Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1993, Page 21, Image 39

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    France Rail pass
Thu fle\l|iasses a I •- ,n. 111. it'll- lll.ll
iilfur unlimited rail trawl in Irame
Thu pass also i ml mil's uni' Ini- do) on
I hi- Tans Mi lm anil ruuml-tnp tail
transfers to from Pans a 11 |m u 1
BritFrance Pass
This lli\i|iass iilTiis i m 111 n 11 it I It aw I
III first or si i mid i lass mi l tin entile
Freni li ami British tail tielHnrh. nt< Iml
I lie a li mi in I 111) > mi tin Iluwn rail
IielHeen |)ow*| Taurlanil allil Uolllnone
or I ;alitis. I ram e
European East Pass
This first-i lass 111 \i|iass is ideal Ini
trawlers hIiu Halil In iin lliile l.asli in
Klirujie in lltt'ii 11111 Inn rail i house
Itt'lHeen two It'll trills III WllltlltV Ini
uni i ii i it it i rail Irani in \usliia tin
I vt i'll In puhln llniurari I’olaini .mil
Any 5 days in 15 days $ 169
Any 10 days in 1 month $275
Additional Passes
Similat passes an aiailahh lhnmt,'h
i .nun il Travel fur i hi mam 5» il
/.'i lainl, S|i,iin anil >i ainlmn u
Rail Guidebooks
Win n pri-panm.' In lnl tin h.n ks it's
lint a had nlisi !n lut tin1 luniks 1 In■ i*
an several itiinli lMNiks that rail In- ln l|*
till In tin- student Irau h i I these as
sniin i s nl ideas durmi> tin |■ I,inI■ ■ 11u
stapes and as riderein e »ln-n Mill re nil
the trail
iht t iwinl liftu/t linn to I rnii/
lotmfo timl All .l/rntnil t/o It nrttt hit
Iru - iii kalhitn Tur|itn ami Martm
-Salt.'man mi iinli ' i litlm..* ul
-itili mil il.it Im|is from I "i7 ■ Ki< -t in
I I1 i imnlrii-i tint hat mlnimalmn mi
inli ii ill tr.till in -lull - I In “'ll' |* >
.'mill' |t aiailalili fm ' I l * * ’» ill hunk
tllillt.nl lm SI 7 11 tun lull. Ill litllili
\iiliiial J7"iVn I',ii ifii i u.itl lliylm.n
Malilm i \ III i J ii 'i Vmithm ojilinuit
ISnjt<r\ I'll mil pus-. IHI ill t lUlih. hi
Ihihnl Bath i nailahli'frmii II.nl
l'liru|» I'll |in\ i.'Vi \ht.until.i \\
at.1 |..i '‘i*i, U In n mu u, l i lut.'i
In mm u lii.it ih |i,uliin il.ilut |ilan In
llu in mill >- mill Coni, v turofM on
lino tiihh. Li.iil.ihlu al l\m ii|M .iii hunk
tinrnt Ii iih Imh ' Irani t, lii iliilrt im
all nf luiin|n uni llu Mi'ilih ri.mi an O
Mail to any Council Travel Other (see back cover)
Please Print Clearly
Reminder Eurailpasses also tan be issued on the spot at any
Council T ravel Office
Passengers name fust Cast
(same ,u passport)
Male female
Date o< B<rth (month/day'year i
C iturnshp
Daytime telephone
Dr part are datr ft en U S
State Zip
Mail with certified check or money order payable to Council
It paying by credit card complete below
MasterCard Visa AmEx
Card ■
£ «p*4t>on date Purrh.i** amount authorized
£uU name on card
CardhokJer s ygruture
Please check the box corresponding to the rail pass you
wish to order
Eurail Youthpass 2nd Class
1 month $508
2 months $698
Eurail Youth Ftexipass - 2nd Class
Any 5 days m 2 months $220
Any 10 day. n 2 '»* - S *4H
Any 15 day-, «n 2 months $4 *4
Eurail Saverpass - 1st Class
Savrrpass S 190 person
Eurailpass - 1st Class
todays $460
21 days $598
1 month 5728
2 months 5 998
I months 5 ’ 260
Eurail Elexipass 1st Class
Any 5 days ' 2 months $29®
Any 10 days m 2 months $496
Any 15 days «n 2 months S67*»
To rowr timrty and druvefy of y©uf pass rs *vr rccommrmd ffdwil
t *prrss stondi'd dHM*y Tfir • i n! *. $ ■ ,7
l >U»r «" >■ . ,r\i $12 to t Ov«*f Ihf ! .nt <rf this r
Ptr4w charge PwiC * cJeWery to the 1 rrd*t t 4/d abo.e
Conditions of Booiung U S residents must purchase U*l (msn in the U S
• • •. ■
of 15 percrnt on unused pass provided «! is returned to Council Travel enthm
• •
• 1 ■ - • . • •
You »v ' bf required to tho# ytxjr passport .iv proof of agr on the day travel
I dRfre to the Conditions of B<x)kmg