Radicals claim allegiance to Islamic cleric in U.S. H A E K S T A P . "I Egypt (AP) — Forty J three Islamic radi I cals opened their ter I rorism trial Tuesday | by professing site glance lo on extremist cleric: wno preadi es ot the mosoue where a Palestinian sus pected in the World Trade Center bombing worships Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, a blind preacher who has been living in the Unit ed States in self-imposed exile for nearly three years, has denounced the bombing in New York, which killed five people and Injured more than 1,000 on Feb. 25 His lowver declined to comment on the defendant's statement. The statement read by a member of the fundamentalist Islamic Group did not refer to the Trade Center But British Broadcasting Corp. said the group denied any involvement in the bombing in a fax received Monday in (jiiro. The fax also threatened retaliation for the linking of Abdel-Rahman'a name to the bombing probe. Abdel-Rahman has been acquitted three times by Egyptian courts of c harges related to violence by radicals, including ordering the assassination of President Anwar Sadat in 1981 — a killing the Muslim radicals claimed responsibility for in their statement Tuesday. U S. authorities are trying to expel Abdel Rahman for providing falser infor mation on his application for permanent residency in the United States Egyptian fundamentalists have waged an intensified violence campaign since early 1902 trying to oust President Moxni Mubarak's secular government and set up an Islamic regime like Iran's. So far. 95 people have been killed and 166 wound ed. The defendants are charged with ter rorist acts, including four attacks on bus es carrying foreign tourists and an attack on o Nile cruise lx wit The indictment also lists nil attack on a Coptic Christian shop. As the trial opened in a military’ court 25 miles northeast of Cairo, one defen dant read a statement claiming the Islam ic Group was responsible for Sadat’s assassination and the murder last year of a prominent writer opposed to Muslim fundamentalism. He said the group tried to kill a former Egyptian interior minister. "Islam, you are returning. You will rule with the Koran,” the other defendants, almost all waving the Islamic, holy book, chanted from adjacent (ages in the court room. “Imprisonment and execution would not frighten us,” they added. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! IS YOUR THIS £ MONTH? 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