SPAIN: SEVILLE Subject: Spanish Unguage 'studirs liber v ■' international business Dates Sept -Dec Jan May 1 or 2 term Highlights: Spanish at a! evels >. >ur ■’ University of Seville and Institute Coursi^ English and Spanish Since 1979 Sponsor:')! Bonaventure University NY O .s r ’ Community College FL Information Or Willian c.'eene Be c ’ * *! Coconut Creek Blvd . Coconut Creek. FI 3 3066 Tel 306973 2206 a SPAIN: SEVILLE Subject. Spanish language and -ileuture '»•' '■ arts international business Dates Semester acadeniK year Highlights: c srsf, ri t-v i' '•« 3 u >' •’ i «vitn Spanish families Field tops every uvee* Sponsor: University of Wisconsin Piattevitr Information Dr vV Cim Sport. ,»<« . r Study Abroad Programs Plattevilk* Wl63818 Tel 608 342 1726 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ENGLAND, Q FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, “ KOREA, NIGERIA, POLAND. SPAIN, UKRAINE Subject i rv . ij’.r- (iterator u* **'.•••- ’ mus»< folklore history economy s poi*?n t > •«*' ’* anthropology Dates Summo Highlights " , , , Some internships Sponsor Penn Summer At t ad Information Penn Ab* .* ■ *. of Penmytvanu 1440 MarVet Street Suite ' * Philadelphia. PA 19104 3*35 TH .>15 898 57 38 AUSTRIA: SALZBURG Subject: Hi*.lory Austrian «. witurr Ueo’uo u’ Dates . ! i semester Sep! 'Spr-’V \r**,e\V Feb- May Eng -sh Two field trips complement the genroe humanities curriculum Comprehensive fee «m ;ude*. tuition, room, board and fiefcf tops expenses Preference to junior or senior Student'. Sponsor: University of Redlands Information Ben (Mow ( » • Special College Programs Univeisity of Redlands PC B< * 3080 Redlands CA 92373 0W Tr 714 335 4044 _ BATH OPTIONS Subject: Bntish literature history theatre Dates me 30to) Hfghhghts f arn 6 transferable red'ts m n '•••: fed program Ail inclusive program tee covers J;r tr ivei morning classes, 3-day weekends British fac ulty m-odern housing (Untv of Bath) excursions Sponsor Ramapo College of New ierse> ?.*.?'• - iege) Information Pro* SJ Fade' Rjmapo College of New iersey ■« iS Hjmjpo V.iHi-y Hoad Mah*4h NJ 07430 TH >01 629-7379/7380 ENGLAND- LONDON/BATH & D m AUSTRALIA & UNITED KINGDOM Subject Aj dram* fashion mtimcv Dates ■ - ' Highlights . . 1 !’•'■■■■ ■ ’ enrolment tn British un?Vf*T-rte* ships Sponsor , ‘ ' ’> *V • ' • Information K ' Arv ' iv Wiry mount ( Tarry* w NY I '.*’*>95 Tr! 914 H2 rt.>.0 f a* 9U MT 8^86 ID CHINA: DALIAN ECUADOR: CUENCA AND QUITO ENGLAND: CHELTENHAM FRANCE: STRASBOURG OR NANCY GERMANY MARBURG GREECE: ATHENS JAPAN: SAPPORO SPAIN: BARCELONA Subject Mm:- : Qgtet Mt|(htlRh!c ! U .Or MijinesUyC pcnubfe* > .'Ory ■ r'O 0 ■ Rtrscicnf difr* furs t «• Sponsor eA? Information m - *’ 'V -V H< I« ’H4 M.r-.' ■ *, .. if* , ' . #».i IH ;i9 98.> *>>38 f a* lWU //V> ID SPAIN: SEVILLE Sub|Mt t ■ ... uitn' I' •’ H>.f v : (Irf.ituif jft 'i V-"’- • -• ' " «.>, sociology business Spjrrsh American literature & civiit.-ilion Ttrt All but TEFt in Span.sli Pates Highlights - ■ •of Cfoss CuHuul Study outs«Je study '.Indy tours advarttrd A intermediate even, ■" yea’ t levels in summer Sponsor ’tut: Wr •' r** A . i’ey A en« < tty ■ . - Hillsdale Mills Ptym.HrtflSt.ltr- Vigr Ur-i'n Western MO and .rth Colleges Merrrt A Niagara Uni,«*fvt.«*\ Information •• >19 Strong Strert Amfr's! MAOlOOi T r 41 i ‘>4ir 4>H m ITALY ROME Subject , ’ ■' ?'f‘\ r ivt* \. 4*t'. Dales • • Highlights • |M^u-lKr p'T'rv;„ u!r .tdv-d-Hi'fd it.ltal.'' ff*rfr*\l m vtr • Jfu- »■ Aven?“»- M«is!i»ry buv'vcss Dates • . - H *:*" gMi support & *r'!efj> t:«>r vr a !?- lip r'ev stutfewH ».|h• m Austria Sponsor ” • ’» Information ’ A ' • . v 4fbond ale II 629Q1 Td 618 451 ?670 25 COUNTRIES; AFRICA. ASIA. ® CENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICA, EUROPE Subject A,. . ' ■ *> ff'v ' ’'•’.fvr’'!.!1 vxuii spfvw»n?'•' jH At rpdi! Ww/i drfpff.iK pOssiWf* Spomof • f Infofmjtion ' i-J /. . • ’’ M N> NY ’1 * •1 ’ !>: .M2 .>(>> * JO' F t* M* UJ GERMANY: SCHWABISCH GMUND Subject fv • ‘ *v t>* im Contemporary German/furopean studies (BA only) 'ir.Ai SttxJie*. FA Business .Ifni rnafUtfrme''! (BA BS Compute* studies 'BA- BS) Study ibfOad by ft A' ■* Srmrstrf ,n t fir arras of ' kJy >\?rd .ibo.'’ Dates A.a < M . * . Highlights ' ' . " ’ ■ ’ « ’ U " ■■} * A . y (if study tixifs spet-al »< adrm.< and tutturaf seminars wd r.Impendent study nurses WHi tPtegf *?jr*0 into the s < immunity of V hwAb»sch Gmund Sponsor .<> *, t Mar * ■ vrr.iyC ’>*:*• Information v- > t*»? t;» Umvrrvty Blvd it Adelphi Road Loffege Park MD 20742 Tri t01 V86. >442