Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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    Spring break provides chance to hit fishing spots
By Erick Studenicka
EmetatO Sports Reporter
Some students will spend
spring break in search of the* |>or
fect benc h or porfoc t snow con
ditions. For those students who
wish to spend the break search
ing for the perfw t fish, here are
some Oregon fishing essentials
to know before casting your line
in the water.
First and foremost, everyone
more than 14 years of age must
have u fishing license to fish in
Oregon. A one-day lie ense costs
Sri and an annual license costs
$12. If you will be fishing for
salmon, you will also need a
salmon stamp, which runs $H
Also, not all of Oregon's
waterways are open to trout
fishing at this time of year Near
Eugene, the only river that is
currently open lor trout fishing
is the lower McKenzie River. All
fish caught in the McKenzie
must he returned to the water on
the "catch-and-roleas«" system
For those willing to drive two
hours, the Metolius River, near
Sisters, offers excellent fly fish
ing for wild rainbow, brown and
hull trout.
Despite the lack of local river
fishing, there are many opportu
nities for trout fishing in local
lakes and reservoirs.
Hob Spell cor, a fishing guide
on the McKenzie, recommended
several lakes for springtime fish
"I'd tell someone to go to the
Cascade reservoirs and lakes."
Spencer said. "Doreno Reservoir
and Cougar Like both have good
trout fishing, and they're only
about 2(1 mile* from Eugene."
For someone in search of tro
phy-size fish. Spencer said the
winter steelhead aeeaon will nin
through March. In order to (.atch
a steelhead. though, one must
have a lot of patience and mon
"The steelhead is one of the
most difficult fish to catch.”
Spencer said "They’re always
on the move, so (he chance of
catching one in one given day is
not good ”
Spencer said the average cost
of n guide on Oregon's prime
steelhead rivers, the Umpqua
and Santiam. was about $200 a
"That price includes all of the
needed equipment," Spencer
said, "but you still need your
license "
I-or the angler in senrc h of
The steelhead is one of the most difficult
fish to catch. They’re always on the
move, so the chance of catching one in
one given day is not good/
— Bob Spencer,
McKenzie River fishing guide
quantity anti not quality. Joy
Haynes of Chuck's Rod anti Reel
Service recommended fishing
forcrappie and catfish in local
"People have lieen coming in
saying they've caught a lot of
crappie and catfish out at Fern
Ridge Reservoir,” Haynes said
"Someone even said they had
been catching fish at the Delta
Ponds bv the Valley River ('en
Even those people who find
fishing with a rod and reel too
complex have the opportunity
to catch fish in Oregon. If you
hurry, you can still find smelt in
the coastal rivers near Portland.
Don’t waste your time casting
for smelt: just dip your net into
the water to catch these her
ring—like fish. If you are lucky,
you may he able to catch your
20-pound limit in one swoop of
vour net.
Continued from Page 8
In other words, h« missed
The crowd roared in disbelief.
Williams landed on the < uurt with a look
that said Cun things get any worse7
At the time of the blown dunk, there
were seven minutes left in the first half,
Oregon had a mere five points, and the
Heavers had rendered the Mat; Court
i rowd silent while threatening to blow
the game wide open.
Williams could hate done a simple
two-handed dunk, or even gist laid it in.
Instead, he saw an opportunity to give
Dm k fans something to get jacked up
about, and he was going to give them
their money’s worth
If ho would hove boon successful on
the dunk, ii would have been one of the
prettiest jams in roi out Oregon history.
Unfortunately, tt will go down as one
of the biggest blunders.
After sitting through the whole miser
able performance. I was on my way dow n
to the press room and overheard a fan
say. If I was Orlando, I wouldn't oven
w ant to show my face on campus Mon
(iivo me a break, smart guy
This ''fan" obviously has been in a (eve
lor most of the basketball season.
It s beyond me how someone can
blame an Oregon player for trying to put
some i'e ilement in tins basketball pro
gram. which has struggled so badly for
the past two years
This "fan" also must have forgotten the
other 17 shots Oregon missed in that hor
ri«i first half.
Alter one of the Ducks’ first games this
year. Green said his players could be as
fancy ns they wanted ns long as it pro
du« ed positive results, but if they failed
because of their showboating, they would
Ire Irenched.
Well. Williams showboated, missed ...
and stayed in the gurne.
But how could Green be expected to
take out a player for missing a shot when
Ins team had already missed 15 of 17
shots before that?
Green has had a season with this team,
ami Williams has proven to lie one of his
most consistently positive players on and
off the court. Ho could have benched
Williams, and some people will argue
that he should have
But if you're a true Duck basketball fan
who has attended a fair share of Oregon
games this year, you know not to blame
Green for leaving him in the game. You
also know not to feel sorry for Williams
or question whether he'll lie able to show
his face on campus.
Williams. Green and the entire Oregon
basketball program will have other oppor
The one thing that can be said of the
missed dunk Saturday is that it runs
directly parallel with Oregon's first sea
son under coach Green.
Both were good ideas that didn't quite
work this time.
Dave Charhonneau is the sports editor
of the Emerald.
Oregon Daily Emerald
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