ori)i:r voir Akvil ( Al l IMi CARD N( )\V IX )R i ri i:. W nh an \IM (.tiling i aril. v<>u can sia\ i lust- u> home even w lien s< une nuhisjiiun m mileNasvas I sc Ihe t aid with \l\! I WDireet* Neis u e .iiu! u I .v' u 1 nghsh speaking operator who .in complete \t>ur call ti1 the I s I h t< i ji i\■ of user no miUfii-'i with \T\T \X i >rlei ( onnei I Vi s t* e I|\ last Its C.ISS Slid .ill SOU have to do to a|ipls is Mil out the i oupon belt iw Ihe VUVI ( ailing < aal I he Was Home r i Mr Miss Mrs M> Mill 111-Li i. 1 1 LjU L-LLI I. I U-U II..W would \oo like \our IUIIII lo J|>pf4f 0(1 (he ( jril ' I till ruim m* liiru rnl '|uio spell unir Ijm iuiik ninipIrlcH Mjiinn; \«li!rt ss ( it > Mate /ip ( »h1< lclrphom Number i \ria< oili ami Numlscn Plrasi ihaftfc rm MM calls to rm current' check >mr) \mcrn an 1 \press* < an 1 Mastert aril* f l > Hanks \ |s\* l s Hanks) I I I i 1 1 I .1 i-I-LLJJ—LJ—1 M\ Bank < mill < aril I *»r \rneru an 1 * press* ( aril ) 1 \ptrati«m Date Number is War Month . . . .i 11« v v Him IiiiiL ti if i, u i r i\trf( a fit i if \ I S V ji i > mill X Signature *>Jlr Please print full namr Kcturti to \iar C aril Operation v UOOUalnut PO Ko* kan*a% < lt> Vg> 6aMI WHS tor MAI l MTOnlv \ulh ( «*Jr Date 11 v.^hU AT&T siatetnenl „f Authoelutlon Please totistder im appln anon’ Inf an MM ( -tllinK« aid 11 «»><*• appln alum is granted I authorize MAI in lull me lot eturgrs incurred with the MM « jIIiuk« ini issued u> me I understand and agree thai am t harges made w nh an MAI < ailing < ardand billed in nit Amcrnanl s press! ard amount will he suit,eet in the saim terms and sottdnioiis gnsrrnmg im Mm in in I s press ( arUaiinum Am i harges hilled to im Maste r< ird nf \ ISA annum will Ik suhteclin the same Mjsu ft jnl nf \ ISA bruits e t harges is nut Ik ip|>lH ible tnnihcr items appearing mi tnt Master! ifd nr A ISA ittnunt I will until t MAI itid Aim in in I vpri M Mister! ird nr A I'A d im Aimriean I sprrss ( ird Master! ird nr A IsA ( ird is lost st.den < spires nr is terminated lor im fris.m m d I wish to terminate the Aulhnft/itinn tn full mt Amernan I ipress Master* anl or MsA aeeiHint I will also notilt MAI whcncscr I thangt nit nuilii^ jtk!rr%% •Anur trrdii i ard pfinidef iiui < lurgc interest in eonforuiitt ssnli the terms ami inmlitmns ol tour agreement with iheni • Apprnsil nr selei linn of this ipplu itinn is nude In Ainrriiin Telephone iikl Telegraph ( nmpam in the I s A I I pm a i a i _I