CortNMAUN JFistivai July 2-11 Copenhagen, Denmark Strains of New Orleans ja/7 swing and bebop fill the city s cafes, histone squares streets clubs and pubs all day and night for 10 days This festival brings together musicians from Denmark and abroad to perform in appro*' mately 4S0 concerts Rro Waist Coat Fistivai July 2-4 Villa Franca D* Xira. Portugal Portuguese cowboys take center stage at this three day festival including bullfights folk dances tans and competitions T raditionai bullfights for all when the bulls are turned loose in a section of town Df NMAft* Sacutis Uncli Sav July 4 Aalborg. Denmark Smg and dance and celebrate the Fourth with the Danes at Retold National Park The [xirty is com plete with fireworks City Or London Fistivai July 4 21 London. England Art festivals are held in London s most historic buildings Tmi 80'm Annual Tooa DC Fkanl i Bicrcu Rau July 7-25 Prince Watch the world s best cyr Fits race through the countryside of Prance They finish up in Paris m the famous rare along the Champs flysees Ruisaocn July 10-11 Turiru. Finland World s oldest rock festival Stniir Musician Fistivac July 10-11 Lugano. Switzerland Street music.ans gather to enter tarn with a variety of music But does it include mimes? Nobwioian RfVUl FtSTtVAl July 15-17 Nord Trondelig. Norway Referred to as three days of con slant laughter the festival s a gathering of amateur perfor mances for 2.000 spectators Sounds like School of Fish s Three Strange Days J OUSTING July 16-25 Manefred Sweden Jousting tournament and demon stra!:->')•• are held Outside the walls of GnpsJsolm Castle displaying replnas of 14th-century outfits armor and weapr ms Touru Watching Fistivai July 16-August 16 Rantau Abang Malaysia See the giant leatherbai > turtles that conn* from as far as the Atlantic Ocean to lay their eggs on the shore and then vanish bac • into the sea Guano Pakaw o» l*Jt Middle two weeks in July Nice. France Annua) outdoor international \AJl lestiva! Hr-id in the Gone/ gardens and the Roman ruins above Nice The festival is known to attract such greats as Lionel Hampton fats Domino and B B King Roam Hooo FtsnvAi July 20 27 Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire England See Sherwood Forest as it was in medieval times with jousting skir mishes and banquets Keep an eye Out for Robin Hood Hint He doesri t look like Kevin Costner Irish Natkjnac Shhcooc. Tkiais July 30 August 1 Baronscourt, Ireland Shaggy dogs galore Hut,,., I MlDUvAl Wll» August 1 8 Visby Sweden lours, lectures concerts and plays all with a medieval theme Sun Spvasx August 2-7 Montego Bay Jamaica This is the reggae festiv.i Bask i the sun and music and feel me PlACI Cl*!MO«Y August 6 Hiroshima. Japan Thousands ot lanterns are set on the Ota River with prayers for world oeai e in memory of the atomic bomb v« tuns FfsnvAc Mahino September Guanacaste. Costa Rica Outdoor be i h events include sandcastle making |e! and water skiing MaTCHMAAINC tfSTIVAl September lisdoonvarna. Ireland Before the party rat h weekend you can till out a questionnaire if you re serious about finding a mate Who knows? VtNici Histoiucai Ricatia tarty September Venice. Italy Watch the pros i.p through the i anaK in this competition of two oar gondolas WlNI HaKVISI ttSTIVAt September 5-7 Palmela, Portugal Help elect the Queen of the Win in a celebration of the year's har vest in Palmela one of Portugal ■ leading wine growing rrgions Toe Spinninc. FlsrrvAt September 7-9 Kota 8haru. Malaysia See giant tops spin for hours 01 end as the kids toy goes grown-up Stochnoim Wa'ii Fistivai August 6 15 Stockholm Sweden Tee 4ays "■ festivities n the theme it the Waters ot StiKkholm Firewofkv.muMi it! dan< in,; and water sports Etumiunuu Inti ana tHjAiAt Fivtivai August 15 September 4 Edinburgh Scotland Wodd largest festiv c ot the arts FtvnvAi or Oio Music August 27- September 5 Utrecht. The Netherlands Annual (estiva! it mui.i ot ttie Middle Ages Renaissance 8uriK|ue and early Roman!a pen cxls performed on authentic instruments througtmut Utrecht TmAJIAMO IWfSNATlONAl SwAn BOAT Racis September 1112 Bangkok. Thailand Boat racing takes plai c attrr the annual ram season on the Chao Phraya River Attracts top Thai crews and crrws Irorn neighboring countries Nationai Mikitaoi Day September 12 Belgium A traveler s dream1 Buildings and monuments of historical mipor tance all over Belgium are open tree of charge to the pul'C' CntCMin It/a September 22 Chichen It/a. Mexico During the autumnal et)uino« the sunlight traces the form of a ser pent down the steps of the i Pyramid of Kukukan Light and sound shows re enact the descent of the serpent the globe. Combined by tx OB I N f-| O N I O