Overseas OpportHnities Study Abroad Programs You've had a chance to read about the great experiences other students have had when they studied overseas Now here are some of the opportunities available to you The following pages are full of study abroad programs offered by a variety of educational institutions Find the region or country that interests you in the guide below, then check out the details in the listings with the corresponding numbers EUROPE Curope ‘ ‘9 Austria - ’ i . '* Belgium * Czechoslovakia . England I 4 ’9 11 L U f‘ •• 3# 4; 4 i .1 • V * ». - • France 4 7 11 /O > 3» G’ 3‘ 16 19 46 60 Germany ' . -> i'-) 4«> • Greece 1 ’ 4e Ireland . Italy ’ 13 2: ; G H •' • • ' G 4 / 60 The Netherlands . . ♦ Norway . » Poland Portugal Russia ' M • Spam 4 6 h *11 12 . > * 29 30 32 39 44 46 60 Sweden . 39 Switzerland . . i 39 Ukraine . 7 United Kingdom ' vre 4/so fng/and. MIDDLE EAST Ivitl 31 34 fjypl . >6 -Sfl AFRICA Africa 15 '<> 15 Nigeria AiU IS. 17. 19 Chiiu 11. 37. SO India . Japan . i . J.’ Jr J4 4» Korea Malaysia • Philippines J . Thailand . Vietnam . ■ * AUSTRALIA & SOUTH PACIFIC Australia 4 1 *4 . V W *9 44 50 South Pacific ,l> CANADA Toronto 36 MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA Central America 15 Coita Rica 24 39 Guatemala 20 24 28 19 Menco 1 27. 28 32 3b 37 41 45 50 SOUTH AMERICA South America 15. 19 Argentina 4 2 24 f> 4 Brazil 40 46 Chile 4 20. 24. 30 19 40 Colombia 4 20 24 39 Ecuador 4 '1 20 24 W 4. MEXICO: GUANAJUATO D Subject V ' Tf’y r.r W* tn histo'v liter aturc politics, Me* .» ■ ./ I Highlights • '■:«■ ’ '• ■ * ■ *; . homrsUys wth families e*pertence teaching for eign stuoents sports moves held tnps hikes cul turaJ events and km tu t*on prices Sponsor n\Mu! * ■ ''A Information P'otr-.v r . - Instituto Fakon A C C de la Mora 1*>8 Cuanajuatu CTO 36000 W» Tei 473 23694 AROUND THE WORLD: O SEMESTER AT SEA-INCLUDES JAPAN, INDIA, EGYPT, UKRAINE Subject N" i • '' > ” • edlvoernr* bucinesc. hntory :'nature muv< ‘)0 cou nn) Ottn Spring t >»3 6 9i K\ 9 9i 1J.'9i Highlights A:> ..rtl !’■<• SS a» , pus. comparative international rdui a! >n 'nr i untry itinerary Sponsor Jnivrruty ot P lSbr.',;' Momuttcn: 811 WM Pm Union f'fvxjfgh PA 1S’60 re. 800 8S4 0195 or 4‘J 048 '490 ENGLAND: ALNWICK, NORTHUMBERLAND Subject ! \tud**s a ..phav*. B?' .h h ■. tor> contrmpory British issues and Bnt’sh t jiturr tacurvon visits to London Edinburgh and mans xa s-tes 0f ntrrrs' Dates y;i! ’ *rt V.r. ♦ ' > Highlights . .r ,i"'d !.idv !f'f ’2th entu's i .» ! r ' *• r ; ,f d N fthumberiand A jn.qjr ;■;> mty to know the Lulture and environment o' a on.! town nestled >n the Scottish border with a mg his tory and legac y of the Percy dan Sponsor it C Maud State University Information O '•.• Stud** 720 4th Ave S St Cloud MN 56301 Te: 612-255 4287, fa* 612-255 4223 PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIPS: ARGENTINA, AUSTRALIA, CHILE, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, ENGLAND, FRANCE, PHILIPPINES, SPAIN Subject , ’ "'f A ma.-i .! interests Grad or undergrad, 6 credits earned based on proiet t completed work habfts and intern report Country intern coordinator to hep student succeed live with families m apt* or dorms Sponsor vers *» V Mian' Ott*e of Int 1 Programs Information Ms * >t» PO Bo* 248072 Coral Cables Fl 33124-3300 Tei 800-831 1 390