210 HELP WANTED tacrarton. lAHiarriana Par* M HaCTMfUon D>S»C1 MAh* Summar Day Camp Outdoor Coon*ator», &?' Vi. kktm» saining poor lo 8V' Agpftcahont * Mamonai BkJg, ?66 * Si. Sprmglwto 8 Spm. Mon Fn Appkcaton deadbna a*. 1993 EOf Satartda la hiring tor 1 po*t up apptrcatwns and GO ame m auita 3 FMU Closing data <% March 8.4pm fOe.AA Now accepting applications for RIM Softball A Soccer Ofttoats Pay range $4 75 S6 OO/tv. previous officiating experience dewed but not required. framing sessions provid ed inquire ai 103 Gertmger or call 346-4113 WANT TO EARN MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE UO SUMMf n DESK ASSISTANT Announong 6 Oesfc Assistant positions with University Moutmg You can earn between $6.20 $5 6!Vhr Ten to fourteen wen* potions available Quafftcatfortt On* y-ear office e*p or equivalent and registered UO student during Spnng term Area des* typing and data entry ®*p «s racommartdad f or more information cafi 34t> 4277 Position Description and Application available at University Housing, Wart on Comp#©* located at l$tft Ave and Agate St Application deadline •* noon Aprs 2 1993 EARN VALUABLE JOB EXPERIENCE EOELAA employer committed to cultural diversity_ NEAR CAMPUS 2 bedroom bouse. $40G 4 bedroom bouse. $650 343 90 ft ?25 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartments Furnished 1A2 Bedrooms Winter rates *375*52$ 485-2823 Large furnished one bedroom un«t near muse b*dg. $380 CaS after 2pm. Ridgewood Apts 666-5769 PTS DUPLEXES Mr*. Chaaa VAags unga Oarm. pt. *»!» taut' A«Mat*» Spring N«t flro a» 4»« ?<»■• __ PROSPECT PARK i bedroom apartment aval now qua* country atmosphere wrCOnvemant city location, other >Hb'H mckrda pool tennssbasketbad cts. >ec room and playground, "OW PW JW» and Cham txr» 4ft* 6S63 •67 Panarson f it*a ‘Out -./■! and n«a t bdrm. pabo !aund>y, park •n) *320 pA*s dec Mr£Ma BET7En*pnOPtRrr MANAGEMENT AvaAabM now. room m rustonc 11 baekoom bouse. S?*(Vmo. laaaa iesa man Mock kom campus jW pax) ALSO AVANXHE 1 room m 3 bedroom Apartment Asa About summer rales Carl 461-0199 Q' 346-062* Sparkling claan. bright, larga studio Covarad parking Laundry fac tlirtas Great location IkiS Studio now available 76$ E 16th Cloaa to campus S2M • dapout JA&-609I Redwood Park Apts. Quirt. Country Living With City Convrmrtu r Unfurniahrd 1 Bdrm S4«5, (starting Nor 1) tOW Utilities On BuSlmr Equipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Park A Playground Laundry Facilities Also Furnished Suites Studio, t A 2 B R $600 to $075 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed. Bath A Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 4845775 FojftOT vUlLAG p _ATAAiMLHIS _ ... *-/ (Uijny ll»r beauty « wood* ami £ wildlife In iupef fkw* plan £ 2 BDKM, I V.BAI II > '495 A ‘SlS/monlh r • Rut in ca;> v»« f • Swimimny fNol • Weigfji/1 itne.it Room • Saunas S.L Eutim (UmU A >«ihaU«»)L 1L» in 687-1318 mnn/umn ::5APTS DUPLEXES Two bedroom apt ipturn NfW carpft. enodpwt rramijfcndfc. part, and more to UO **c toe* ton. iao«dry S500. ««• 4*5 B197 1 txtrm, $406 2 t#»m Laundry parA-ng. eecunty oca* to cypa 464 9922 __ TN* Cottegcen ipm ftrxJ AAdar. upacaNrd Undent Mr *■*0 -vtodnc meal •ennce. app*y to* sptmq So-tgsa __ CEDARWOOD QUADS «4i E im Ptivaia nxm*. *U Utilities PAK) on »■(• taun&y (V*«H '*« *'0»n tt» CM ft“ar * 6m> out/ Jennings* Co 1190 W 11 Pi ft Ddrm Nx;»*. 3 tw» 2 *4cf*m* lenced A chama $i*»S0 (Caw dhnda) 2917 Sp*»ng Bled 3 bdrm hoo*e 2 betha. hardwood ftoort. ft?apace. dec* ^age 190 C 24lfi Ave 2 bedroom apt m boadng Laundry. $400 195 t 24th Avt ? bedroom apt laundry $400 $34 t 14m A«r 2 bedroom apt Laundry $4M •ncfudee as ut^f*w 1944 Harm Street 2 bedroom *n amaP bu<**ng near campua laundry $450 2919 Mclfctian 2 bedroom triplex Fireptac# Feet* ‘•Me a home 2 w** *•* we*t ’ W • am **ft» $5 * 5 2799 0*4 Street 2 bedrooms. saundry $426 No pett allowed Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATf StVftO 1130 ■40 QUADS 1 TiO MIL YARD W fort* shed quads Pf»val* Entrance E sotiiftt location Share fcw*fMulcfv»rt S?09 • dap fieaf t:state Northwest/4t »tj04 245 ROOMS Nica furnished rooms UW*»e*. au* dry non srr-oh.*^j S^SO ♦ dap fo#e*0n students 4fci 46/3 PtMSant KouM n SW f ugenc eonv toe. bus twfco to campus non *moh»ng. $200tmo Can 484 t«73 45 ROOMS Fern grad non ®r»K*er. no peti %0*k* i>**t k* tpTH*Q tarm dot* iQCMmpwt 6«6 *>?»# ‘v* m*g 255 ROOMMATES WANTED FiwUi tooting *a* »owwnat* tor 4 bedroom HtXrtwr CWI 'ocm entr> * vwm eva»Me«e C*IW4J23 MM* ttudenl mmmi roommate. $&&mo pkif dep Cti «or dttftf* P» ter MZ4&V _ _ Returning from South America need roommala tor Spring term Cat A** at /VMW Spring term rental *Hare Horne through Juty r*> loxtiung, ne«t to fw n*r*t »y» $^50 34S SW_ S btocM from cemput vt'atn .’ bOCJrm apt tor »prrfwj term. $?&> SO 0tu» u« free c.tfwe par%«!S3 275 ELECTIONS ! Candidates Election j Packets are now avail able In Suite 4, EMU j ; Anyone Interested in running for a Student I Government Office for! the 1993*94 school year should come by and pick I one up._I 290 CAMPUS EVENTS WNwi *1 YOU fw%t tunpert inter SfXton* I A SyAtpCNtium Apr* 'fi t/ 1^3 UftrOffttiy ot Oregon 29S ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 ••COUNT HOMN W« U ** t» 1111*11 ■i—i i —turn tmi—< wrq ^ • rAfiiuRHiSMMrL •***#, ’- ,«. »»» V 4 * MOMMA TOP «M « ACiMMT A* wrnwn mmr mcrum, Mir actcm « TllEdfiVW^AMK MM *r «u wsusr] VANGOGH i Try 4SI( 17- nTTr^, Mijn1 .BROTHER S I r «•«Mlf It M itt 1 THE LQVER. MAi4*trW N.tMtr lOMiWWl malc6lm x OFF LINE by Rick Ball UNWILLING TO PARTICIPATE ANY L0N6ER IN THE "RAT RACE," Li.IZAdE.TH DECIDES TO FOLL OW HER DREAM. I SHALL COMMUNE WITH m LEVIATHAN BRETHREN. HI Hl/SIC SHALL fuSE OUHs SOULS. ^ %r) TNB FAR SIOC By GARY LARSON Several more deaths have been reported in the neck area, and although the authorities won t comment, residents are blaming the new collar Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson >(ou certmnu TWt PlEAVJftE OJT OF WAITING TOG DAFTOOU.S % 3i5 COUNSELING PRO® If MS? CM Uo*) 0«»«* 1*hp tor .v>on»»TXH/» CP*4 cou^s^ng and a ?*pm M » . « 4 fiovf* «w»*»amJ* 346 M0> 3jc SERVICES Unptarmad p* agnarv: y? tUMTM NIGHT « piacfl to c**« f 4*»y datoctHjr Somaon# to (aft to Pwrtorai t: SIN TAXIS THtngHX IfVIf 'jAT TUt JQOHt VMt ■ THAT* HJHAT h(Al TH CAM RffUftilffSAU (*Tf KWN 4CT vTV/a*'. nit* V /MV«i MW NOT!4* /W if>’> •V • MOTH AH rfttf>cr bu a v> A7 iWVirt HfAlftUWt ' i IT ' ■ •' IT'S A QUESTION THAT RAJOON', U SIN HPUSTKY •/', mi soon m I m m ’ \ CAPMk mu COf&JlK*s \ TOAMfSMJC t Kr«. Kk thorl SClMf away lha %nom 12 f MranQa 14 CaMotnta c#y 15 L*a naw 14 Safan't *m1a 17 Seal* afcbt 19 Abv>H/1«»y 20 Maaican maal 23 WirtirwMl Manning 24 Vafy murh 25 Mou*k»n 29 'iUnrfai 29 A iffwn 00/ 30 I Ha fluff ham* J»»a mad* of? 32 5vqq*%\ »ng Poa 34 *»»nga» Pafli , 35 'OB VIP w»*a» 30 Mod chemical compound 17 Tomboy 40 Do a you* •elect need 41 Diary ol_ Houte w4m' 41 Guaidt 47 One o4 an annual quartet 41 Ad|ectwe lot tome lownt ot tleqhl 44 Geneal ogy chart SO f teth il Bud uuwn 1 Plrfcla hotriai I Stout raiatkm 1 V«tv« 4 A/dam • Daytona antrlat I Oavowad 7 Jutt to to • Sotamn promita • lytMCl lone tO Gaitiato t pal 11 lin rltackad UPpn pmntt 10 Mem 70 Angul t Solution llmo 11 mint nMudrjl oondu •Ion 73 Mr, Monltona band H I ha onganal Sogai nay HM ana oI Ihota Ihingi I/Paitlay otxnpan nn ItPaddonk pm am It Saa. in CacOa 11 Hug tandai ty 14 Cullonw 30 Joining 37 S«*ofd Manilla 31 Shai4 ut 3* ( NV pla« • 40 llarog 43 Away WSW 44 Oandaf 45 Ob*ola« rail tuffti 40 Man In r