International air travel can be fun and affordable as long as you are well informed about the wide range of possibilities. There are many variables that will affect the cost of your ticket, including the season you wish to fly, the airline you choose, the length of stay, whether you depart midweek or on a weekend and when you pur chase your ticket. A bit of plan ning, and a bit of flexibility, will ensure you of getting the die counted ticket that beat fits your travel plana. In order to simplify the range of options available to you. take a look at the chart on the next page. Once you’ve gone through the different fare types, check out the sample airfares, also on the next page, for an indication of what your trip will cost. We have used "shoulder season” fares, whieh in most eases are valid until June. (Please note that the fares for the South Pacific are high season fares.) Keep in mind that planning ahead will help guarantee you Ihe flight you want at the best price, especially around spring break and summer vacations. Once you are ready to make your reserva tions. cal) one of the Council Travel offices (see back cover) and let their experienced staff help you customise your travel plans. They have access to all of the fere types described and will help yon Simon Wiikinson/Imagi Bank