OSU women complete sweep over Ducks By Erick Studenicka Emerald Sports Reporter The Oregon Static women's tvts kethall team defeated Oregon Fri day night 66-56, giving the Beavers their first season series sweep of the Ducks since 1983. The Beaver win also broke a string of seven consecutive con ference wins for the Ducks at Cor vallis' Gill Coliseum. The loss dropped Oregon into a l>«» with Washington State for last place in the Pocific-10 con fere m e with a 3-13 record. Oregon played well defensive ly at the beginning of the game, forcing the Beavers to go more than three minutes before record ing a field goal Unfortunately, the Ducks were in the midst of a scoring drought of their own and had only gained a three-point lead Turnovers contributed to Ore gon’s demise. following a season long trend Oregon finished the night with 27 turnovers, and Ore gun Stale finished with only 13 Because of the turnovers, the Beavers recorded 20 more field goal attempts than the Ducks. Seniofcguard Peggy Sw.ulener said some poor mental ills istons contributed to the high number of Oregon turnovers "We weren't mentally 'on' when vve came out to play. Swadvnwr said "They denied us the (mil and didn't allow us to fxis ute It was an ugly name, and we didn't play welt." Swadener said the team was more com erned with getting a win than ss 11it extending the team's streak at (.ill Coliseum Karen Healea finished the game as the top Oregon scorer with M points, and Debbie Spon.ich led all players with her to rebounds. SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES Scales Chemicals Lab Equipment 9-6 Mon-Frl • 10-5 Sat 726-9176 1124 Main St. Prepare Your Car For Spring Road Trips! 1917 Franklin Blvd. ^ 485-8226 close to campus Springbreak Swimwear Sp&&do • Raisins • Citrus ATHLETIC Parking Sunday 11-6 Mon thru Ffi 9:30-6 00 94 West Broadway • Eugene, Oregon • 343-1288 Downtown Eugene .. —— 0 We'll Pay You 60% or THE NEW STUDENT PRICE For Books We Need Tor Spring Term! ; :r.■. At our Main store Mar 10 - 20 M-F 7:45-6, Sal 10-5 EMU Locatiore Mar 15 8:30 - 5:30 luijHidilitiuiiuHuiilUutiiiiii Mar 19 8:30 - 3:30 I' •I I , . «!‘rf JI RfilHjimnsiHsU:; !.. , ... Dally Drawl Ml;??.;,.. lIlligSBBiMiilliBlilsrWB^^^M Donated by Nebraska Book Company to help with your spring term expenses. . il: Hiiiii::::::: rr:t:; irit : 11 : r : i'lhlliili inpllH r*