liiliif Ot*f has ,1 fi\» >tai list of ultra* lions hiiiti in* f ramp «aitiaiadrru flir t Mi/«»t dr* h linn hot ni^htrtuh ^'imh| |m ii h< s l.iuihirv la» iIiIm s and i«mj^»i»fur s»mi Wh»u tr.»%«*lmtr Ih* hour* l»\ I*tin In ivurji Brindisi. Ilah and !’»li i" «»«■••*« r tui kpai km ui Ir.uii. tIn 11\ iivri in ( Th«*> mak»- llnir Has to lln I'mk l*a!iu* !•» lak» a load off thnf {•■••! and n \**| m lln surTotindini,’ hr*♦ k s» * n* r\ l!\t rvon** want" to tak* a l" that' liril rout" IN In a. it " mu Ii i" oiiafl' ant( |o|M and jja/adh-. "I//!' «»n 111*- haiht« in oidl> in arln BiirafT* from what In ar last* " hk» a irons In tu. i n \«*al and * l»n k*n 1 linn t no I'lldallp f*d "pot It’S silo* up lift*• Win tin 1 timing or 11*»! mmTII want to join lln- art inn downstairs at tin dis* o l.ivi \tm an park" tin • rowd* inl<> llii' Liiiif.ti.i inu'lii' lull im u durinu iimlwi ■ k mi ruinr t'.irh anil Irasl mi all tin full *» ClCEK PASAJI, Istanbul, Turkey Wlirii mu fiml llit i rnvnlril. narrow ■-lit t I i allul l at i k l'asaji Lull'll know Loll t aim In lln rib'll! plain aliat In al Istanbul I mvrrsitx. Illr si root i" li rinini: with niirhllilr limlar plaxrrs ami Miijfrr' Im-II mil Ihr wi ll known It Irani" of John Lrnilon anil Aint-ru an faxnritrs. olio i" fill I In- night with Ira ■ litiniiaf Turkish no Imln " Music nl am kimi iliaw" crowds In "inn along and ■ lam r in lln "Irrt I" % Green Mango Bar, Koh Samui, Thailand Night hfr al il" Ik'sI Thai " wlial mans I all lllrlirrril Man^fn n nnwllrcl Ini first-ralr fun on a lro|in al paladlm island in tin ilull n| Thailand Mall with dinm-r (Thai drlirarirs and |>!• III' lllorr). thrll Inllnw tip with ilam mu al Ihi" hot "put on * .hawmp III II ll fill rruwil" will atli "I In l||r plrasiirr" to Im found In n llapps limn runs limp ami furious — from I I |i m to ■_! .1 in lor |iisl . 11 m hi I .iii> Irnpii .il Soil I an I rill .1 small hr.Ii II llOIISr riL’ht on I hr saml al I hr mlramr to tin Manm l Vnlouio II son prow wran of Ih> mal sun ami sra. In-ail os.-r lo Ihr sn| s Mai rslahli'him nl foi i Ini "I talk ami rrlir'hiilrnl O Paul Neumann climbed by horse and by foot up a 3,000-foot cliff to the Tab Seng monastery In Bhutan. Excellent Rduentures Climbing Up to the Tiger m Newt Not many people have heard of Bhutan, a small country sandwiched between India and Tibet, and even fewer get the chance to visit Although Bhutan is almost untouched by tourism and outside influ ence. Paul Neumann was able to travel to the rural country last year and expe rience its Buddhist culture One of the most memorable parts of his trip was hiking up to the famous Tak Seng monastery built on top of a 3,000-foot cliff "We rode horses halfway up and hiked the rest of the way on trails that were on the edge of the cliff,” Paul explains "It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be It's a spectacular walk the whole way We hiked on this one trail that went through a waterfall and then we climbed to the top The cliff was so steep. I don’t know how they built it1" Tak Seng (meaning Tiger's Nest) is a sanctuary for Buddhists Legend says the god Guru Rimoche flew to the site on the back of a tiger and built the monastery "It’s one of the most revered sites for the Buddhists, and many go to make a pilgrimage there.” Paul says "It's different than just hiking for the scenery — it's scenery plus the mystery of the monastery " Visitors can look down at the valleys and rice fields of Bhutan On a clear day, you can see far out to the snow peaks of the Himalayan mountains “It was a great experience There were other tourists up there, but very few people actually get to see it "