domELPWANTEC Crvlae Hn*. Entry mu on boardSwtaside Portions avail tun merryeer round 714-549 1589 « atari 0« n hiring for 7 poaitmn* Stipend Admmutrative Assistant ond • Work-Study DwpetcTwr DK» up applications and fib date m suite 3 EMU Ctowng data a Me-cn 8 5pm EOE/AA Art you outgoing. personable and looking tor a graat IMI job1 H to. we want you' Ca» 8866138 SECURE YOUR FUTURE! New oMca now framing manager sltramars. wort around school. mtannaw* can eer-914# Student to draw schematic ot my homo 683-7777 WANT TO EARN MORE THAN MMMUMWAOE... UO SUMMER DESK ASSISTANT Announcing $ Desk Assistant pop Hons with University Housing You can earn batwaan $5 20 - S5 65rhr Ten to fourteen war* positions avak abte. OuaWcalions One year otfcca erp o' equivalent and registered UO student during Spring tetm Area desk, typing and data entry eip >s recommended For more information can 346-4277. Position Dearrption and Application available at tinner say Housmg. Werton Compter, focal ed at !5tti Ave and Agate St Appu cation deadline ia noon. April 2. EARN VALUABLE JOB EXPERIENCE EOE/AA employer committed to _cultural dtvsralty_ r Now accepting applications lor RIM Softball 4 Soccer Officials Pay range S4 75- ; S6 OOThr. previous officiafing experience desired but not | required, training sessions prove} ed inquire at 103 Genmger or can 346-4It 3__ CAMPOS REPRESENTATIVES Market Fortune 500 services and products on your campus, no eipeo ence required, earn STOO-SSOOrw* part time Can 1-800-775-3651 e«i 200 Student Recycling Program Recycling Assistants Outlet: Monitor paper, glass 6 ptaa tic bins, sort paper, weekly pickup of paper end plastics el dormitory com pieaee. housmg office, tenuly hous ing. gross housmg end cooper stives responsAle tor special prefects. i.a. tabling, recycling presentations, trash audits Must have covers Scene# end tood record Need to neve el Meet e block of 2 hours See to drive truck between the times 8 JO AM end 5 X PM DwecSy supervised by the Stu dent Recycling Coontnelor t poei Uons jirtiebil SALARY: 3 month position, with posefcls summer open mgs. 8 hours/week. Mvhour Appsca tons end tab descriptions can be ab twned from the ASUO. Suite 4. EMU Deedkne tor eppkcations a Wednes dey. March 10. 5 00 PM The ASUO is en Attvmetrve Action/Equaf Oppor tunity Employer Women. People of Color, leetkens and Gays. People wen Osatwibes end people of a* ages, ethne. rengaxis poetical, man tel. tesesuel end veteran status are encouraged to apply Appkcents muat be students ol the Umversky of Oregon_ ?ic HELP WANTED :i: HELP WANTED YWCA has a poerton open tor Admei AM **vy at ASUO o*x» t>* .V>aw AAf Of for more into ca* 488 58*2 NEAR CAMPUS 2 bedroom nouM. S*OC 4 bedroom hotrae. 1600 143-SOU Avaltabte Man* >1 < bedroom. 2 tAt >rom camput. <200 Palteraon, $340 3484156 Mr tor Am AM Marc* IS f urn t bom and Hu <*o apt. quM btog btoek kom cam pm. $360*300 735 El Tlh 343-2114 Campua Apartmann Fumiabad 1*2 Bsdrooma Win tar rataa M7MMS 4BS-2B23. Larga twniahad one bedroom unit near muac bldg. $380 Can after 2pm R-dgevrood Apta 688-6/89 MfF. Chaaa Village. bdrm, pr* vale bam Avertable Spring Braaa Bro dy. 484 2087 Taro bedroom apt- upatan. NEW carpal, window*. mm-Ofcndt. ppnt, lodge and more walk to UO. e«c toca non. laundry. $600. rnca 4888'8? t bdrm. $408 2 OOm. SSSOOnonm Laundry, parking, security dote to camput 484 9922 1 H2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studo*. on arte laundry fac*h*» $308.’month 4880790 887 Paderaon Elba *>ac.ou», light and nice l bdrm. patio, laundry, park mg $320 plus dep 74 i 2504 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 1718 Private room*. All UTILITIES PAID, on site laundry Great rate* trom $235' Can Bnan at *880697 ^JwmtWECo jp QJJS-axJ^kAO £ Unjny II* Orautf id • *ad ^ wildlife 1* mpn n«( pl»« 2 BDKM, I '/.OATH ’495 &'SlVmiHilh • Du* (O CMflttl • Swimming IHjoI • Wf igjM/lH rwM Room • Stum* t; I S.E. brx (UmmU * r«Mk*)E ^ 687-1318 rGg TfKlTITmflTIUnTEE Redwood Park Apt*. 'M.Cm I CUy I MM. Cmmtrf IW*( Mika ' IMun l*l| Low IMMfwOi •uaHn* 1W(doM ^(oom. Minmmml Laundry FodttU Muds. HIM MOOtoMT* tadMdua** Ooeoralad EvarytMng From CM TV lo LJnant For ltd. SaVi 4 Kltchwn On (Mo Hon»9—mil Horn 4203 W. 18th 434 3773 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, MONTANA H jvc the summer ol your life, providing the best of Mlcstcrn hospitality to Glacier Park visitors! 1993 Summer Applications now being accepted for the following positions Bar, Restaurant. Kitchen staffs. Dak Oerlo, Salespeople. Store Clerks, Office. Service Station, Housekeeping, and Maintenance Personnel rail now for an application: 1-800-368-3689 Don't pass up the opportunity of a lifetime! PIS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK l md 2 bedraem apartments *•»' now. Oo*et country #««[*•« Oty iocakon other lea >ur*» include poet, wnntfct—>»•)«« ct». '•£ room arxl playground right o«*i J» and Chamber* «M *M0 Sparkling dw. bright large Mudkv Covered parting Laundry tactutwe Ora* tocaaen MM 1130 W 11* e txtrm house 3 M. ? .acheo* Fenced * charmer $t2S0 (Can dnndel 30 Coachman on yWLpnene Si. 3 bom house huge lamky room, 2 bams double ga>aga 3*17 Spring Bhtd 3 bdrm houee. 2 bath* hardwood koor*. Maplera. deck. garage 100 f 34* A*a 2 bedroom apt n qu-et Ou*»ng Laundry. *400 1ME24*A«a 2 bedroom apt Laundry. *400 034 f 14th Ave 2 bedroom apt LaunOy 0400 include* a* uskhe* 1*4* Hama Street 2 bedroom m ima* bu**ng near campus Laundry. $450 2011 McMillan 2 bedroom inplei Firaptace leers aka a home 2 brock* west ol WiSamaite SS’5 2789 Oak Street 2 bedroom*, laundry $425 Mo pal* allowed Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES***-! 130 240 QUADS 1740 MH.YARO Walk to campu* 6om noxty ra 'utOmMW quad* Privfll* EnHanca EMCXtSXRt Location S7t»» CmKHAKCMwi 4200 • dap Raai t Haw Nortnxav 7 4' *'404 OPEN HOUSE" InIWMiad I j Badroom houta. ona room arth a nntn ; avaaacw t'W3 CO 0064993 I To than 9 bartnm ay< F V lattaty Wa , piaca duprai 194&.60 Oapand uM. Iran casta «4 4t?t__ , 1 roommataa n.adad t»» ittrnt No • t. targa 3 Ba»m apt #663*0? I : •: CHILD CARE Hand attar acNoot can* tar 3 grar* cMdran .8 tO,t? yrt o*d Qoaa to cam put $S.*t< Mutt rurva car 603 1HX j cue SPORTS NEPAL WHITEWATER , A St IOC SHOW PRESENT A TION Of A taro monlli Kayakuw atpWnMWn thru thn Himalaya*. Thurt Warcit «h. 7P*A 100 WHantana ?95 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT 1*W fanIMy B—611 Lmqu«* for «lo 5*nd SASt to tf» Norm «M BM) A** 68, f OH 9t405 AH I CINEMAS ! »,"> t 1 5th • 68 U»> 316 COUNSELING *OOltl«? 0,4* *>• UolO Ow l «, * tn. »nony«i©u* a** axi^wwvfl ixl rtim'Mtt 5p"' Oom. M f. 2* ncurt «m*wxM 34# 44* Euoww PrtJMiKr Support C*nt»>« 1*4.34*0*00 • t»( 11* loncomod about pregnancy’ W* can « fra* pragnarcy teall flirty d» iction Befhndyi 007-0001 FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. *2.00 off large pizza w12 free med. drinks •1.00 off med. pizza w/1 free med. drink 346-0776 Offer good thru winter term Doonesbury by garry trudeau r fc flea.n MM6e flc.TKim'HOwaflu mpt nhu f*oGRfl* / Afreamer ! i i i t/U.lH'trUPt IWON >CU? LAW VfML •Mttwf mwn) ANPH'trr vmamt»Mvu I LAP A ItXCffA imitcsf KAAS iN'UANPVi.j^psanfffA TUKf ;«w AVPAMCT nt M.kvn*f cu&> aw in I HAP A IfJQfS AW MAI* umKOAs* hit Nauru JU&IUOUK MCIA&J m uatufc cumt (MS4WNS I'm not MXMNC VK.COMPI \ (ftcNta \ tcsecoa. \ NttOMC* ) {utrjv&' in ii CROSSWORD Hy Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 On# ot lha IhfM B«n • PMC* abb’ lEmubb 12PadaMat occupant 1J*~ Town' K Gan Bfadtay 1J Ska datMar If Unfarta putchasa 17 Nashvifa thowcasa 1f Coma to fait 20 As much as you can taka 22 Untl now 20 Japanasa Amanean. pafhapi 2fGaorgat pradaca* sot JO Va»*y J1 Stanch 32 Aahan 33 Airtma txAat datum 34 ActOf Gulagai JS Dasanat MM«y (nptojiwi l7Fran nowon 40 nomew. 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