Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1993, Page 35, Image 53

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    ■ The
All Ih»11«_r}i it > iii* r In ktii'vs tin* local lan^ua^c vNhrn
-u lia\« |. il is |in no means i»*-«« >san to !»• fluent
Hen an i fe\N ke\ wonls
I’lea se
I hank Mm
lln« mill'll is it?
lit null n
Thank Mm
I low inin h is il?
Thank you
Ihm mm li is il?
.S“/7 t oun /iluit
f'omhn-ii nt routi ‘
tiii/rrt T<UJ
Du nkt srfion
II i Di
li in irl kn-trt'
liurnos tlui
I’ii r fill nr
I irtirm.
t nun hi'
■Phone Home
\s n>r |'horn m; home, A IA I 'I s \ ihrifl i' tb«*
* i'" st I tic.ins Thi'N iritc you .1 11111f' oard hi nil i) that
lolls ton whal iiiiiiiImts In |oi ii* h ii" mat lor wh.it
■ Hi ill ry you‘re ill. Anil >oli (joI si I 11/hi through to an
1 u^lish-sjioiikiiii' o|H’ralor i III Ho |'lus that ran
ik. life mi lh> rii.nl so linn h o.isior for a fro.- oaril.
ill i slid) 87i- ViMMl Novel on r i all from a liolol
without askiny’ il (hero's a siiroharife It ouuld ho as
iiiiii h as | ol l |m i * out! \ oil II s.ivo i lot if you rail hold
"If l.ilkinK and just ooniniuiiuato I" mail
■ Guidebooks
I'h,-,. .ii' guidelmoks for just alxiul even taste,
and fortunnteh man' |hm»|»1*" hnve an appetite l"r
, h. i|. |ravel Hon- an- sunn- "f the helpful to
student travelers
• /.' v i,,, i his is Hi' grand daddv "t student
guides put together b> I Ian aid Studellls U goes
miu the details "ii everything from bus rmiti s I" vege
hit lan restaurants
• Bt rkt U / (ruidt s I he students at Berkeley are
taking "ii llanard with their own budget guides
I'liev have similar inlormulion and present it with a
fllllks. loose altitude
• /.onrtv I'Uinct For travel to all parts of the
world, this series ol guidebooks is tor the trii'1 budg* t
llavelel. experielleed or lllevperielli ed
• /» isiyht Uuidt - I here are two versions of these
guides The full books spend most of their time oil
fusion i ulture and atmosphere I he |»«'ket guides
ol major ' dies give an in-depth look at neighbor
hiMwis ,tn<l sights
■ Pack Light —
No, Really Light
IV |Kirkiit# dilt'iviiua mii> l** th»* hi&f*st *ln>s in y*ur 111*- in tin*
. k" l»« tofr \mi I* ms* Must airhms allnvs \«»11 In « h» » k U" Uitfs ami
jirin^ uiir rai n-»*n K*-*p m mintl that *s*n il• in >mi |*ai k mas r*,lurn
I" haunt mmi! vm ar\ I*•*I anil a< hintf I si* k Ins* >1 in a tf****! «|n.ilit>
Imi k|sn k ami k» ♦*}> \mir liwul uml» r 2"> |*>umls IVu In ftaikim'
amuml sour mik'hU>i Ii*hh| vulh all 111*' lu^vi^r** >»m plan 1«»i‘arrs
^mir last Ih*I is t«» keep it simple I s* this list as i ^ui«l»*hn*
ami ph k ami * h<»*»sr vsli.il is » >s*,iltial hu soli
• i mu "i walking ah n , ■ 1
hikintf hoots on limit, hrrak
thorn hi hr fur* you yo to
moot brrtllriiu/ your >trnh
irith hi tutors I
• I |t,tlI "I H11> flop' <Shou i rs
nun/ hr h's than scrupulous
h/ rlriln. unit thr.sr trill hr
11i.sirr to carry /turn . IJtix.j
• l-.'i pair* of sinks
• ’ 7 |iiiirs nf underwt’ar
• I -1 pair uf shorts
• I 1 skirl.vIriiUM rs
• 1 'liirls
1 I swrali't sweatshirt
■ I ponrhu i 'tm jat kt*( (If btu It
/nirh'IHI/. flint our (hilt also
u til i ni i r ijuur /nirh )
’ I ll^’lll j.U k' !
• I lt.ltlllllu' '■till
1 t hat
• I M-mi-nirr . nit Tit
{I'nrtiruturli/ if you plan In
i/u iiil an fjrtrmti ii tiau
ahraail. you miff know
uhfii i/'iii uiii/ht hin t to
attfiol a filia tion or ijft
inritfii on a hot ilatf t
Medicine and Toiletries
• PrpM'ription mcdii iw (Ktep it
in thr bottle. and curry a ropy
nf the fin*.« ri/itum )
• Toothbiush and toolhpaate
• Soap nut shampoo
• i i.ml' tod In ii'h
• Sunst rt-fii mi'isliin/i r-..
rosiwlii s
• l>c"(l"r.iiit
• Pirn nut k11
• i milr.n - i • 11111• ■ f
• Aspirin
• Tissues
• I'.t iii | ii m>
• U«/nr Maries
• pyr^iasse* sumfiaasr'.'i,
i uni.n I lenses .1 n■ I i le ininjy
• i ..inicr.1 .uni film
• >*!•.•. .mm kn11• •
• \ililr-" lunik I.Wttkr frirml
and family jealous and let
them knau you're healthy hy
sendint/ larky /nistra rdsj
• Honk', s^ll ul*> .ITI*i IKiip'
• Day pm k (If nour stuff in
sa/i ly ''torn!, ai oat ilrai/i/iHi/
il all around n eryuhert you
i/o by carryini/ a small,
rum/ir’ 'Slide kna/isaek I
• l..iuinlr> Mi.tp .mil luir
• ><•»in^r kil
• Slufl bags plaslii storage
I lilt's (If two of Hour thru
/utir' of sock* on wrt unit
t Hotly. don V rontu miHiltr
i i i rytfiuu/ to fort iron t/i't tl
rhtinrr tit dry/ thrin I
llosll l slrr|is.ll k
i ilinngt- (iiirsi'
I mlirdla
lurk ami tat?'
Hatin') -• i|M-r.»tf(i alarm do* k
Moist tomli'tlrs
Adapter ami volta^r ''onvcrter
Documents, etc.
• i’,iis|M>rt land usii)
• Ti< kt is and rail passes
• Stuiii nl 11 • i ant
• Hostel memtx i ship < ard
• Moll* > lM‘lt “f Jl* ' k * HIMM
• i trawkr's « h««