ni nr ii|i|M'il Alps, ilisi■mi-riny Muir own prnali Muminint; sonii'wln-rr .linin' 1’nrliijpil s AIlmim- mast Smiml prilty (.'mill' Hliflll Sou III! I»ri‘ll\ r\|M'llsl\r* Not ni'i'i's sai'ilv If you know him iii ilo il. \irnr trip tu Ihiiupi- ran i m m ciul up In-mu loss i-\pdisivr than lra\ i-linir in tin- I iiiluil Stales Tlir kt-y is tu'l aruiuul tin- tamUndil as huropi-an stinli'iils iln Kurnpr has Innu had lots of lodumu fiwilitn-s and tians|Hirt uptions ui-ar«sl to stinh'iils with tittli* money tu s|hml Tin- dollar may Il,im* dropped m value relative to many Kurifpeau nin'i'in ii s Imi that 's had lit 11« cflis'l till llii'sr riM k Imllnin uptions ^B Here arr tin- ».ns to make travel ^B (hronuh huro|ie rhoap and easy tlnad can lutb. talk it over with ynur frit inis Hint start makiiiK vwfr plans fur .in iiufnrt'et - lalile summer aitvrntiirr in Kurn|»' I St t it t git < fee k. i tf it c i t ij I (lie ft at In keep rusts | iloft'u is In fur it |strl llf KuriifW ftlierr Mill rail sill! j»rt tu fur il ls tillli iiiimr}, Tirent>-fiw i rill fleer* and til** iirii/inal Itutiriiiian i atmosphere have made fragile tli.* current student capital of Europe. If I he baroque splendor of I'ragui doesn't excite you, ho* about I he sun. sea and dramatic tandsei|H s of the Greek islands? Enjoy the hirlhplaee of Western civilization without [laying more than $'» for lodging or a hearty meal of moussaka, salad ami wine. Portugal is another under-$i'i !t-day bargain, if you liap |H*n to litre sunny patches, fund and wine or quiet medieval villages ft you want real travel hjirgaiU*. yujtf best |h-Is are i ireeee, Portugal. Turkey and the etit.yrtrfes that used to lie behind the Iron lairtain. of course, if you dn ide (o hang out in the grand cities of Western Europe, you’ll tune to Is prepared to spend eral travel plan and make a realistic Imdget. This will ® $bet the th©$t | /©r «/cur tncn* king mil prn r\ fur fowl. lodging iiml I'ldor tamriM-iit in .hi ii|>-lo-«lal*- ynntk tlml s giarril lu studrnls mho want li> IriiM'l rln-ap Thr Inst aro I lit* Wi tio guidrs i iiiuptli’il In llanaiii uliidi'lili and the lU rkthy limits* from I ll-IVrkoloy studonts,»Jilak«' your Imdgi't ami tlit'ii Ukr ailing IV'. I" i*I'VimiruTnal^ou i \|h i l lo s|>•'ml, just in ran-, To tffi Ihi- ln*sl (l**ala, tiponil w tilin' mading up ami asking around lin k \Kunt/jr Thruut/h Uu Busk' Ihtor is tur gnlling psu In il It's full of (H-rsiinal lips frmii a mrihr whu ran hoaM, fondly, of going "ill out of .'to nights uilhmil paung fm a tifd " lu Euro|»>. grr gariiuisni'ss »||| g.-| \mi i'u-r>»lii ri ln U i /ii And cn feh< P ctd lour biup sM'xp' ii.**' will !«■ ip-tUug t<> Ktiro|» ami gvUjuig arotmil »»w*‘ yiMi'ri* tlief*.I'or that ippmi, it s is|*mill\ ^ important to . Im k mil tin' lo»-r»>it transportation notions like rail passos amt *stmli iit airfares to lump your limlp t »mli*r control To lw that you're gelling the best deal, phone or visit one ol tiir offi. rs of (aiunnl Travt'l, tin1 largest trav el organization hi tin* t'nited Slatfs geared specifically to budget travelers (see bark rover). The slafT ft there are experts at finding the cheapest ^ airfare See the rliart on [wipe |ii for an Idea of ho* much your airfare will coat It might save you money to fly into one city ami return from another ("open yaw’ in travel agent lingo) so you *jn't have to retrace your steps |Ts > outputs an open jaw faro, add one-^alf of each4hoiid-tri|}ikirhn-i i ^i^ud student ah ' fatVs are awallaldi on luaay transatlantic routes. To quaf Hy.yoo will need the Student l.leulity Card for mti rn.itioually icrogni/ed proof of your student styl ing (avte the npido alien form in the center of the matru nne). And beture to ask aboul Rodent airfares within Europe, as well. <>nre|| Kurope. trains an* mm*! slndeata' choice for ^p tlntg iroumlj Mie network i* undatable and (be (nice 'is right. If you/ plans inpfhde extensiv*- iravel ih.s» veral countries, then get vodr hands on one of the se^ral Jft|rs •>( K u rail passes available U you are under if), you rijm^lfcfor one ofthejjfcrail youth passes, wlmj^pre dhmit *tj% ciieapeHfiiin the regular fciiraifpns*. If you are planning extensive trawl wiUmi out cuuilry, lire best | jjjft valid oftle for that cchiatry. Don't forget. ymTfl tfifpdyoupatleT^Ssea Effort; % Common mm* cm mm you moooy artioravor jpm travel In turopa. from Ireland's magical Oingio PoninswU to a «umiy outdoor cafa io Amsterdam