HOW MUCH OF EUROPE WILL YOU BE MISSING BY NOT TAKING THE TRAIN? • Eurail Youth Flexfpass If you are under 26. copy unlimited tram travel through 17 countries of Europe. Any 5 days in 2 months S220 Any 10 days in 2 months Any 15 days in 2 months $474 • Eurail Youthpast 1 month 2 months $698 • Discover Austria. Czechoslovakia. Hungary, and Poland with the European East Pass. First Class from $ 16?* •Otter *v»tebW. I $t Class Eurailpasses. Saverpasses & Flexipasses are available as always from any Council Travel office Issued on-the-spot! Ask us about individual country passes for Austria. Benelux, Finland. France. Germany, Greece. Hungary. Poland. Portugal. Scandinavia. Spain, and Switzerland. In 1993. we also offer youth passes for BntFrance. Austria, and Poland Remember, passes are valid for 6 months from date of purchase. Pnces valid until December 31. 1993,