COMMUNITY _J_ - - -.---- i ' ~~ P+toto by Aj^tnorsy Ftx«*y Jenine Yanov, a confessed chocolate addict, and her daughters Julie (left) and Jill buy their weekly fix at Euphoria Chocolates. Chocolate week kicks off finals By Martina Jofte KmeraW ConintxriO' Montezuma drank it hy the flagon C asanova was convinced tt hiilpod his love lift? Soiiw ps\ chologists find it helps tho depressed and love sick It's ( hot olate Its si inntifu nnmo moans "food of tho gods For those who haven't indulged re< ently. you now have an ext use National Chocolate Week takes place during finals, from Mon h H through 20 For those of vou who didn't realize this, you're not alone "1 didn't know it, but 1 do now said Maria Nel son. the retail manager of Euphoria Chocolate However. Nelson did mention she would he kicking off their St f’atrii k's Day < hot olate that week, featuring 111 Irish t uffee truffle Hut where did the i lux olate t ra/e Ix-gin' Montezuma starter! the chocolate fren/v with his frothy red concur tion of hot t lux olate made from red i hilis, vanilla and honey, made to resemble blood. Although Cortes and his invading Spanish sol diers did not like Montezuma s hot < lux olate. lliex took some of the beans hai k to Europe Inventive European monks took the chili pep pers out of the chocolate and added sugar and vanilla, i mating the New World taste The love of chocolate spread from the Spanish court and monasteries to publit < hot olate hous es, which began to spring up all over Europe in the 17th century The chocolate house was the plat e to be seen, usjieciaily in England. Courtiers would meet over bowls of i hocolate. planning their cabals id upper class intrigue, the seduction of a lover or the rum of someone's reputation Since that time, chocolate and naughtiness have tx-en linked in Western const iousness Yet science and the study of brain chemistry has made us more tolerant of our transgressions Sci entists are ospe< iallv interested in unlocking i hot date's mystery One study indicates that women who suffer from pro-menstrual syndrome crave chocolate. Another study of college undergraduates shows that students with atypical depression crave ehix olate - • - - - Alkaloids in i Inn olate bring on the release ol minute amounts of serotonin ami epinephrine (aiming brain < hem itals triggered during psyt ho logicul and phytilal Stress Other resenri hers have found that one ol the hrain chemicals of romantic love, phcnvlcthv I,inline, is found in i lux olate Is this why so many lovers exi Itnnge dux dates on Valentin®'* Da\ ’ The idea of • hoi olate as an aphrodisiac is not new Casanova drank st daily ami gave it to the ladies. Vet an MIT researr her m brain and i ogndive si i elites )mi11fi Wurtman. s.,vs there pist aren't enough chemii .tl suhstam es in i lux olate to make a differwm e She said people i rave < hoi olate liei nose it I.isles good and has pleasant assoi mtions \nd hei ause chocolate is a i arholtydrate and contains then bromine, a mild i uffoine. it prodiu es 1 almness and energy at the same time I or whatever reason, people love t hoi olate .is e\ idem od by an ini rease in worldwide i nnsiimp turn Hie av erage Amerii an eats III pounds ol the stutl per year, the Sw iss eat _’(l I anted States agru nltiirul imports and exports ol i hocolate have ini reused from ~r>2 metrii tons in IMHO In 7 11. metric tons in 1‘t‘Wl Mil belle I'urkv a pre law student .it the t imer sity. loves i hex olate Parks said she likes to eat chot olate w hen she is stressed out. which is pretty mm h all ol the time Koberto I’elayo. an Italian and Spanish maior, teaches aerobics six times a week at the I inverse tv One day in aerobics class, lie jokingly annoum od, as though he were at an All oholii s Anony muus meeting, that he was a "i hoi oholii Pelayo said lie has been to i hoi olate parties at whit h everyone brought their favorite choi olate dessert to share I’elayo mostly enjoys chocolate after a fine meal liecauso of its i ompatihility with wines COMMUNITY UPDATE Springfield gets snapshot’ A new business survey is under wnv in Springfield to lenrn about the « oncems and problems facing the < dv's businesses Conducted by the city's development department, in cooperation with Community Kconomic Stabilization, tin* survev is the fourth of its kind tile ( itv has done in rtx ent years Surveys were sent to more than 1.4011 businesses and are due liack to the i itv by March 22. Tabulation and analysis w ill be completed in April. "The survey’s results will provide us with a snapshot of the local economy," said Susan Daludding. the city 's develop ment services director, in a press release We'll learn whether Jobs are being creat uri or lost, the top fa< tors that most < on c.ern business owners in operating their businesses successfully and the percent age of businesses expecting to expand. "We'll also find out the lex ations under consideration for expansion and those business owners who might Ik- interested in serving as ambassador* to new busi nesses wonting to locate in Springfield, she said Weekend microbrew festival The Third Annual Microbrew Festival, featuring 15 West Coast breweries, is scheduled for Saturday from noon to 8 pin. at the Valley River Inn. The festival, sponsored as a fund-raiser by the Easter Seals Society of Oregon. will include Full Soil Ah*. Widner Mi Menunnns. Bridgeport. !<••0 units and SI. and full glasses will be available Food from sine ks to full meals will also U- for sale Muse will lie provided ill day bv the 17th Avenue Club and )nzz Hand. Admission is $7. and attendees must more than 2\ years of age Marketplace meeting set The organizers Saturday Market and Lane County Farmers' Market want to meet interested citizens fora community conversation. "Marketplace on the Mall — I'he Vision of .1 Spirited Downtown and .1 Now Downtown Weekday Marketplace, is set for Mari h Iri at 7 p.m in Harris Mall at tin- l.unt> County Courthouse The mooting will 1 no I u (in a panol pro s.mtation. ininimmt from commnnitv memliers and small group workshops Putin I members will include l.ano (iounty CommisMonnr Jorry Kust. Market founder Lotto Stroisingor. Saturday Mar knt Manager Hill (.midsmith. Farmers Market Manager David Amoroso and Kuss Hrink ol Downtown Kugeno, lot Among the topics of couvorsation will lie the development of an outdoor week day marketplace on the mall, something m vvhii h the Farmers' Market and .Satur day Market hoards ol dine tors have expressed an interest {& MOYER N THEATRES^ STUDENT NIGHTS MON W‘ .) ‘-’UH S2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION ■fj ■ ■ S' > J r N' A- ' • A --M /movieland' AT WEST 11*1 808 SENECA ST. 342-4142 (S TKIHTW \l) I I KSI)A\ S.'.OO ALL SEATS HCFPT SPICIAL I NOAG* Ml MTS CALI FOR MORt INFORMATION BACK TO SCHOOL SKCUL^oooomjJff*,, OFFER OOOO THRU >1W MNQTMSAOMFOM $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE ■ngaownwH No PaMM EMMWtQ1 D«0( . GROUNDHOG DAI (1:15 3:15 515)7:15 915 91 THJC FALLING DOWN (1:00 8:18 8:30) 7:481000 BESTOFTHEBEST (1:10 3.20 8:30)7:40 9:50 1 .— ALIVE (140 4 00) 6JO 900 HOMEWARD BOUND (120 808 4 80) US 9 30 ALADDIN (108 308 8:08) 708 908 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 3 5 THRU THURS 3 11 3 MMT «IVE W THE SEARCH' TRY LOST* ... "WHO IM THt ClAiilfliO ittllM Freshman Seminars DUCK CALL Registration for Spring Term February 22,1993 - March 12,1993 ARB 199 MUS 199 CSPY 199 PHIL 199 CHN 199 ENG 199 INTL 199 PHYS 199 Public Art and the Making of Place The Complete Film Experience: Understanding the Manner in which Drama, Photography, and Music Work Together to Form the Whole Journey to the Self Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Literature. Law and Sometimes Justice Crucial Human Issues in Our Culture The Vietnam Phenomenon: Migrating Images and Alternative Perspectives The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: from the Fiery Birth to the Big Crunch See the back page of the Schedule of Classes for more information Office of the Dean of Students • 364 Oregon Hall • 346-1136