Republicans wish to dispel view By John Higgins Emerald Contributor 'Hie loud present** of the Oregon Citizens Alliance in con servo! ive politics has created an image prob lem for the Republican Party in Oregon. Many Republicans would rather focus voter atten tion on issues such as maintaining a strong military and cutting taxes rather than on stopping gay rights For example, the state Republican Party teamed up with state Democrats lost fall to oppose the OCA's anti-gav righls Ballot Measure 9 Like the state party. two Republican groups active at the University are trying to project a more mod erate image. The local chapter of College Republicans copes with the problem by simply avoiding controversial six:inl issues that may divide its broad range of mem bers. The recently formed Republicans for All Amer icans hopes to unify the party under more moder ate guidelines by attracting people from the cen ter of the political spectrum and opposing extreme conservatives in the party College Republicans is a club that lias represented the Republican Party on campuses for more than 100 years. Like the state party, the group voted not to endorse Measure9. But the group's president. Kim Kerbs, said the vote did not represent an endorsement of civil rights for homosexuals. "There were people who felt very strongly that a measure like this should he passed," Kerbs said, "hut at the same time they felt very strongly that Measure 9 was had law." Bv keeping the debate out of the moral sphere. Kerbs said she hoped to avoid alienating the group's more socially conservative meinliers. The group did not advertise the vote at recruit ment tables, and the issue rarely came up in meet ings. College Republicans increased its membership from four members before the election to about 30. an unusually high number for a campus chapter Though the group attracted some people because of the stand against Measure 9, most of its members joined after the election. Kerbs said the group is successful mainly because it has solid organization and increased visibility on campus. Kerbs has tried to avoid single-issue crusades either for or against gay rights, arguing that the group must represent all Republicans, including those opposed to gay rights. However, many Republic ans believe that strident opposition to gay rights will hurt the growth of the party in the long run. Last hill. Jeff Osanka. a recent University gradu *Only by standing against the radical right can we hope to persuade people.’ Jeff Osanka, founder of Republicans for AH Americans alt*, formed Republicans No on 9. which t hanged its name to Republicans for All A murium.s after the election Throughout the elet tion campaign, his group set up information tables around campus advertising its opposition to Measure f) Ile said the group < ol I acted about 70 signatures of people interested in joining. Non-Republit ans w ho i ante to (Kmka s table fre quently assumed that all Republicans supported Measure and were surprised to find mans did not He hoped to i winter that assumption and [lersuade conservative Democrats and Independents to become Republicans "Only b\ standing against the radical right can we hope to persuade people," Osanka said "Main people on tilis campus are Republican* in phi to* ophv They simply don't want to assoc iate them selves with some of the national figures they’ve seen." Oregon Commentator Publisher Kd Carson was one of the memliers who joined Repuhlu ans for All Americans after seeing Osanka s table before the election Carson said he was attrnt ted to Osanka s group betause be saw it was possible to fa* a Republican and support giy rights at the same tune . Although a former Democrat and Independent, after joining Osanka's group, ("arson bet aim* a Republic an. Carson is not a member of College Republicans, but there is some overlap in memiiership fietwern the two organizations. Though both groups want to appear more moderate, they disagree aliout how to reach tins goal. For example. Kerbs questions whether the for mer Republicans No on 0 should have called them selves Republic ans lx*c ause she considered Mea sure n to fa* a non-partisan issue ■'ll does the same thing as the OCA trying to put out the image that all Republicans an* yes on nine. Kerbs said "It splits the party, and I think it's bad for the health of the party in the state Members of Republic ans for All Americ ans like Carson want to help shape the party of the future They scat College Republic ans as more of a soc nil club that represents the party as it is "They're not trying themselves to he an element of change," Carson said Spring Break low Air Fares! HOLIDAYS ABROAD | 2850 Willamette • 484-7373 | (BIKES! SPRING! 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