Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 1 IS YOUR 'V THIS 'd MONTH? y. V If It is, the Oregon Daily Kmerald Classifieds has a special birthday gift for you! Just brill# in proof of your birthdate to the Emerald office, Rin. 300 EMU to receive 1 FREE classified ad (up to 20 words). 1 ad per customer please. ioo BiRTHOAY GREETINGS Irian Mill is Ml) II! S*y Sully and Molly and hello to (iUldl'tl Hintub) I *m- Moil, ad Ifdi idj GREEK HAPPENINGS Sharon Lewis 1orn>e«*y 0> UO and OtMB. «hwe are you? We K>»t tout*' loo tong ago H you «e Soar on. o> Know how lo got a hold ol no. have her note lo Siephan.# W the toeawmg aU«i 8314 Green wood Aye H. SuAe 6. Seattle. WA #8103 'Atemonee 0> Sun«hme end Moonfcghl are no) enough * TYPING UNLIMITED «d ~ Sarvrng UO area atnoa 1901 -1010 k Twa Npenk Uear AiMag 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCESSING oe«iKJ*e tenon. 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Sm 160 S200 NW A* low lr*n*f #*»* MMdto> to) SiSOobo. «p 4I73.U3 DtoH M» «»AI« I C'l-ASHJFIED BOOKS J ATTN. S^vKkr.u *4»U Wrt Kc»c?ier* ftwAtfi Wnvrn ✓( aUrfory Vfrt H CAM-I*UI CONNKCTION! Orvfnn Dmtiy ImrrmM 346 4343 ?05 OPPORTUNITIES FREE MONEY TON STUDENTS' found*®*! and Govammant gram avKuru- MU l IONS Of OCX LAR5 90 undarmad aacti yaar' Amanng iaco*d ad massaga >avaau datum Ga» (208) T34I922 Fn H4to FREE Into SpaaAara Iwraau Training Mar 13 « 14 Harp wop It* spraad « HIV ttop mcraaaa community awivanass Into tauna or Doug. 3*2 5088 Survival Can Mr GocoorcSnalor poa» lion open. Spring larm and Wtot. must Da U ol O to* tana Nodart 346 43*6 or Floppy EMU SuAa 1 to ®to WANTED drummar and gurlarwl tor band. mltoanca* Wimasnaka, Graal WMaK.SS Can Mat 3468212_ WOMEN SOCCER BLAYERS com paMva woman't C*y Mania »ooc*< laam aaahs GOALKEEPERS tor spring saaaon CaS Wandy M 66? 9589 210 HELP WiNTEO YWCA has a poadon opan tor Admin Aid apply * ASUO oKtoa by 3/'CY93 AA/EOE For mora ®lo ta» «8S 6S92 EARN HMD WEEKLY mwhng Oo> c* ouarV Bag® NCVT FREE patoan SEYS Dapl 249 Bo. 4000 Cordova. IN 380184000 __ GRADUATING? Wa ara living looking tor mohvalad n dtnduaM maraWad m bacommg pan ol a growing anwonmam and naaUti co Ca* 4646? 75*2 CLASSIFIED AO SALES MANAGER Raspunstoia to. ai cMawdao ad wwa» promobona and managamani ol. iaaw hail ad oilica a-twha* to da*y now* papa> Raquves n^Uy orgarwad. wilt mouvalad individual who pay* attention to amt*, accuracy and p*acas a mgn pnoray on customer tannC* Computar thins e«.«onl«h Sara* newspaper ««p» none* vaiuatha Baia pay plus com mission imn.achal* opening Contact General Manager. Oregon Oni'y f mar aid. RO Bo« 3159 tugena. OR 9T403 2:1 OPPORTUNITIES M Places Witt President Brand aa April Fool’s lay Pick up applications ah EMU Tables March 1-5 140 Hendricks Hall President's Office Sponsored fey SURC and the President's Office Today is the final day to turn in applications for Spring Rush. Applications will still be available at Suite 5 in the EMU. Remember, the final days to apply for Spring Rush are approaching so don’t delay and apply now! :i:smElp i'i-T Cruts* Una Entry »v* on boanSTandatd* Potations avalt sum m^.ywr foun) gll ME'iM Ccvds* Ship* Now Mirth* ■ Earn SSOOOWmonth »wond travel '.Hawaii. Mauco. the Cvttmar. nc! Monday Summer and Cl tv amptoymant avalacm No espanenc* necessary fw program can 1 206-634 0*68 eit C6069_ Desktop Publishing Kmko's 4 *• pandmg out OTP siaft H you have to* *ac*4*nt communication, strong com putar skids. and dasrgn background noadad to ptuvrda our high lava* 0* Customar strata and quanty produc twn, than wa would Ska to consider you .n a candidate to« ou' DTP loam Re 0u“»* previous paoa layoul. graphics MAC wid IBM PC aipananca Must nave ospananca with a lul array ol OTP sohware applications Fun km# With oar>**»» Submil appkcafcon. re lume. cover toner, and on* design sample to Kinko a. OTP Dap*. 1266 W.itamen* Oaadbn* 4 Tue. Mar 9 No casts please Mow accepting applications lor RIM ScftbaH & Soccer Officials Pay rang# $4 75 SS.OQ/tv. previous officiating experience desired but no) required training sessions provid ed Inquire at 103 Gerttnger or cal 346-4113. _ Student Recycling Program Recycling Assistants Dunes Monitor paper, glass 4 plae tic tuns, tort paper weakly prekup oI paper and plastics at dormitory com pities Housing oltica. tarruly hous ing. greet housing and cooperatives, response** tor special protects. > * tabling, recycling presentations, trash audit Must have divert keens* and tood record Need lo have ai least a Otoe* o< 2 hours iree to dnve true* between me times ft 30 AM and 5 30 PM Qwerty supervised by the Stu dent Recycling Coordnator 2 poet dons available SALARY: 3 month position, wth posses* summer open nqa. 8 hourViinte*. Whom Apples tons and rob deacnptmna cen be ot> tamed horn the ASUO. Suite 4. EMU Deedkne lor application* is /leones day, March i0. 100 PM The ASUO it an Alternative AcborvEcarte Oppor lunity Employer Women People ot Color lesbians and Gays. People with OsataMre*. end peopte ol aft ages, ethne. rehgeus. poetical, man tal brserual and veteran status art encouraged to apply App*canla must b* students o» the Unrvemty Ol Oregon _ ff no HELP WANTED ;t; HELP WANTED Satertde 1* Wring tor 2 po*4x>n» Sft pend Admin***,-*® Assistant and a Work Study Ospalcfter pc* up app* cabons and rot) date «i auaa 3 EMU Closing data * Marc* 8. 5pm EOE.AA At® you outgoing. personable and looking ter a yen »at®» top1 H so. «