Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1993, Page 39, Image 57

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    After the
visited the
family of a
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1 i i til lass. 11.11 kill nil lie i ,ii .i mi
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■ ' ll \.iin leaves iiiid vaulted i Mie
mu the ground In tie them up She
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.'nailed red lingers limn green hushes
ill,mail-ill 111s|n111 lie tales that vvlii-n mu
nes In I ||e farm line I nlln s |,.|, k lull
i mded vi I,tin filled a hag mill lilai/e
mil i ass.ira and greens and |ie|i|nrs |m
(lie In lake lull k I" Ihe , imp III spill
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armin' Inrlli wa-lims.'. 1 nukins' ami wait
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tn pi- k II I* III* I . t - mip!\ !. , O
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hint fn 1 tir(if St pft ifi fn r -n . I /iff rut,
Hfh/tnm, tht ( t*h thfKihln, fhuttnirk,
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htmis, I’otiimt, /hi -■ S/nt t tun,
SfHttn, In it 1 ^ m, I'nrktif, tht I kntun
tht t in ft 7/ Shift y (in! Wuhw
For a brochure and application send
thrt coupon to CIEE. International
Workcamps Dept , 205 East 42nd
Street. New York, NY 10017
Stott* hp
| Excellent HtfgMtlFes
"TV Pictui'e’K Worth aThouHnnd Woi^Ih"
Todd Deutsch found that a simple Polaroid camera could bring smiles to
the faces of Croatian children in a Slovenian refugee camp
"Some of them had never seen a Polaroid camera before," says Todd
"They were so amazed and excited Everyone was begging me to take their pic
tures I only wish I had brought more than two rolls of him ”
Todd's work with refugee children from the war in Croatia was part of his
experience on a CIEE workcamp "Twice a week, a Slovenian participant and I
went to the camp, which sheltered about 300 children Some knew their par
I ents were still alive but fighting in Croatia, others had no idea what had hap
| pened to their parents
camera made
life a little
happier for
children at a
refugee camp
in Slovenia.
"I think the thing that touched me most was the fact that the children
seemed to appreciate just about anything I would do for them It was so refreshing to see
children excited about just singing songs or drawing pictures of nature rather than having to
have expensive things to be entertained with "
Of course, Todd's pleasure in the children's glee was tempered with an eye-opening
sense of reality "Many an afternoon I would enjoy just sitting with several of the teenagers
and talking about their lives One guy. John, was going back to Croatia He had escaped
because he was afraid to fight in the war, but after several months in the camp he realized
he needed to go back home
"Working in the refugee camp benefited me much more than I expected Although peo
ple speak different languages, we all have the same feelings and needs "