Oregon DailyEmerM SpOftS - - If*, Oregon Slata comet) Jimmy Antiarson will try to kaap his loam's post saason hopas allva whan tha Baaaars coma to Mac Court Saturday night. Firing rumors haunt Anderson By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Spoils Ecfctoi Jerry Green has hail a rough five months. Iimmv Anderson has had it worse. As the first-year coach of the Ducks. Green has had to battle through a season of bad knees, bad games and had boys. For Green, at least there's next sea son Which is a lot more likely than Anderson turn say. Anderson's team was picked by many to I Kittle for a Pacific-10 Conference title If not that, then at least a birth in NC.AA Tourna ment. But the Beavers have slowly been whittled down to a long shot NfT hopeful That possibility, along with Anderson's nock, is on the line for Oregon Stale when they limp into McArthur Court Saturday to ptav Oregon at 7 p.m. Oregon fans can relate but are hardly sympathetic to the posi tion Anderson is in. It wasn't but a year ago when then-Duck coach Don Monson was stand ing in front of the firing line, waiting for the season — and his career with Oregon — to end This season, it's been Ander son who has had to fight off speculation concerning his job. Meanwhile, his team hasn't made it any easier on him, los ing eight of its last 10 games "I don't think it's fair." Ander son said. "Hut I don't like to talk about it much because I don't want it to bother our team and disrupt the task at hand, which is winning our next three games." Anderson has become so frus trated with the press that Inst week he implemented a new rule stating members of the media would not lie allowed to interview his players unless Anderson was present. Anderson said the press mis understood his actions. "I guess (the press) didn't understand where 1 was coming from." he said "I was only talk ing about post-game interviews. After games, some places sepa rate coaches and players for interviews. I'm not letting them do that. "I'm just following NCAA guidelines, which say coaches and plovers are interviewed in the same room after games. Por ing the week, (the press) can interview players one-on-one, hut after games. I'm going to be there." Kven so. the interview restric tion has only heightened specu lation that Anderson is starting to feel the pressure of losing his job. The 11-13 Beavers need to win their final three games if they are to even have a shot at making the NIT. Although an NIT birth would by no means silent critics of Anderson, it couldn't hurt Anderson's cause. Anderson said wins over the Ducks. Stanford and California to end the season, coupled with the Beavers' schedule — which is the sixth-toughest in the nation — will he enough to get Oregon State to the tournament. "If we win our next three, I think we'll he there." he said. “We will move up in the stand ings, and our schedule has been a difficult one, so the power-rat ings will w’ork in our favor.” Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! IS YOUR THIS L; MONTH? > ; If It Is, the Oregon Dally I me raid (Classifieds has a special birth Jay gift for you! Just brill); in proof of your birthdate to the finerald office, Rm. 300 EMU to receive 1 FREE classified ad (up to 20 words). 1 ad per customer please. 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS \1» KA Congratulations Jason R and Hsattv sr W on your pinning. -From tha Oantlaman of Chi PH. KA ♦ hi' .v\.\ To tha wondSr+ut mao and nnomoo Of AAA and ♦hl». 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