Bosnian-Serb leader’s appeal for protection rejected UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The leoder of Bosnian Serbs pro posed Tuesday that disputed areas of the war-ravaged state be placed under temporary U N protection, but peac e mediators quickly rejected the idea The proposal comes during a reported Serb offensive in east ern Bosnia, where the United States has begun airdrops of food and medicine The Serb plan was dismissed by international mediators Cyrus Vance and Lord Owen, who "don't think this is a pro ductive way to go.'' their spokesman. Fred Eckhard, told The Associated Press Vance and Owen also deplored the latest Serb offen sive. Bosnia's President Alija lzetbegovic. a Muslim, said the attacks were "incompatible" with negotiations. The discord at the talks sym bolizes the troubled efforts to end the ethnic war. w hich !>egan nearly a year ago after ethnic Croats and Muslims declared independence from Serb-domi nated Yugoslavia The Serb proposal was put forward by Radovan Karadzic, the loader of Bosnian Serbs, dur ing hi* mooting with the media tors. He said that the 20 percent to .10 percent of Bosnia disputed by the warring parties be put "under U N. protection, and then, in the course of time, resolve where they are going to belong." The suggestion is a variation of a plan Karadzic made several month!) ago. Then. he asked that a referendum be held in the dis puted areas so residents could decide whether their govern ments would be run by Bosnian Muslims. Serbs or Croats. Territorial disputes are the main sticking point in the talks Vance and Owen have proposed dividing Bosnia into 10 provinces roughly along ethnic linos, but all sides have not been able to agree on the proposed map. Muslims and Serbs are seek ing to change the map. They also want the United Nations to assume complete control of the warring sides' heavy weapons once o peace agreement is reached The cash-strapped world body wants only to mon itor the weapons. Vance and Owen of Britain met for nearly four hours with Bosnian Muslim and Croat dele gations before meeting with the Serbs. "I think there was progress." Vnnce reported after the first meeting. He declined to elabo rate. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before I p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! IS YOUR THIS , 'J MONTH? V ■c/ If it is. the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds has a special birthday gift for you! Just bring In proof of your birthdate to the Emerald office, Kin. 300 EMU to receive 1 FREE classified ad (up to 20 words). 1 ad per customer please. 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