LETTERS Jesus and Sex In response to Sean McGrath's letter (ODE, Feb. 25). lately, it seems a lot of people have been praying for me My minister, my Mom, my friend Marcy. and my friend Mark. They. too. want me to see the "light" or the truth about homosexuality. Really? What is the truth about sex. drugs and rock-n-roll? Oops. I moan sex. gays and straights. Here are some examples of real truth when it comes to the Bible. Jesus and Human Sexuality, in no particular order. Homosexuality exists in 10 percent of the population. Statistically this means that in the United States, homo sexuality is the sexual makeup of 2ft million citizens It means that every time 100 people gather together in a church anywhere in this notion (this is about the size of my church) the mathematical probability is that 10 of them are gay. The Bible can easily be misunderstood and misused when approached as a book of moral codes direc tly applicable to all moral dilemmas. I applaud the person who can tell black from white for every life situation. The Sin of Sodom (Leviticus 20:13) is of rape and inhospitality. A lot of people don't know this because they don't read the whole story of Genesis. If you were to read it. you will also find out that gang rape, polygamy and incest are OK. Would these be desirable functions for society today? Jesus said this about homosexuality: “ . " i am Erich. I am gav. And I am loved. (.Sean, write me. Let's talk about it Box 17H2 Eugene 97440.) Erich A. Sandoval-Borello Speech Communications Bible forbids polyester In his letter to the Emerald on Eeb. 25, Sean McGrath urges us to reud Leviticus 20:13 as a basis for the harass ment of homosexuals. I suggest you don't stop w ith the one verse; read the whole book. This is the law of Moses — catch a woman in adultery, you take her to the city's edge and stone her And all of you sinners out there wearing sweats. What an; they made of? If the label reads. "Polyester and cot ton," then repent in sack-cloth and ashes, if you want to save your souls from Hell. "Thou shall not wear a garment that is woven from mixed materials," Leviticus 19:19. Ruth Wilks Eugene T sasr-ass. L Not Adam and Steve This is in response to Nicole McCullough's tetter (ODE. Mar I), I think she is reading too deeply into niv original letter I was merely expressing the truth tli.it homosexuality is wrong. Not once. however, did 1 pro claim to be prejudiced against homosexuals (As a mat ter of fact. I voted against Measure fl.) Eight years of Catholic school hus shown me that God wants us to love everyone, and I can confidently sa\ I have never met anyone I did not love as a i h i hi of God I don't hate homosexuals; I am opposed to what they do McCullough said she believes God thinks it is OK to (*■ homosexual. I know Me does not. As a good friend of mine has pointed out to me God created Adam and Eve. not Adam and Steve In the book of Genesis. God dir Hops. Cynthia Wooten and Cutrl Hosticka Many groups were in attendance One group that was conspicuously absent was the ASUO and student representation Both representatives were keenly aware of the lar k of attendant e hy the stu dents and were disheartened by it Unless the students and our supposed leadership wake up to w hat ts happening and pull together, this University will lie gone as we know it John J. Walsdorl English KKKristianity — again While I understand the Emerald may wisely avoid endless dialogues between letter writers, I tool .1 person al attat k on me by one person needs to lx* answered t he background is this I wrote a letter to the Emer aid (Feb to) about a revealing test I had (list overed when I talk w t(h folks who show intolerance 111 the name of religion I ask them. "What is your view of Native American spirituality ' Is it a legitimate religion'" Tony Gunderson responded to the Emerald with a false a< i osation about me lOl>E. Feb ~f>) He wrote that I lumped together all Christians, that I was intolerant of them, that I was out of touch with God and that I was filled with bitterness and hate. Ai tually. I made a distinction in mv letter between true Christians and pretend Christians I staled that those misusing the name of lesus — who promoted unity among the downtrodden in order to push bigotry real ly practiced "KKKristianity." I find Gunderson's eagerness to judge and condemn mv spirituality and personality to he typical of indica tions of a possible ( ase of "KKKristianity " Finally. I must note that in Ins letter Gunderson avoid ed dirts tly answering my test question about Ills opinion on the legitimai v of Native American spirituality. Count me as one more white, male American raised ns a working-! lass Catholic, who denoum es the violent crusade waged for 500 years against Native American spirituality by KKKristianity. I invite Gunderson and others to join me in saving "N()!" to this war Gunderson pit ketl the wrong pagan to try to < onvert For a start, I invite Christian organization on campus to sav "No." For example, several progressive Christian groups continued to belong to Christian campus coali tions this past fit 11 who refused to come out and say "No on 0. ' That's hyptx risy1 David Oaks Eugene pop the dme ] fM VtAftS, AMEAlcAAtt WAMT TO ACT TO&TU&... to sa£Rip<£ nof roft OuUN i£tFI5H C^N, Bur FOG ^ THE GOOD Ofr TUB COUNTS... J 1 (.outfit^ IF wIt RtAi.LV LISTEN To Tut PfOPCt, AA/O UHU&TAHQ THIS Ntu rt£L/Afe W TM£ Uwo. cowoew W£ CAM 7Vf)n IT Tt> oup AfftSOMAL A0VAM7A&E! 7 wi *}« r txMCT rt> it rm*Ht3 JbjrStfUClO cou(*e$4 I BIKES! SPRINGi! | Major Tune-Ups S10 OFF * BLUE HERON BICYCLES I 877 E 13th • 343-2488 5 ^NexUojUci^O^Bookstore^J HOMOSEXUALITY “What does the bible say ” A lecture with Rc\ Buddy TuHuck. Former Pastor of Golden Gate Metropolitan Community Church in San Francisco and author of “Holy Scnpture and the Issue of Homosexuality " Thursday, March 4 7 pm University of Oregon Gerlinger Hall Lounge LEARN ABOUT NEW PROPOSALS REGARDING ILLEGAL DISCRIMINATION AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT TODAY! 3:30 p.m., 110 Willamette Hall All members of the faculty, staff, and student body are invited to learn about new proposals to amend the University’s rules against sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination. Copies of the proposals will be available, the proposed changes described, and the process for amending the rules outlined. Lowost Prices of the Season on Hn|^ Women's Kiinr* ri-.niUrl* prw'ttl i«|* I«• ** 1 »l* •i ll»lrt| Mi ll -> Kilims S2W> n-t;iiljrli i i• |» In ^ I I » J06TENS Mar 8 & Mar 9 Only! _ 10-3:30 H » - FtkoaKfur Far MkftiUnnat *klBUI) utoitct UNIVERSITY OF OBICON M