Semester at Sea A Voyage of Discovery The importance of gaming a glotia! perspective and developing an ability to interact with people of other cultures is now recognized at all levels of education, leach fall ami spring semester MX) undergraduates from colleges and universities across the U.S. and abroad work toward these goals Ities studs and travel around the world absurd the S.S. I niverse, an IX.(KX) ton ship equipped to serve as a floating campus. Credits arc earned through the l mversily of Pittsburgh and are fully transferable Stuslents on Semester af Sea arc challenged to lake a comparative approach to their study of the countries to be visited Itineraries are selected with an emphasis placed on the non western world f-u!ure vovages will visit nine or ten of the following countries: Brazil, Japan, Kenya,Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Venezuela, pt, Morocco, Israel, Turkey, I'kraine, South Africa, Spain, and India. This is an educational opportunity tl.u. all students should seriously consider. I or full information anJ application Mr nr or tall Semester at Sea!University of Pittsburgh 811 W ilham Put Union Pittsburgh. PA IS2M SO0-H54-0I9S or 412-648 7490 Volunteer Abroad ft iciiii on. i. .1 us .t llrsI .mil lin n j.’l:i.NM’> ol cnlil wain Finally. ! 111!' IlllM Ink' ll l|lll'Slilll|N Will'll- II' , uni In mi" lluw util ac you.’ \r<* you mai rii'il ’ Ofli i In>v|n1.1111\ Inst. I In n j ask III' ITUOsl’s IIIISMOII ^(unt ’. . Hu 11 Ii C I id In lln |ii ,c •fill rnurlMiril ttlniT IU ' sisIit Im -- |i.l jiI.ii * v .hi 'km mi the i mu p i' I n i-.s \li i i .i ami |>r.i\> \ III-lull hi .1 i imk' ' ,i".i\.i l.i 'I.m 11 \ riinl) Hit i hiklri’M Im»I whi n Ilu*\ an hrnu^lil In lunk al im ihi i hau ih-ut M i ll .i wliih wmii.Ill In Inn I In \ .in h rritii il Till' i .ills up .i m w I<■ • • 1111l' fur im- I mn ii 11 • il\ i it In t M ,i 11■• ini ' Inni'i lln wiiiin n 'il • I ii n I mnl in lln I i.i i kuiuiiiiil «lull I 'll III .1 I hall HI I' ll' III! Ill', lln not f'-l as 11 mi 11 Ii Ii mi • 11 ii m ,i' linn, 'ii lln-ll 1. 111/11' 11 I' wi .1 ki I Tin- linn iiiil’IiI il i wniii.iii if 'In- nlaki .i m I'In kr iii 11 > i ii|r In rnnitiiuiiH all’ 111 Knuli'h I III In in In ' Kill 'lih 'l.ll II 'kr i|ti'l> n il dirt, ami lln mi’ll i iri h’d ariinml an-askiiu; nn- ilimil Mimm.i W lint is'iinw* mi' t' k' -II..W in.ilir Mali’s haii- uni In i-n In’ "Art- llmr* | jhhii in lln- I s .1' lirn ’ l>" Mm liaii a nianlf" Wn haul In di al with hnw iniirh nimii’> I h.iM ami Imw tilth' nth ITS ll.lM' ii I (| i i ■ * 11 HiV..uuin.iit the da> m Toll K|oiliin* vmi m i w■ uni'll itml i lull)i• walking willi walm in |ni»l> ol Innkfl' mi thru Iliad' I joined Kfia. who walked • r• •• | itluiiir Itu mini palliv Kti-i-tiiitf i*ttu i miimn i' III' v p.i "ill Win-ii lln IhiaI no wali'i 'Ik liardlv iit • 11 • 11 In Umi Ii il fur lialani< Kmallv wi if,ii In i! Ihf 1'iljji' ol a | ion I aiiml Hu- ill iim- ;/i i-iii \\ miii'ii yalliiT' il tlliT>- liali'fiMil. ■ halting ami m iMi|KMt.' walir up mill i.ilaliasli Imwls I Inv In nl lo Ihf walm Ilk* uili dupe Wlirii an i I howl mi' filled mill water. Ivvo womi n lan*i) earh other. • .n Ii mu- Imlilinpi tin- Imwl' run ami ounli il it up in lln an I'lnur l.i'k appiar' • north". oiinliiii; lln- Imwl with nnl\ a hand al il> run and trri i liiio olln*r' mih ihf niu hand fri-i- The water in my Imwl rail down inv slnml dm' and i In 'I and splatlered lln- path latter wr walk' d In lln farm Tin.' path had In mi walk' d 'inpdr llh', and ll' li d liroWII 'nil fi ll MIIOolll lllldiT finil \\i walk'd amidst I hi* lali mar/e