Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1993, Image 59

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Founded in 1960.
Eurocentres is a
which has 28
language cen
ters in nine coun
tries Over 300.000 young
people from all over the
world have participated in
these programs The
Eurocentres approach is
to teach a foreign language
in the country where the
language is spoken The
objective is to teach you
listening, speaking, reading,
and writing skills in the
practical everyday language
of the people Courses at
language centers are chal
Icngmg and are intended
for the serious language
Anyone age 16 or older car’
take part in Eurocentres pro
grams regardless of educationa
background, occupation, or
nationality In most centers
Europeans make up the
majority of students There
are programs for beginning
intermediate, and advancec
speakers, there is even j
refresher course for non
native teacher* to brush up on
language skills and learn the
latest foreign language teaching
technn^ues Students are
separated at the start of the
course according to their pro
ficiency level and are moni
tored closely throughout the
program Upon completion of
the program, an evaluation
and certificate of
completion are
given to each
Eurocentrc* program* are
available from 2 to a* many as
13 weeks Sessions ai e offer ed
year round in an intensive
(morning and afternoon class
es! or on a holiday (morning
only! basis French is offered in
Pans. La Rochelle and A/nbcxse
France and in Switzerland in
Neuchitel and Lausanne. Span
ish in Madrid. Barcelona, and
now in Salamanca, Spain
German in Weimar and
Cologne. Germany, and in
Lucerne. Switzerland and
Italian m Florence
From May to October 199}
si* courses (four week*
each) will be offered in
Kanazawa Japan Minimum
■•ft* >8
Eurocentres *s pleased to
offer Russian language
courses in its newest
location in Moscow
Euroccmres recogni/e that
feeling at home" in a for
eign language environment
i\ a valuable component to the
program, so for each center
accommodation can be
arranged with families (where
English will not be spoken)'
These homes are selected by
strict standards and most stu
dents opt for this form of
accommodation Of course, if
you prefer, hotel accommoda
lion can be arranged or you
can choose tuition only if you
have a place to stay
• Many universities offer tome
form of credit for participa
tion in Eurocentres Aik your
•Take advantage of the optional
excursions available at mini
mal cost while at Eurocentres
'Approximate 1993 Language Course Price*
Court* lenftht Type*
Tuition Tuition Tution Tuition Tuition Tuition Tuition
Rm A Only
Roar d
Dm i On If
Boar d
dm I Only
&0*r {J
3 4 Week Hoi.day Cou'tet S ***
2 4 Week Compact lanfvufrr Court*t 620
10 I 3 Wee* Comprehemnre Coo'*** 33)6
3 Week Teacher Refrether Courtei 1 1 ^
s t VO) $ S<M |M«0 »8I6
9S8 m *21 144
S220 22)3 «2JS )0J6
1707 672 1218 NA
$*27 $ 872
11*2 30)
SS00 2)*»8
N A 71 7
Rm §
B*»*r d
IT84 L
Eurocentre* Brochure
Send (tie more information about Euro
centre* Language Program*
Contact the Council Travel office nrarrtt
you or mall coupon to any Council Travel
office (*ee back cover)
La pec ted month of tfudy
C.tr State Ztp
Your home whool (optional!
■■■■■■■■■ '