Iliddmi dial Suiiif restaurants mar lull \>>ii Im linail la I hi' slii >■ (ioM'l llllll'lll -MlI'MlIl/i ll i-afi’liTi;i>. known Ihrmiith mil Kurnpi- a' nu-it.til. nllri illiiMin siriiion l lii' 11•*"I I fill l> In I" as Idand .in it in limmliful similar In i ali'l' l la IniiiI alltl roll know w hat llial s Ilk. Instead pul I• >1/1-1 In i l ilm Iiiiin meals mil ul nIrirl cuiMni" I!'-Id-in /"lint' frih ,v and Krclirll (77/m.n ai' a must and in Nm war In ml n pull up in liuiit nl i Isle n lair Hall In Inn k ' i sa« K" nl In s|| , n.»k* <| shrimp. .til l\li|li |'H III' ll"ltl '|"i 1.111> 'll"|i' lllll (||||‘II-.III lll.irki‘l> The In I .ill ,lllll cIlt'IM' lllll' ll 'III 111!' m,ill !■> alum’ll t Ira •I11H>u h> i '"in eves, ears ami nostrils open ,il .ill 11IIH - 't > Ml 1 .III .1 III 'I -■ l,l» rill 111,111 i ilur.ilnm iml iii Miint* hushed Inin star pu s, nr lull liy iinshmi; your wav amiss Kuru|te Bt l C U / t U I * ll Kuropeans I'eurrally semi more riillureil \inrrnans. it mitrht Iw Im r, him- llirv ran alfuril In l» Winn else Iml ill Yielill.i ran lull ralrll all nprla Ini SI \dlliil Irillv. Ilia! s the slaiiilniK-rnniii ralr Iml with slu ilrnl ills, minis ami rush seals Kliro|ie s p, | tnrillllur .111' are a sleal Ku n I he l.unilun hhM klmsli-rs VnilrrH l.lnvil Wrln-1 ami 111* hk, /** for half lie New York ralr Ifr surr In have your Internaljonal Student identity i’.aril Museums al least I In- (jrral muse ums like I lie luuivre. I In- I’railo I In I Ifi/i nr tin- llrilisli Museum an uni usually rheap llut main Kurupean museums free admission one ilay of tile Week 1 nflell Sunday) \llil have spec ial student rates iii fai l, with your Student Identity (.ard. mmi ran jp*l min some museums, imluding Mailrul s 1‘railn. wilhout pay 114; a rent Anil many of Kurujw s prire less treasures the Human hr nitre al Salamanra Chartres ami I In ranals o( \ rnifr. Inr example an still too min h 111 daily use In In slin k in smile llllisrtllll Willi all entrain e lee Ale* Potent* broaks broad in Pari* — a groat way to *a«* money on meal*. \*c i J\in$ i.vicfi ( c tic Mix What? Vou hair n*> iimues it .ill to spar*- mi ,i Kurn(M-an trip this sununei ’ \ l ISt l| 111 fl \ till' I lllM(H'st *,i\ liniptri I’lu *• Kurope i' In |f»‘t paid In In Ihi-rt fur .1 summer jnli \s a I S student mu an- eligible In vinrk III a tlllinb'a ill l ump, an i tuinli u-s Britain In land Frame and Germany You ■ an ssnrk a niniith nr l»n really > ipt ricn.»hat In ini.' in Kiiropi- is all almiil and make • llailljjll lllnne) In s|Mlid another llinlllh Iran link’ \ l*-» people lint nil Is rnser tin II expenses lull mill*- tiulllf ssilli more muni*) Ilian when the) started lilt! if sun rt- able In find the right jnb in laimpt , it ran add a lut uf puin h In snur resume The proress is surprising!) eas) Student lenipniars ssnrk |H-rmits ran l>. arranged liefure sou lean- tin- I nil*-*i States thruugh tin- ( mi lnter nalmnal Ktlin alioual Kv lmnge (TIFK) \fter sou arris.- in Furope. I1IKK also pros ides an orn-iilatinn l<> jnl* hunting in tti>- rniinlr). job ruunst-lllig and .•nu-rgeiirs support sersires For more inf<.rnuili.hi and an appliralmn. see page it* I„i. k nl ItUllles needn't lie a reasnn In miss Ihr rhanre In see and e\peri *-nee Kurii|*e Tuning is rrurial If you delay ii'.ss. sun mas miss tin- rhanre to lak. adsantage nf student airfares, siu denl disrount.s and student »nrk per mits I >* hi I miss the I mat O CATALOG '*•>* '<•*«* >*t* 4 It ' V | Eureka1 StormShield* tents are | designed to set up fast, keep : you dry and comfortable Over 30 models for backpackers and family campers CALL 1-800-84S-3873 Eureka! Tent The StormShield' fv . •* Nv ’ fir. GETTING AROUND IN PARIS THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE WITH DETAILED EXPLANATIONS ON AIRPORT CONNECTIONS BUS ROUTES METRO LINES TRAIN STATIONS TAXI SERVICES TELEPHONE SYSTEMS AND MORE HOW TO SEE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITY IN THE WORLD SAVING YOU MONEY TIME ANO FRUSTRATION »l? 05 POSTPAIO TOUR EIFFEL PRESSE PO BOX 4212 PALOS VERDES PENINSULA CA 90274 4212