fWUNDERLANC 5*VK)€0 GAMES Mh STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 f V.- VIDEO ADVENTURE ^ VALUV WVtf» f»lA2A ^yyyuuugw •■'m»? ’ I We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes (totaling * Stare 2705 Willamette Street 344-3106 COMMUNITY Science center offers bridal budget bliss By Rivers Janssen (f cwooai Editor The Springfield Creative1 Mmd S ience Center doesn't go out of ns wav to (itiro«,! attention. Housed in an ordinary storefront, it sits m*xl to a s|K»rts < nrd shop There is no huge sign above the iimlrimg. no tinsel toattract alien lion Only one thing divulges the center's main purpose u spray (tainted sign next to the door that sav* "Wedding Chafed Rochelle and Jeff Richey were the lucky ones Saturday I eh 27 More tlian 50 guests showed up for the Richeys' wedding, some came in formal attire, and others dressed m blue jeans and Nikes A couple of friends set up the •lento that ptayedthe wooding march and made sure the tape was fully rewound The i**st man looked calm lie waited for the i eremonv to start I mi fore taking off his sunglasses In the hour leading up to the wedding. Rev Joan Mawhirter was the busiest person m the i Itapel She ran i in tes around tlie guests, making sure every • thing was perfect —- from the food for the reception to the light irig at the altar Mawhirter is the only full-time employee, although helpers drop by sometimes She was too busy to don her lilui k robe until just a minute Indore the i eremonv Finally , at 2 24 p m Ro< helle and |eff were pronounced man and wife Mawhirter runs the Springfield chape! as an affordable al ternative to high-priced churt h weddings At only $50 to $75. a couple can get married in the presence of up to UK) guests As Mawhirter says, a couple My pfK#0 Rev. Joan Mawhlrter conducts the wedding as Rochelle and Jett Richey exchange vows during their Feb 27 ceremony. ■ an have the ambient.** of a real wedding (unlike courthouse nup tials) w 11limit mortgaging their house And (hm ause it 's the only chapel of its kind in the Eugene Springfield area an increasing number of people are taking advantage Since opening the i hapel in November, Mawhirter said she's married uIkiuI 40 to 4ri couples, ini hiding 10 during the Valen tine's Day weekend. On busy davs. like Valentine s Day or bist er. weddings can tie scheduied .is i lose as an hour apart However, she won't book them any c loser than a half-hour Her t tiajieI has been iwceiv mg morn attention since a New Year's feature in Thtr ffegister Guard, and has attriu ted wide spread attention from other me dia. including coverage in lieuspa|Kirs from Seattle and Sail I'ram isco. Mawhirter said thechnpu! has another 40 weddings lined up from now until Septemlwr |efi and Rochelle were attracted to the chapel Ihs nose of the low price After a nearly four-year engagement, they decided to use the hulk of their money for the honeymoon rather than the wed ding "This is ni« e because it 's af fordable and pretty at the same time, |**ii sato On a stag** on one side of the chapel with ribbons decorating the wall behind it, the couple gets married Sitting over to one side is an organ — it costs an extra $20 to use - and in the back is a three-foot fountain, with water cascading into a small pool at the Iwise Although most couples go to the chapel to get marrjed. Mawhirter isn't tied down to in house weddings. She will travel to other people's houses or gar dens if they ask. provided it's within reason. "I don't know that I'd go to a tavern on Saturday night," she said "That might lie too risky " Mawhirter also conducts Sun day servit es for those who follow religious science, adding to her responsibilities on wedding days. She doesn't usually, however, im hide denominations in the cer emonies. That's Ixicause alxmt 50 percent ol the couples come to her * Impel because churches won’t marry them, she said. Those individuals often are from different religions or have had children out of wedlock. Whatever the problem. Mawhirter takes care of them. "I don't worn about things like that." she said "My ceremonies are more spiritual than religious " Mawhirter's low -key approach to weddings has provided for some memorable moments. She once had to stop rnidwav through a garden wedding to put out a fire a guest had accidentally started. Mawhirter's had a few in stances where the bride didn't show up. During one ring ex i hunge. she was given five rings by the groom. "I told him he was going to have to pick one." she said COMMUNITY UPDATE Clay, paintings exhibit to open Ttu* Springfield Museum w ill feature Mex u on-style i lay masks, potters and paintings commemorating the 17th-century Salem witch hunts in a combined exhibit (.ailed "From the Center." on display through April .1 at the Springfield Museum. 590 Main St The clay masks and pottery are by Lynda lasso-Thomas, and the paintings are by fa net McLaughlin A public, reception for the artists is si heduled from 7 to 'I p.m today at the museum. "lasso Thomas lias done extensive research on the Mi-vk aii tradition of masks made for religious and other i ereinonies." said Kathy fensen. museum director. "And Mi 1. a ugh lin's paintings, whit h commemorated lust year's 30<)th anniversary of the Salem witch craft trials, are a powerful reminder of the power of fear and prejudice." Although admission is free, a $1 donation is suggested for adults The museum is open from 10 a m. to 4 p in Wednesday through Friday and noon to 4 p in. Saturdays Celebration seeks designers Graphic designers and design teams are invited to submit portfolios of samples of their work for consideration in the selection of the designer for the 199.1 Eugene Celebration poster iirui ancillary graphic design services. The poster should convey the tone and breadth of this event and is the basic graph i< design front which other products, such as T-shirts and pins, are developed. Portfolios will Ih- accepted Friday. March 19 from H a m to f> p.m. in the administrative offices of the Eugene Public Library. Recre ation and Cultural Services Department at 22 VV 7th Ave For more information, call 687 52 IS. I ' ? f r ' ^ Would you like to know your , cholesterol number? A FREE CHOLESTEROL SCREENING Held on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30 * Check in at the Health Education Office ^ in the Student Health Center. Ple*m bring SUHrx 10 y r For more information call MS-4456 n Spamm) by iht Pfnnng Pngnm. Sturm* NmI» Cut* 1 J A A A k. k k 1 SPRINGFIELD SMOKE SHOP Tobacco • Pipes • Lighters • Incense • Knives • Gifts • Candy 1124 Mam St.. SpnngfieW. OR 97477 503-747-8529 HnvSa IM Sun 124 800-782-9495 COSTS ARE UP! Let J-Mar Biological Plasma Donor Center help with your tuition. By donating plasma, you cam $20" for your first donation, over SI20 per month, and help save a life at the same time. Open Monday-Saturday. Call 683-9430 for more information. 1901 W. 8th Avc. Eugene S« _ •! • Great Food • Relaxing Atmosphere • Affordable Prices 19th A Agate • 683-6661