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IFC member Ed (..arson motioned that the Inter national Student Association budget be heard at a later dale after the committee and the ISA could not rear it a clear understanding on 11 of the group's 1.1 individual budgets Although IFC Chairman Steve Masat urged the committee to continue hearing the ISA budget, com mittee members Efrem Mehretab. Ed Carson, 7.oe Pargot and |ose Balderas all voted to suspend the budget hearing In other business Thursday, the IFC approved four student groups' 1993-94 budgets and two spe cial requests The IFC allocated a 5,1 percent increase to the Crisis Center. The Crisis Center will use the money to staff a 24 hour hot line for students in crisis, said Crisis Center Director Kimberly Balsam Averin, a nyigozine published by students in the school of Architecture and Allied Arts, received a 2 percent budget decrease Avvnu Editor Kamomi Solidum said the maga zine requested less money because il didn't use all of its money last year. Saferide received a 4.ft jierconl increase from this year's budget The ASUO Constitution Court budget remained the same as this year's The I.osbian, Gay and Bisexual Association rts oived a $2.tilt) spti ial request from the IFC sur plus fund to sponsor a film festival. I j-g.d Services received Sl.(XK) special request to increase the amount of hours attorney John David son works with students. Davidson said he now is paid for working 15 hours a week, but he usually works many more hours helping students with legal problems Incidental Fee Committee members continued to approve significant 1993-94 budget increases for student groups Monday The Black law Students' Association garnered the largest increase at Monday's IFC meeting, pick ing up Si.600. The most substantial portion of the Bl-SA budget increase • $5(H) - will fund a mentor program for African-American law, undergraduate and high school students. BLSA member Lisa Lawerence said the money will pay for supplementary course study aids and pre-law workshops Lawerence also said the mon ey would help the BLSA establish ties with African American students from local high schools. The IFC approved the Bl.SA's budget request on a 4-2 vote. Committee members Ed Carson and GROUP_1992 93 1993-94 * CHANGE Com to* Mu*cot Artl $*.535 $*.*00 3 8M<* law Stud** A**oc 1.035 1,600 ♦ 5* 6 Raaourco 8.283 6.3S* ♦ 1 amm UnMMty Pm** 2.316 3.118 *34.5 CnnCMK 14.399 15.136 * 5.1 Avanu 3.354 3585 - 2 Sa<0'y J^lPnMy Anne Wagoner voted against the increase. Before voting against the increase. Carson pro posed cutting funding for the mentor program to $.100 and suggested the BLSA limit its program to undergraduate and law students. Carson said it would be more appropriate for the undergraduate Black Student Union to mentor high school stu dents. In other hearings, the IFC voted 4-1-1 to increase the 195)3-94 budget for the Sister University Project by 34.5 percent. Carson voted against the motion, while Efrem Mehretab abstained. The Sister University Project, which is affiliated with the National University of El Salvador, seeks to educate Eugene and the University community about El Salvador and human rights abuses there, said projiM t member Ed Dorsch. Dorsch also said bis group seeks and sends mate rial aid. such as book and medical supplies, to the country, as well as student delegations. After return ing to Eugene, students present slide shows and speak to University classes about their experiences m El Salvador. While the ASUO executive committee had rec ommended $2,561 (a 7.6 percent increase from 1992-93). project members sought $3,173. saying they wanted to pay for a student from El Salvador to visit and speak to University students and class es. Committee member Lydia Lerma voiced her sup port for granting the full amount requested by the project, saying the University community needed to be informed about what's going on in El Salvador and that the project provided the information. Masat agreed with Lerma. and noted that very few student groups on campus addressed interna tional issues. In other business Monday, the IFC approved a 1 periamt increase for the Women's Resource and Referral and a 3 percent decrease for the Commit tee for Musical Arts. eview Good thru Mar 13, 1993 ALL OPEN STOCK ART BOARDS & PAPERS! ALL OPEN STOCK PRE-CUT DRAFTING SHEETS!* w° V* SELECTED X-ACTOITEMSI BALSA WOOD STICKSI HARDWOOD DOWELS! w PORTFOLIOS! ALL BALSA WOOD SHEETS! 25p/« V’ SELEC SELECTED ADHESIVES! •No roll product by the foot ••Some Restrictions apply Sobo 4oz Glue With every $10 purchase from our Final Review Sale Shaat. 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