Students who went away to college didn't think they would end up building HUTS A curious village ol mud. straw and glass has now stands between the ceramics and painting buildings just north ol the MHIrace University students in a ceramic sculpture ciass constructed the huts as part ol a term long protect involving enpioratwn ol pnmitive structures as a means ol artistic enpresston Although ram and problems with materials had damaged some ol the huts, they were repaired and completed over the weekend in preparation lor the class' Imal review Monday "I fell (hat we could learn as much trom mistakes as we could trom doing it all right " said trie course instructor. Sana Krusoe "Decisions were very com munally made " This term marks the lirsl lime such a course has been ottered at the Uni versify Krusoe liopes to have a similar class ne*t year m z jttt: h i Erica Vhay (right) scoops up mud and straw. A hroplace inside the largest ot the hula Anne Hadden (lop) packs a mud and straw mixture onto the waits ol her hut Hadden (left) mixes up a Iresh patch ot mud In a cement mixer. Photos by Michael Shindler 5O0OFF & ANY ~ MENU HEM “TC0V The C >«hei .*t»c » I «fWv» l ,MV( | 5131 \JMcm IIih.Market PlaceUvst | 1888 Fr.uiklm Bhci, Franklin & Vill.irJ _ uaaBaaaBaaBaaaaaBBaaBaaBBBBaaaBaBBaaaaBaal TEfclYAKI ^TACXEY EAT SMART Fast Healthy Food at Great Prices TAKE OUT AVAILABLE CLOSE TO CAMPUS (across from Dairy Quean) 13th A HI I yard 1306 Hilyard 345-9555 laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Tke Copy Shop Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Beaman Pttmnon a Fury ■ fbgH an tSh 485-6253 LOCKER RENTALS * $S Key Deposit • $4 Per Term S' r, As- V-T* M EMU Raeraitio C«at«r Ground Floor, EMU 346-3711 Oat result*... ■dvsrtlss in ths ODE