fi fun cilu’tul jo a u ijiv'ui os'wea.' •> t I I 4.1 !! *xl 4* X pv 1IV lie 4’ iiu'll iiou-t know Imw imirh you ran learn until yon sillily owi sons V mi'll learn I In- usual classroom >1 u If. luit I In- edllcu lion urn got from tin- |nsiplr anil culture "I anullii-r country i an newr In- ru|)ii-il in a $’>tl, Ml I><>un11 ti-xllniok with slum rovers I mi ll have a no* way of looking at tin- worlil — ami yourself mii'o you u learned how to study and adapt to a now environment at tin saini- tiuu- hou will upon up .1 whole now world for yourself l ll. ro an- plenty of choices HIKK administers tj >1 nd\ abroad programs in dll countries that are s|ninsored < ooperati\el\ In colleges and uniM-rsi ties in most rases. Noll roroive rr.'dlt from the sponsoring college or utmersi ty and you will always ban- people around to help you got adjusted lii sidi-nl stall supervise programs on site and are mailable to assist you on a day-to-day basis lou ran . boos.- from many disciplines in. lulling languages humanities, social si it-nres. economics and area studies engineering biology and ecology and business You ran enroll directly into I host school, with Its full range of courses in Argentina Vustralia Brazil *diile the liomtniran lb-public France and Spain You can combine work and study depending mi youi background and Ian giluge skills, in Brazil, the Hrpublit . Frame a ri'.vari li l>M>tanl al tin- I ni'i-rnh nl San Paulo • ■'iinl' in i 11'.ini '-' ijllagr hi in nil'iruniui’iilal reweareh renter hi I mloix-sia • I'l-ai li I llglnll ,h a >* • mill Language ill tin Itollllllii an Kepuhlit France or Spain • \\.ii k 111 an engineering firm fol liming tin- engineering program in alienin' 'ear ahroaii. 'mi ■ an ehouse one of tin- Mimiiler language ami eulture program'' in China France Japan lluvsia Spain anil I he I nileil hingilmn Students may In gm lln- study nl a language nr pursue aiivam itl •'linin '' "Hie pn^frani' hist fmiii lliri'- to right wi-rks Planning for a Study Abroad Experience You have to plan alie.oi il want to get tin tin "it out of am mi rv.i-' -t in l> pro gram You want to the right eonn In. 'i hool ami program for your interests ami abilities The tost thing you want to <|o in 'ml the international programs oflit e mi your i ampin < iheck out the information tin ' ha'e there ami talk In ,i 'tinl' abroad ad'iser Man. talk In your own faeult' adviser ami to students you know will! ha'e guile o'rrseas Vsk tllelll whal tlnv think almiil Ihr prntfraiiis lliTf .tr.1 Irw tm- Imnklrli i .111 hrl|> miii t ilartnl \Imi m < |‘.ii*>' l** l**i lmmik*. that ran ('ll!' mu tnnrr iiilnrinalmii • /.’,■■ Furl ' |>ran srlllliK’ iini't Ann rn an stinli nti ilininr I'll (fl't thru- frrr linnklrtv i'lllU|llrtr tin 111111 -1 1111 111 nil |Mtfr l11 Hf Will >«iur in arnt Lniuu il Travrl nlTn • Travel Grants Thinking almiit iIiiiImiu! in nnr nf tin iti'\r|n|iin^ i inintrifi nf Alin a Vm.i nr Litili \iin rn a’t IKK a man Is n liniitril iiiiiiiIh i nf tra\i'l trranti to itinlriili pnntf tl) thi n i nlilllril'1 fill a titUll>. »nrk volllli trrr intrrilllll|l III Imlllrttav r\|irrirnrr You must In a lug'll n hunt nr iinili'rjfT.ulu all- ituilrlll from a I IKK lllt'llllirr nhnul nr l»- )wirtii i|ki!inir in a prinjram i|ioii mil'll In LIKK nr .1 IIH'llllli r n IiihiI Knr infiirinalnin, orilrr tin- frrr III I’unl Trurrl1 trim In tm* luirr from t IKK ISS Ili |iaitiiiriit. Jit i Kail V.'inl Stin t \r» York. SY 11m11 7 Or vint mur m ar nl I'.ninn il Travrl iiffnr O For further information on any program, please check the appropriate box: Australia China (People's Republic ot China, Taiwan) East & Central Europe The Czech Republic, Hungary. Poland) France Japan Korea Latin America (Argentina. Brazil, Chile. Dominican Republic) Russia Southeast Asia (Indonesia. Thailand, Vietnam) Spam United Kingdom (London, iummer) T Business & Society (Japan Russia. Spain) Biology & Ecology fCosfj W/ra. summer) Engineering (Germany/The Netherlands. Chile summer! European Studies and the European Community (The Netherlands'Belgium) Programs with Internships Programs tor Students in the Sciences and Engineering Programs tor Summer Study (Comprehensive) Ntme Slrpr! Md’rw City” State Pp Return to CIEE, University Programs Dept . 206 East 42nd Street. New York. NY 10017