FRANCE: ST. JEAN DE LUZ & ED PAU; ITALY: TURIN: SPAIN: SAN SEBASTIAN: CHILE: SANTIAGO: AUSTRALIA Subject: Intensive Fre''< h ’ *. e •; 1 ' ‘ 1 languages, anthropology, history, economy Dates: Summer -.emestrr yi-.i' »"f Highlights: B ; i’ .r , • ’ etc University accredited programs Sponsor: USAC a (onv.i'tiurr ? 1 •* ' * Information Univr's.ty Mudir-. At)' .1 : Consortium University of Nevada. Reno NV 8‘>V>7 Te '02-784 6%9 m ISRAEL: JERUSALEM, TEL AVIV, HAIFA, BEERSHEBA Subject ir -.tuiiifS H» ! 'r A Af :• archaeology, history political science sur,,'m and more classes tn English, fully accredited Dates . • ,r'T‘f‘str' Highlights H‘ki' g r* mtm archaeotogKJI digs exposure to i w Or van ety of Cultures live with and meet students *' arocmd the work! inexpensive tuition a^ essit.»r travel to Europe Afrit .1 Asa Sponsor • •»- •••ive?s-ty Cent*" •1 A/■ ■ Information • 1101 ast 59th Street 3rd fioor Nr a * .rw NY 10022 Tei 800-27-ISRAEL of 212 339 6941 m AUSTRIA: SALZBURG ENGLAND: LONDON, OXFORD FRANCE: PARIS, BOULOURIS ITALY: ROME JAPAN: NISHINOMIYA MEXICO: XALAPA SPAIN: MADRID Subject A'! f * , . . foreign language and literature history sterna tionai finance and marketing poetic a. - »n<.r psych*.nogy religion, sociology studio art Nut courses are offered m all programs Dates fall spring semester summer Highlights )p« • ’ ; a r s ■ ' " actredited universities credits transferable Housing with families dorms or hofr*i depending on the program Group orientation and curncu -urn-related excursions Sponsor Southern Meth*'.»d«st mversity Information x ^.thern Methodist Unive'Sity ‘ X) MeFarltn Auditorium Dallas TX ' S7 5 039 Te: 214 768 2338 Fax 214 768-1051 ITALY: FLORENCE E Subject ' - ’ ' ' Dates ’ Highlights * • ••• » lr,•vr'vty undergraduate credit awarded fed trips to other utm in Italy and opportunities ’or student travel Housing and classrooms n refurbished Italian paiauo Sponsor • • * ‘ ■ ’» Information • ’• ’ *• Comparative Programs c-o Bn* *>190 Kef'! State o’ vrfvty Kent OH 44;4.' 0001 Tei 216 67? ’980 LU ENGLAND: WROXTON COLLEGE Subject ! -.*• Tr • . r *hr s' S’ ! ?' <• > Shakrspedrr dud**‘. ’ ' e Mt\ hip< • * - t r?v. e sociology r«.J , .it - '" et‘ >fK>c!,H % business independent Study Dates * t ; ‘ v #-ne\V’ Hi^hli^hts . Jf ' .»■ » ■ : * '-*v - 'r-.t iffd. n- >trm.;rd .V >*t >n Abbey Ln, * '• ,jf\l i.jtr f 1 Lund-” Ot’ord Stratford and Royal Shafcnfjrare Company cost include* entemm* !f JvH touring -r,’., V tne itff attendance and mu< n ffhwp Sponsor » ” >” • *r' ’» Information - ‘ . ■ a *m r " • Overseas Program* Oft* *• FDU 2 1 7 Murff Ayr Ruthedord. N; 0 ; If. Hi* B8 880 3 t 201 460 fa* 20' 460 S422 m MALAYSIA: KUALA LUMPUR GREAT LAKES: TORONTO ENGLAND: LONDON & OXFORD BELGIUM: BRUSSELS FRANCE: PARIS & LYON EAST AFRICA: NAIROBI & MOMBASA Subject K * ■'r' mr pit* engineering. maritime history seafaring, languages iterator polities. earth sciences Dates fail V' vpnrv. Highlights - *• • •’ A • > * Lumpur Cmm* •«*'■ ' *' ’ < * •'•rr' on filing ship spring term. Osford Seminar Business in Europe Sommer Study »n France East African Tret KilimanjaroC knife Sponsor '■ ' *! r ’ ’* Information h r ’ - r Western Michigan University Kaama/oo Ml 49008 Tp 616 IS-' i%l f.i» 616 38/ 3**..’ ED JAPAN TOKYO ENGLAND: LONDON FRANCE AVIGNON GERMANY: KOLN GREECE: ATHENS ITALY SIENA OR MACERATA MEXICO MORELIA OR QUERETARO Subject i , - • - *• r* ■ • ' >’ 1 •*» Dates » i * . . , i Highlights * • the cingu igr >* thr n.nfrv s! prog' '•* Jude housing Afth 4 tank's *“« ..’'.-orv. ! ;;-.i rs ’ '‘V'rst -r i'r*J ’ ■ •' -f * r* •’ S' 1 V.» « S l 50 > -••••• r .«» ' • , $4 h« { . , Sponsor .V/. *« a am a V Information A • • ’ tniefritu.if’ii Hfi r’-.j Gechjnges Western Washington University Be;!>'V,hant WA >*> ‘*>46 Afnfirtl An Heritage Asso< >*!!* *n fci.utMuH i*0 Bo* M.* Tet 503 635 3702 or 8U0 654 ^061 m CHINA: CHANGCHUN ITALY MACERATA MEXICO: QUERETARO Subject A■' ■ , * ■ ’ ■. \ . .«.!*:»• S • ‘nature \ •.* »•*•<.»* ( .! ijupbv -• t .ir*. " bm.i Mn Highlight* ' • . ( Ch(»vr\r ItoKtn Spanrsh tu .ufv »■>. ,-rviir,! «.'• ,t‘T n Nf < r’ '■» ra *. > >ut* rn!?.t Mr. H V r .{.ly *' '■ S Vr. .1- ’ s'* r% apt option m tti * inter?utH>nal 1>tude«t guest huus C uiuni 'r-.t?r?.i r*tufvon\ Sponsors *' ■•* r : \ \ Ament an Hr* !,igr Aw* Information Aha • ; M.»r>!hjrst OR 97*) *6 Tri 800 cj64 >V r 50? 635 i702 PSU International £«tchange Programs POB-m -f>* Portland OK 9720> Tr 800 947 HH8 7 e«t 4011 or 603 726 4(0 ’ m ENGLAND: LONDON Subject • ’ • Dates f i » Highlights ••• ing tun college credit study 4ng directing ht\\o*y of Mrc turr Sh4k«pe*ff Sponsor ^ Information A t" London The.i*re Program. R jger Williams Untvfvvty, Br-*.to4 R! 02809 Tr -KM PM 362?