Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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    Hispanics left out, study says
l^ss than 1 percent of top offi
cials of Fortune ■>00 industri
al companies are Hispanic,
and an even lower number
have such jobs in Fortune *>00
service firms, a study released Monday says.
The Hispanic Association on Corporate Respon
sibility said Hispnnics have onlv HI of 1 I .UK 1
executive positions in the 500 industrial corpora
In some cases, it said, one person counts several
times, such as Roberto C. Goizueta. chief executive
officer of Coca-Cola and member of four corporate
To match their share of the population, there
would have to be 1,070 Hispnnics in such jobs,
said association President Richard Jose Bela,
author of the study released Monday. His Wash
ington-based group monitors corporate treatment
of Ifispanics in hiring, promotion, contracts and
Among the Fortune 500 service companies. His
pnnics hold just 72 of 12.000 executive posts in
only 58 of the corporations. Their proportion of
the population would call for 1.154 positions, the
study said.
Hispnnics are best represented in the beverage,
soap and cosmetics, building materials, and motor
vehicles and parts industries, the study said They
are least represented in transportation, life insur
ance. diversified financial and utility industries
There are no Hispnnics among top executives in
the rubber and plastic, oil production and aero
space industries, it said.
"It's as if we're not on their radar screen," said
Frank Cota-Robles Newton, executive director of
the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda. "It's
about time corporate America paid attention to
"Hopefully, we'll start to see some parity in hir
ing and promotion," Newton said. "There are
some CEOs who don't know anything about Hk
Newton'*group, an umbrella group of 27 Latino
rights organizations, recently < reeled an advisory
committee for corporations to consult on Hispanic
That panel is gathering statistics about Hispanic
people and issues that concern them for compa
nies to use ns they make dec isions about philan
thropy and marketing. Newton said.
"Maybe by getting that into their hands they'll
pav attention." Ncnvton said "This will help us
overcome some of that invisibility."
Rita Elizondo, executive director of the Con
grossiona! Hispanic: Caucus Institute, said Latino
groups ant foe using on getting more contracts for
Hispnnic-owned businesses and raising sensitivi
ty in marketing
For example, she said, many c ompanies often
advertise only on Spanish television stations, and
are "caught in the trap that if it's Hispanic. it must
lie on Spanish TV."
“The majority of the Hispanic community is
bilingual," Elizondo said. "This says to me thee re
insensitive to what’s going on I don't think any -
body's actually sat down, looked at the numbers
and paid attention to what's there The bottom line
is that if you're sensitive and responsive to the His
panic community, that's going to translate into
There are 23 million Hispanic.s in the United
States, with $1HH billion in sjieiuiing power,
according to the Hispanic Association on Corpo
rate Responsibility Most are concentrated in five
Southwestern states, New York. Florida and Illi
Clinton nominates ex-ambassador
Ident Clinton, hoping to end u
controversy, nominated on
Tuesday career diplomat
Alexander Watson, a former
ambassador to Peru, to be the
top State Department official
responsible for Iuttin America
Clinton had given strong con
sideration to appointing a New
York lawyer, Mario Baeza. who
drew opposition from conserva
tive Cuban exile groups on
grounds that he could not be
counted on to pursue a hard-line
policy toward Cuba.
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If confirmed by the Senate,
Watson. 53, would replace
Bernard Aronson, a Bush
administration holdover as
assistant secretary of stale for
inter-American affairs
Watson was one of six State
Department nominees
announced Tuesday by the
White House.
Watson most recently had
served ns the second ranking
official at the U.S. mission to the
United Nations. He is consid
ered by some col leagues to be
the most skilled Latin Ameri
canist in the foreign service
Shortly before the inaugura
tion, Haeza seemed the likely
nominee but exile groups rallied
against him. citing in particular
a trip to Cuba he made last year
with more than 120 U S busi
The purpose of the visit, part
ly sponsored by the Cuban gov
ernment, was to examine Cuba's
new policies toward foreign pri
vate investment To many
exiles, the trip seemed inconsis
tent with the U S economic
embargo against Cuba
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sb* *„ s U>mtJ ( btUm * Tbtdtrt i jmpany
sf Mtmt*4P&hi brinji KhJyW Kif Unj t
tbtilii*4 tuit ft? It/e t )*t ofthe h*nt
fjmtiy ibtjftrt in life . '«*{ry ( 7(
Kjt il/dfiy Jjn< firmieiptt in tbit
mdryApm ttJjr pfi?Jtntt0m
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11.11 i ti ii .1 i 1 .111 i 11 il.r
Brenda Wong Aoki
The rfar «a> San ftancacoi
•renda Wang Ao*t who comtuned
or Japan**# irwdff and a su»-too«#d rtog#
pretence Mo ihjrrmq p*lormanc*t ‘
BrefxJo Wong Aoto mMrtww* She flushes
Nx teeth-she s a seductress ttarsttmig
wflh a dangetous oeauty a tuft«rmg stee
/> o' two and she s o young
f joponese twleflno shattered
by the ntwnment came*
Stxnt totes ot women at sttong
and smooth os s*
MARCH 9 A 10
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