New appointees are not so diverse, analysis shows NATIONAL VV ASH I N (; T O N (AP) D e s p i t « efforts to create a government that "looks like America." President Bill Clin ton's earliest appointments are predominantly middle-aged and male — and not much more racially diverse than the Bush administration, an Associated Press analysis shows To considerable fanfure. (din ton appointed a broad mix of men. women and minorities to his Cabinet — the top 1H appointees But his first wave of sub-Cabinet and White Mouse appointin'* is not so diverse In fas t. thi' group as a wholu looks quito a lot likti the president A third are fellow Ivy League graduates, and 36 percent are fellow lawyers At least nine share an even rarer academic distinction with Clinton — they're Rhodes scholars ()l the first 1" White House staffers and sub-Cabinet appointments announced so far • Light-six pen ent are while, I t percent are black, and just one person is Of the group. 4 percent are His panic According to loot) Cen sus figures, HO percent of Amer icans are white. •Nearly two-thirds are men America’s population is split evenly betwwm the sexes •The average age of an appointee ts 4 r» wars, to months. More than half of Clinton s appointees so far, the Cabinet included, are white men ;15 and older. The Clinton administration record so far is only slightly more diverse than his Kepuhli i an predecessor. Neat the end of the Hush administration, in Sep tember 19H2. HT port ent of the 3.402 political appointees were white and 6 peri out were blai k the Offii » of Personnel Manage men! said Pour pen ent were of Hispanic heritage. Experts search cavern to find missing worker NKVV YORK (AI ’) — Explosives experts inched deeper Into the huge, bombed-out cavern under the World 1 rude Center on Sun day. searching for a still-missing worker and more clues about the explosion. Riding on “spider scaffolding" — the kind of portable platform used by high-rise window cleaners investigators worked their wav dow n the sides of the cavern, diet king the jagged edges of blown-out concrete floors for evidence The investigators had yet to reach the sub-basement level where much of the rubble collapsed after the bomb went off in an under ground garage Keb. i!(>, killing five people As investigators looked for i lues, police dogs sniffed through sub terranean debris for a trace of missing building employee U dfrudo Mercado, who is believed to have also died in the blast. Charles Maikish. director of the center, said some reconstrui lion work had been delayed "to put finality on that particular issue out of sensi tivity to the family.” So far only one man is accused in the bombing that roi ked the Trade Center's 11(1 storv twin towers Mohammed Salameh. ~r>. was arrested Thursday night and is lieing held without hail Investigators say Salameh rented the van that held the bomb. Chemicals and bomb parts found in a storage lot ker in New Jersey were sent to Fort »ix. N I for study. hut federal bureau of Alt ohol. Tobacco and Firearms spokesman John O Brien said ho didn t know the results ol the tests Bust lands 700 pounds of cocaine BURNS lAt*) I'hree Californians were in jail Sunday nfI**r authorities made what lhf*y believe was one ul tins largest drug seizures in Oregon histo ry. An estimated 700 pounds nl i.o< nine wore seized Kridav evening after n rental van was stopped for a routine traffii viola tion on Highway U() Authorities seart lied the van and found eoiame hidden in the vehu le s wall panels The < in ante lias an esti mated street value of between $10 million and $15 million dollars, authorities said In September 1 **M. l»<> s>en i>n( of tin* Reagan administration's political appointees were white .mil 5 percent were him k lust J percent had Ihspunii roots Clinton can fill about l.OOi) |ohs through appointments Ihe posts he has filled so far. how ever, are the government s pri tnarv powi*r broker* — (.abiiint s«>t rotaries. their deputy and assistant set return's, agency administrators and While Mouse deputies During last year's < ampaign. Clinton said he planned "to give you an administration that looks tike America " U3 W4t 720 Eat» 1 Jlh Av* . n lh* UWv»«ity C»rt*i Raiding 10 00 * 00 Won In lOOOiJOVol 1)00-6 Whin FREE PARKING! 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I ■ -m l. • u 4. > l,UJL> V U Ik v I l. I It Ml 111 \ 'k I \ \\ k/'t. fl|N 11 MII.IIK , I. H» II. I V N Ilk ’\ v I ' 11u 1 11 • 11.11 III -k 'I \ him pll.'k* r. i j »| i \ .Hi k.lh .1(1 III I. •! \ . * .»l. • ' liU Ml v Iil I. i n ill CASH FOR BOOKS monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00 two locations QUALITY USED TEXTBOOKS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LINFIELD COLLEGE LAYAWAY NEXT TERMS BOOKS no money down bring your author, title, and edition find your books - pay by January 9 Smith Family Bookstore textbook and general bookstore (across from Sacred Heart Hospital - near the U of O campus) 768 East 13th Avenue 345-1651 general books (across from the post office near the Hilton/Hult Center) 525 Willamette Street 343-4717 textbooks may be sold at either store monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00