LETTERS Legislative casualties When President Bush bombed Iraq in 1991. Universi ty students marched and protested. They even went so far as to block Interstate 5. Now the Oregon legislative lx>dv is waging a war against our University and every other school in Oregon Are we going to lot these people — who are supposed to repre sent our voices — take away our right to a decent edu cation at a reasonable price? The funding cuts in Oregon will eliminate even more programs and more faculty than we have lost already. Tuition will also be raised significantly if we don't take some kind of action now. before it's too late. Are we going to sit back and let this happen without trying to stop it? Where is that University spirit that ral lietfto stop the last major war? If everyone would show legislators we don't want to be casualties of the war 1990's Ballot Meosure 5 is waging through the cuts in school funding, maybe they would vote for alternative revenue plans. We need to show them who we are and how they are affecting us personally. Show your representatives you care. If they don't know how you feel, how can they represent you? We can make a difference. We can win this war that is lie mg waged against all students — with a little action. We will not win it with complacency. Kathy Waters Journalism I[~ L A MWW ■ Hey! Your feet stink! This article is a gent In reminder to ail of those who prop their feet up on the chair in front of them during a lec ture. Please have res|>ei t for the people around you. Not only is this terribly sloppv -looking and distracting, it is incon siderate to those who must share the space with your usu ally not-very-pleasant-smelling (and this i» totally nat ural) sneakers. Too many times have I seen hair yanked and footprints left on jackets, in addition to personally being surround ed hv hupps, waving and tapping feet that end up getting a I tetter view of the lei lure than I do. We are all acquainted with the fact that lecture hull i.hairs are in no way comfortable, but then' are other ways to relieve the discomfort to be explored, rather than resort ing to placing your feet on the chair in front of you. I rv stretching out lengthwise with your feet beneath the chair in front, being careful not to kick the owner or dump the owner's book bag Another suggestion for limber people is to sit cross legged. and you are guaranteed not to fall asleep during even the most tedious lecture. Even if you pul your feet up on your furniture when you ore at home, you are not at home in class and must take responsibility for yourself and share the spat* conscientiously with your fellow stu dents. So the next time someone presents you with his or her size 13s, tell that person to put his or her feet on the floor where they belong, and to think about it. Jennifer Jones Undeclared Multipurpose acronym Yet another in the onslaught of letters from poor, per secuted straight white males who feel trod upon To put it bluntly, anyone w ho believes he has the right to com plain alxnit tiemg a SVVM lai k> one of the hasit ->kills tlmt college is intended to teach — the ability to understand the point of view of another person, notably a [xirson from a different cultural background. It would be nice i( everybody were treated equally And yes, affirmative action does create a system under w hu h some receive privileges that others don't However, to believe affirmative action creates an "unfair advantage" requires that one first Imlieve there is no longer any prejudice in Amerit a. and that everyone has an equal chance. Love may see no color, but elementary sc Imol leai hers, police officers and loan officers have show n time and again they sex; color and judge accordingly Before we can start acting as though racial prejudice is a thing of the past, we must do our lies! to eliminate the prejudices we currently practice, l'his lakes tune i hat's why we have rules that help ensure everybody has some thing approai lung the same chance SWMs have now Finally , for those of you who. luting C aucasians, find humor In inventing asinine designations (nr your eth nic heritage, I suggest the following multipurpose des ignation: "American: Substantial Scandinavian Heritage. Or largely European." If the ethnicity doesn’t lit you. I II wager the ac ronym does Steve Close English I 11 Treating global problems This letter is addressed to till those students who hove n burning desire to change the world t loro is how to solve a tnn)«)r glolMil problem in roughly a single half hour every day Hide your hike to and from the University and/or work and/or wherever else possible The glottal problem is the release of esc essivo amounts ot t arbon dimtide into the Karth s atmosphere Motor vehi cles are responsible tor 1? percent of worldwide output of CO"-greenhouse gas that a< counts for half of global warming (Stntr of thr World. 1000) Did you realize cars emit ifi percent of the hvdrocar* Items that t an cause coughing, nausea, chest pain and lung damage (Xnttonol Wihlltfr Aug Sept twit))/ And who would have guessed that although the United States has only r> percent of the world's population, it uses 20 per c eut of all c ommeri nil energy ' In order to ecu mirage bicyc le use. men 11 sirs of (ISl'IKt • s sustainable energy group will randomly hand out prizes to students who are seen ruling their bikes to the Uni versify during the month ot March Students hero are full of ideas about how the world c ould lie lietler, hi t ai In ally doing something that makes a different e is more ol a problem Well here is your c henc e As our friend David Spade from Soltirtlnv Si^ht Uvr might say it's called a problem that needs to lie dealt with It's c ailed a way to deal with it Deal with it April Brinkman Psychology Abolish education gap It mhhu« utility educated people like to denigrate line duuited people I've M'i'ii many |x*ople in the hugwne area who am ijim k to write off people m Springfield ns a bunt h of hee-haws and rednecks I've also wall lied the show In Living Color, a show in which unedui tiled him k people ore routinely degraded Who is degrading unedui ated him k poopin' Kdui ated him k pnopln. I havn gotten to know many unedui atnd him k pnopln after living and working in the Detroit area, and I know that no one deserves to he degraded and made fun of the way Damon Wav.ms and friends make fun of people Ertc Nissani Spanish I MI’10’S MI NT OPPORTUNITY Editor-in-Chief of lh* OREGON DAILY EMERALD TV Oregon Daily Emerald, thr independent student newspaper at the Lnivemty of Oregon, is cu trendy accepting applications lor thr position ot Editor for thr I'WV'M academic war Eligible candidates must br either an undergraduate student at thr University enrolled tor a minimum ot vc credit hours per trrm in three ot thr tcwr * adorn* quarters ot his of hrr trrm a* Editor, or a graduate student at thr I'ruvenrtV enrolled tor a minimum ot thrrr credit hours pw trrm in thrrr ot thr toot academic quarters ot his or hrr trrm as Editor All applicants must be in good academic standing TV Oregon Duly Emerald is published bv a non profit corporation which operates indrprtalmtly eg tV University TV primary purpose ot tV ODE is to provide education and training lor students in all aspects ut newspaper operation bv serving a campus audience with news editorial and advertising content TV Editor ot tV 00E. who reports to a 10-person volunteer Board ut Directors, has responsibility tor all editorial operations and all editorial content ot tV newspaper Term ot other is |une 8. 1W3 throughout the last issue of Spnng trrm. IWI. and is preceded bv an onentabun pence! which begins no la hr than May I and evtmds through June 7 This is a paid position Interested parties should psek up an application packet which includes a wb description, at tV ODE front desk in Suite TOO EMU ot call 146-5511 for more intortnahun Completed applications must be returned to IV ODE Board ot Directors in tV ODE other bv 5 00 p m . Endav, Apni 2.19M An individual will be cries ted bv the Board on Apnl 20.1W3 TV OrejcWt QnJy ImrrtU a an Urn! Oppvrr amty [mpkyrr and a sorting hm«rd a man c iill unity drersr svrtpfaf ^.Emerald 300 Erb Memorial Union. PO Boa 3159. Eugene. Oregon 97403 If You Voted No on 9, Vote Yes for Chris Pryor Alan Brown, Ron Chase, Greg Evans, Sarah Hendrickson, Marion Malcolm, Laurie McClain, Gretchen Miller, Jan Oliver, Greg Rickoff, Jack Roberts, George Russell, Marshall Sauceda, Angie Sifuentez and Richie Weinman urge you to for School District 4J Paid It* aad tMlnM by fumnuiiee (<* CuMMMy Valuta Onachcti Millo. Trt»um iOVb Adamv (.ujtnt 1*97402