TuaspirUtiii fftuisica Plane Tips • There tie nsMcfions with any discounted tic ket Be sure you understand the restrictions before you buy your ticket • Study your ticket carefully If anything is unclear ask for an explanation • When overseas, reconfirm your return (light at least three days before departure The air line may cancel your reservation and resell your seat it you tail to do this • With increased airport security, you should check in at least two hours before departure tor international Mights liu €*tc. • I- Him;: an mini om »• vmi an- abroad is (Mil- dl (fit L,'i ral «mI\« n! nr* s "I l ran* I IIfjM nilmu' «»n wlnn sum Iran-N lak* \mi son'll s|>**nI»-iu will l«- sour pnmars Iian>|Mirtalmn mod*- lln hurail|»a>'a*H and olln i rail n|j|in|is d‘ >i l d» d in ltl«* "Iiiii«»|m* nil tin* < In .ip ai I it .in*l nil |Mi_r,'s J! * i1 atv Hi* |m■ sI \ahi* s at.nlahir I hr It.till lip*' mi t lit- n*\l pi!.'* • .m lnl|» \nti « mi I l*»** i hi!m«I*■ "I Lump* \«»iif iiiimI»* «*! !l,»nsp*»rl will prn|i,il*l\ I•«* Hlnfi* ifiMTH* .uni in in.tiiN rntmlrirs Ihis«*n .u* llw pii-iiuininait! wa\ in ^*1 armiinl In ilrvrlnpum