHPAAM) wc> cm .iwn< j** *j*» cmmv> ] 1 If You Voted No on 9, Vote Yes for Chris Pryon Alan Brown, Ron Chase, Greg Evans, Sarah Hendrickson, Marion Malcolm, Laurie McClain, Gretchen Miller, Jan Oliver, Greg Rickoff, Jack Roberts, George Russell, Marshall Sauceda, Angie Sifuentez and Richie Weinman urge you to Pi«J (>* rod iud»jri7rd hr ( ommiHct lor ComWMly Vjluti (Wither. Miller Trtwirer. 1016Adimv l ujt«c (* 97402