6 Latitudes Hi* k Will I II' li sln.il' mil s|hi(|s i ii'iiis .ill ,iiiitin| MimiiM't mi a ilmlmil Iniil^rt Iruspirtihii "I Miur lili In the Air and on the Rails I Mm mini ,iii fan- .uni n|h*-i in In mi • 11111 u’ armiml liifiif Out Where the Students Are . .. I’r.ipK- l iminln mh«-r. xmi. ni w ilk in I III* < |lHills ii| Im'k III I In '1111 Thailand \ l.i in I "I siiuii' ami 111 i|i|i al imIcs. Ilii' ha|i|i\ i unnli\ i> an i'Villi' i liaiurr n| |Mi f What U Need 2 Know I III' 'lull Mill IM I'll |u lull' Mill ('ll |iav>|«l||v I 111 IIM ‘N ||.|I kill' III k< I |> Mini 11 l|l nil Irai k Ways and lem Riding the Rails Klinill|i,-ism's ran sa m ■ >mi IIHUIia (ill lraiis|HH l.iliuli Center Section Whl'Il'M I Mill liaM’l. tin liih i iialnmal Slinlml I * i ■ i i lanl i> a l'umI «a\ In tiiak< Mill! Ilhllld i'll lul l lid 25 36 37 40 42 Working Overseas < lllc slllcli'lll v| m 111 III-. Mlllll! M'llllll' illls III | ,11111 full You're Protected I I l)i IIIMinilK r IM11 III Discovering the Red Earth of Ghana si > lfit- Will III , 11III NIU I hi pl.tml vulunliMT .iliiu.nl Read All About I liimk' lii In 111 \uii plan All the World's a Stage Ntml\ aimkiiI and h .mi linn miii'iI m u i liml hi ,i 11• \11>< >i ■ On TMf Covin: Thr Spjn.-.h Strfr- ' K* ’*■ iust one of the grr.it student hangouts for others, see page 22 Cost * Pmoioc r HaN» ,RAPh ilIf Hunhk/