IRS offers volunteers to help file tax forms By Jake Berg EmecaM News Editor The saying goes that the only sure things in life are death and tax es. The Internal Revenue Service is trying to make taxes a little eas ier. More than 850 volunteers statewide are available free of < barge to help those people who need to file I040KZ. 1040A or 1040 forms by the April 15 deadline. Volunteers are available in several Kugene-area locations, and appointments may be necessary: the Lane Community College Resource Center. Tuesday through Thursday from 0 a m to 4 p m.; the Campbell Senior Center. 155 High St., make appointments at f»87 5318; the Eugene Public Library, make appointments at 887-5450; and the Latin-American Center, 044 W. 5th. make appointments at 687-2886. Those who visit these locations for volunteer assistance should bring all paperwork relevant to riling the form, said Dale Potts, an IRS spokesman. The volunteer program was established about 20 veers ago when the IRS realized many low-income people needed help filing returns. Potts said. It is still evident today, he said "What's happening is a lot of low-income people weren't doing their returns. They didn't have the educ ation." he said "And most of them had refunds coming." The volunteer program is also aimed at those non-English shak ing. elderly or disabled indiv iduals who may need help Volunteers are trained during a weekiong program and are required to pass an exam at the end of the training. Potts said many of the volunteers are retired people, professionals donating their time or accounting students looking to get experience. The only druwbat k to the program is the volunteers are not trained to do more complicated returns, but that should matter little. Potts said. If you do have complex returns, then you probably have some money coming," he said Higher education P*0«0 l>Y *•** A person walks across the sky bridge between the Chiles Business Comer and Gilbert Hall Tuesday alter noon POLICE The following incidents were report ed to the University Office of Public Safety and the Eugene police depart ment Feb. 22-2U • An incident of criminal mischief was reported Feb. 23. Suspects broke into a von that was parked in front of Gerlinger Hall and broke a window, two dome lights and two speakers •Two University students reported thefts from Lawrence Hall Feb. 27. One student said she had three books, some drafting equipment, a cassette player with headphones and a pen set taken from tier studio locker on the fourth floor The second student reported that her entire desk drawer was taken from her studio Drafting equipment worth $141) was taken • A pair of University students report ed an assault and harassment on the 1500 block of Alder Street Feb 2H. One of the students said he was pushed to the ground and punc hed and kicked by five or sis suspects The student suf fered a broken finger, a bruised nose and track pain • A University student was arrested for consumption on an unlicensed premise Feb 2H According to poin t) reports, the arresting officer observed the student. who was walking on the 1300 block ol High Street, lip a dear t>ol tle containing a r«d liquid When the officer approached tint student. the l>ot tlu was amply and the student told thu officer that he had lipped the bottle to see if anything was in it Ai cording to police reports, the student told police the bottle bad contained cola After being t tied, the student became abusive and said. "This is stupid. Shouldn't you be arresting criminals?" according to polite reports. The two mi'll in Im were walking with the student told polo i' that thi) .student had buen drinking The offic nr said the student was lining uncooperative and was taken to (nil • A criminal trespass was reported at the University Longliouse, t»ot» Colum bia St . Fob. 2H Police said the house is used as a holy meeting place for Native Americans and is not a resi lience The suspects broke into the house last week Nothing was stolen, hut some furniture was moved and condom wrappers were found on the floor, ni cording to police reports I The EMU Cultural locum presents an evening of monologues, prose, and poetry reading with... CARROLL Post Laureate of the Street's Dark Side new took by storm “Praying word tour Creator Basirfha/i Diaries and the rock classic Those are People Who Died," Carroll offers a truly unforgettable vision SPOKEN WORD j SHOW STARTS 8PM 150 COLUMBIA TICKETS • So 00 U of O Students » General Public • EMU MAIN DESK • HOUSE OF RECORDS • HUNGRY HEAD BOOKS • OASIS FINE FOODS • RECORD GARDEN eview Good thru Mar 13, 1993 ALL OPEN STOCK ART BOARDS & PAPERS! ALL OPEN STOCK PRE-CUT DRAFTING SHEETS!* w° v1 SELECTED X-ACTO ITEMSI BALSA WOOD STICKSI HARDWOOD DOWELSI ALL BALSA WOOD SHEETSI 25P/« W* SELEC SELECTED ADHESIVESI *No roll product by the foot •'Some Restrictions apply Sobo 4oz Glue With tvary $10 purchase from our Final Oavitvv Sale Sham.