I Ihust Silva. I It's Guaranteed Accurate tor Lite. SILVA RANGER- The professionals' choice! Swedish steel needle on a sapphire bearing Impact resistant Permanently clear anti-static liquid Accurate from 40 to * 140 F, and to 20,000 feet Individ ually tested for accuracy FREE BHOCHUHE *' -Our Wan der lust (wan der lust) Ger.; n., an instinctive impulse or a great desire to rove or travel about. Rjndom House OWfegr Ihetiotun, moed edition. MARTINAIR CAN SATISFY THAT IMPULSE ROUNDTRIP for as low as TO AMSTERDAM FROM MIAMI, FORT LAUDERDALE OR TAMPA SPECIAL YOUTH RATE TO AMSTERDAM FROM NEWARK, LOS ANGELES, OAKLAND, SEATTLE OR DENVER. ^ /// Martinair Holland m The other Dutch mrhne •Fart valid thnHjgh Mar .11, IW.l ( main lamdUiion ft other ionditmm ipf>lv TOI I I l< I I 800-FON-HOLLAND f/lotuf WIS« routi inu'il I from /nii/r W frn-ii«l-J Slllil' llts soliirllinrs slrr|i lliril wa\ ■ iimss Hu i tiii11in ill. IraMdillg h> Irani al night anil savins tin- iiionrv on link' mg' ll s a great strategy I In nit'll not lor loo main mtrlil.s running The sir.oh I Iini|> ol Ihr train should mi k Mill min a haln -llki slrrji. hill ll mil ' .ni l sin p silting 11ji M.n hi'ltn shrll mil ' 1 i or so lor a rnurlirtti a fold down sleeping shrll on Mint m-vl inrriiii'hl join m s and makr snrr sour hrlongings an srrurelv allai hi d In mm | m • r son Overnight Inin s also ran SaVr I III t list ||| a 111 it r | lie w i c lit i fi ufi, \l Gcuiu tl — Sc it c f Mos| Kiimi|m .i||s lldli't spend .1 for 11111< • mi (nod, and look lum well I In • v ! l.u lilt link is In fiillim Ihr rusloms III I In- roll n 11 \ Krmklast I It'll!. hill 11**1 oil tin hold I,ili ^oii II pel ,i In III r ilral ■il i * or in t i.ilo i The major rxrrplions would hr ilrml llrilain where liuinoii pons ll\|l breakfasts roiihl see sou slraijthl Ihruuph In tea. m .Srandinn'ia where thi' inoininspread isjusl as lavish as Hie noon meal, al a lliinl the |n n • ) I' hi voiir pip-out of the ilav. • ill louse at hiFollow the workers lo lli'ii ta v oi a al h,mills a iii I older Hie 11 a 11 > spei la 1 often willi wine or hrer thrown in for a i'll tame (In pi n rv Sian 'linavia aleohol lree restaurants are ' hea|iei amt all entree usually entitles von In mi mills on vegetables. ll run "I lull I lo ask ) Ollier |iriee I ll I tine Irieks ll Mm slaiul lo eat in a Herman tmhi-s Iwurst stall), lor example, or Italian rus/n trnti you’ll prot*ahl> I'av half pi n i• "Se|f-serMee“ has I" * nine the universal rode word for i In ap eats not that you ever have lo tip anyway heeause in most l ounlries ser '!"■ is nim/iris (already .irrounted for), always impure Hut hr on the alert for