The Finest Chinese end Americen Food Open lor lunches and dinners until 10:30 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. and until midnight Fri. and Sat. Restaurant & Lounge 947 Franklin Blvd. 343-4480 ROSES s9.99 do/ I of 0 «taf» nlMtj rnmw lib ~$m(e6#tus 11 ow ns AMM.irrs rt>( Iiabtfi.>«y«.(>> r«u .id tut *r 1.1)» toy». o» rmi ■ m rwi _ WONDERLAND mi 5*voeo GAMES S'* STRICT W PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 r v- VIDEO ADVENTURE 1 LVAltf V PMVtA PI AX A “30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota —GERMAN — AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 C. M U (..111 KIMAL I U MU M i ' M I ‘ > 1 N 1 " * Friday March 5,1993 EMU BALLROOM TICKETS AVALABLE AT EMU MAM DESKCO WORl D FACE THE MUSIC. HOUSE Of RECORDS AND RECORD GARDEN Report charges pork-barreling mali'a: WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Tom Foley. Oregon Sen Mark Hatfield and Washington Rep. Norm Dicks are among lawmakers who secured pork barret spending lor constituents and special interests him year, a watchdog group said Tuesday But Foley and aides to the other lawmakers defended the projects, including $10 million for the Oregon Health Sciences University and S2 mil lion for a National Park Service Interpretive dis play in Tacoma. Wash. In its annual "Congressional Pig Hook Summa ry. " the non profit group Citizens Against Govern ment Waste reported that despite growing concern about the deficit, wasteful spending continues "The '1993 Congressional Pig Book Summary' outlines some of the most egregious examples of wasteful pork-barrel spending approved by a Con gress claiming to have c ut the budget to the bom*, the group reported, "Once these projects are fund ed, they grow like a cancer, consuming more and more tax dollars every year." The list includes $19 7 million for the Interna tional Fund for Ireland. The group said congres sional committee sources told thorn the money was requested by Foley, D-Wash In the past. American taxpayer dollars in the fund have been used for a golf video and pony trekking centers, the group said. Hut Foley told reporters the money goes to cre ate jobs in Ireland to help "end the sectional, sec tartan fighting and violent:*). ”1 think it's one of th«* best investments we make abroad in any country for any purpose, the speak er said. Congress has been appropriating about $20 mil lion annually for the fund since 1086. said Robin Webb, an aide to Foley. The European Communi ty. Canada and Australia also contribute in an effort to t rente jobs in Ireland, she said. "There is a bipartisan group of alnnit 100 mem bers of Congress — Friends of Ireland — who have been sympathetic to the cause of the International Fund for Ireland.” she said, adding that the mon ey is directed at both Irish Protestants and Catholics. Citizens Against Government Waste said last year’s energy and water appropriation bill ear marked $10 million for the Ambulatory Research and Education Building at Oregon Health Sciences University, Is that a pork barrel project? "Absolutely not.” said Bill Colder, Hatfield's press secretary. "It is part of n continuing vision Mark Hatfield has to improve the medical research facilities in Oregon, to moke it one of the leading research fa( ilities in the country." Calder said. "Sen Hatfield is committed to medical research throughout the country and has appropriate mea sures to see the funding is adequate through a vari ety of appropriations bills. Most of the federal grants for research are funded through the energy •and water bill." he said. Oregon may restrict triple-trailers’ access PORTLAND (AP) — The stale Deportment of Transportation is proposing a l»an on triple-trailer rigs for weekends and holi days on some two-lane highways in Oregon. The administrative rule would affect 500 of the 3,500 miles that are open to triple trailers Marshall Ooba. vice president for government relations of the Oregon Trucking Associations, estimated that the restrictions would add millions of dollars to shipping costs because goods would have to In* transported in smaller trucks. But the industry supports the restrictions liecause it wants to maintain a good safety record and reduce annoyances to motorists on crowded two-lane highways, he said. "All we're trying to do is make triples better." he said. The restrictions are part of a triple trailer safety package approved by the transportation department last week The administrative rules would take effect as early as March 16. unless they are challenged by at least It) citizens or an organi zation with 10 or more memtiers The state would then hold a hearing before deciding whether to adopt the rules A statewide ballot measure that would have banner! triple trailer rigs on all Oregon roadways was soundly rejected by vot ers last fall Bills have been introdui ed in the Legislature to limit triple trailers to interstate highways. Legislator may run for governor KLAMATH FALLS (AP) — Kt'p. Bob Smith said Tuesday he is considering running for gov ernor. "It is obvious, under the lead ership of Gov. Barbara Roberts, that Oregon needs leadership," the Oregon Republican said from his office in Washington, D.C. "Oregon is in the most des perate state it has been in in my memory." Smith said he is exploring whether Oregon wants a fiscal conservative like himself to cope with the budget constraints of the Measure 5 property tax limit. A decision isn't likely until next fall, he said. Roberts has said she will seek a second term. You Could Be Me?!?! University President Myles Brand Wants You For “Trading Places" O* SHOULD YOU WIN On Apul Fool's Day. Myles Biand will meet you foi lunch and then tun off to yout classes while YOU run the University Write two or three sentences on what YOU would do as President President Brand will draw the winner on Thursday. March 11 »EMU Couitvaid PICK UP APPLICATIONS AT EMU TABLES (March 1 -5) • 140 Hendricks Hall • Resident's Otfice (Johnson Hall) APPLICATIONS DUE Monday. March 8 • 130 Hendncks (Alumni Association Office) University Theatre * Presents A Play by Eric Overmeyer Robinson Theatre , February 19, ^ 20,25-27, ' March 5. 6 8 p.m Box Office 346-4191