fWUNDERtAND VBEt FGAM! Sth STREET I PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 .J f - “U VIDEO ADVENTURt 1 VAiU v MIVCM Pi.A2A ■■■ >« »* *»•* v »**m : ^pr »•«■» -N .ji^ruuuuuuLyu tTmontrl Net guard out for good east RUTHERFORD. N.J (API — The New Jersey Nets braced for the worst over the past week, and they got it Monday when they learned that point guard Kenny Anderson is out for the season with a broken left wrist. Anderson was examined Monday morning by hand spcx ialist Dr Charles Malone Jr . and it was decided to piece a full cast on his left arm. at least for now. Surgery remains a possibility, but the progno sis for complete recovery is good. Malone said Anderson sustained the injury a little more than a week ago when he was shoved to the court while he was going up for a layup by John Starks of the New York Knit ks Starks was called for a flagrant foul and was eventually lined $5,000 but not suspended, a move Nets management c ri'ic i/ed We'll Pay You 60% or THE NEW STUDENT PRICE For Books We Need Tor Spring Term! At Our Wlcilrt stare Mar 10 - 20 M-F 7:45-6, Sal 10-5 ! eauti Location Mar 15 8:30 - 5:30 Hwimuiinsiuumliiiumum:; Mar 19 8:30 - 3:30 iMftittnitiiftmft jUmwwmawMrol run •:.: i:;:: i * ♦**Jolly Ranchers 11 i I.tfii A Kincaid M-Sal SCOREBOARD Tfe*T«p29 By Tk* AMKiDMl Nw Tb* Top >1 in Ttv# A»*oc1«t»d Pr***' (.oilot# ba*k*tbaU poll, with immi nnf-}HNI vm** in p*ranib»»«*. rtcnH* through M»rth 7. total point* b*«*i on 23 point* for 4 firtS-pUc* voto through on* point for i 2Mh jdtc* wh# and previous ranking Rwtmi PI* Pv* 1 S Carolina (M) 2 Indiana I4l 3 Michigan 12) 4 fcMEMutiy 5 VcmUfbtlf fi AniuM 7 Kan*** 8 DuU 9 Srton IUII 10 Florida Slat* it. Dnciruwlt 12 Wake Fowat 11 N*wOrU«n« 14 Arkanaaa 15 Utah 1ft IxKiiftvilU 17 low* 18 Punlnc l» UW.V 20 Mmirhttun 21 Oklahoma Slat® 22 X#v>*r Ohio 21 Tulatw* 24 Nww Mwuo St. 25 Hngluim Young 2ft 1 1 ill7 l 2ft-1 1.541 2 24-4 1,475 4 211 1496 1 21-4 1410 7 22 1 1494 3 24-S 1.220 6 236 1.166 6 24 6 1.141 10 22 6 1.018 II 42-4 1411 12 167 816 14 26 2 801 17 167 686 13 22 5 672 8 18 6 457 22 168 455 IS 17- 6 418 24 20- 6 192 1ft 21 6 377 23 18- 7 266 19 214 217 18 21- 7 197 20 236 193 - 237 148 21 Oth«r ncairtog votM Marouatla 93. S» John * 93. Virginia 92. W Kentucky 85. N**wa»ka 74 Now M**ico 71. Illinois 67. Iowa St 55, California 31. Georgia Toth 29, Pittsburgh 18 M«mphi* St 17. Southern Math 13. Oklahoma 12. Mou»ton 10. UCXA 9, Short® Island ft. Mimmanta 5. Balt St. 3. Nfc Uniisiana 3, t.SU 1. Miami. Ohio 1. Niagara 1. S. IlUiMMa 1 Wk«‘i up wrttb tha»f (Aegon guard lohnnie Raece got hit head Jurved bald Whai * up with that? Oregon Stale awapt th« thick > 2 0 in all three winter tpori* — man'* and women i batkethall and wreetling What • up with that* Oregon State guard Drant Barry triad to >lap one o! Oregon * Mh» during Sat urdaya Cleft War What » up with that’ My neighbor (Oregon inrwardl Aaron |ohn««n tpend* many night* loudly tinging lo Cun* N Rom Whai* up wllft ihai’ Submitted by Mike Simonttch Ecte lUmnri'Mnllt Oregon Sparta St hedulr March » i« MEn'sCOU-' — Outli Invitational (Final Kimud) WOMEN'S COI F — Brigham Young Invitational (Final Hound! Thunder MEN'S BASKFTBAU. — Stanford at MvArthur Court WOMEN'S BASKETBALL — al Stan ford Saturday MEN S BASKETBALL ~ California at Mr Arthur Court WOMEN S BASKFTBAU, — at Cali fornia Sunday SOiTBAU.— CU.A al Howe Field WOMEN S TENNIS — Whitman at 15th SI rent Court* Duck netters earn sweep • The Oregon women's tennis team swept three matches this post weekend in California to raise its overall record to 9-2. The Ducks won 17 of 1H matches against San lose State and San Francisco Saturday, and then upset Fresno State 5-4 the following day. Against the Bulldogs, Krissv Barger, FI iso Adams, and Jackie Deford all won in singles competition. Barger/Deford and Adams/Sara Wiliens each captured victories in doubles matches. Barger/Deford trailed 5-:t in the third set. but rallied to even the match at fi-6, They then won the tiebreaker 7-4 to win the match match and the team title for Oregon. The Ducks came into the weekend ranked seventh in the NCAA Northwest section. Oregon will be at home tins weekend to fat e Whitman at the 15th Avenue courts. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA Summer Sessions JUNE 21 - JULY 30, 1993 YetaiJoifiUtla _provirtaa an aicallant l analronmant In which 1 oohaga and proiaaatonal I aingara may furthar (hair a artialic akilta Oaaipnad by It CUntMth Mannton, miar I nationally ranoamad ■ matro aoprano UCS8 ofln an anrtcNng acadanih- and cudural eaperianca tn a aettlng of unique beauty An Idaal eoWng lo mate near Wanda and laka challenging and Intriguing oouraaa In a adda variety of dirt^lnaa. The claaaaa ata emaBer and lha campua la laaa crowded. Continuing alqderde. high aeftool graduated and md unlMfiUM irt iNc itudfiti Ion othif toflipti fid i • edgltotelo anted TXn arano Franch Sludlaa German Language A Cudura Spantad StudWa An anhcMng opportunity of unuaual quatdy and relo»anco, Waal lor leachate arho cannot pureue dMd atudlae ifcatng the academic yaar bacauaa of protaa alonal obdgallona. NOTE: □ Smmmttr S nil q VmtUriMt a Marten to Frmcfc Q MmmliCfliua Q Master* b SfwU Contact: LMmly of CaMomla iMto Barbara. CA M1M-3010 or ptMSM (MS) nS-2047