Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Death toll at 14
in cult standoff,
official reports
j Leader backs down on promise to
surrender after audiotape is broadcast
WACO, Texas (AP) — An armed religious cull's leader
tailed to surrender as promised Tuesday and military
vehicles surrounded Ins compound as a standoff dragged
on into a third night A soun e said the death toll was at
least !4
Authorities have confirmed thut four federal agents
and at least two people inside the compound were killed
in gun battles Sunday But a federal official, speaking on
condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press t ues
day at least 10 were dead inside the compound
Officials have said about 75 people were in the com
pound, but cult leader David Koresh has claimed more
Eighteen children and two adults have been released
sim e the siege began, and on Tuesday evening Bryan
Gilbert, spokesman for the state Children's Protective <
Service, said as many as 20 more children could be
released soon.
Later, several buses and minivans left the compound,
hut federal agents said the activity was merely a shift
In a 58-minute taped statement broadcast earlier Tues
day on Texas radio stations at the FBI's request, the cult
leader said "I, David Koresh. agree upon the broadcast
ing of this tape to come out peacefully with all the peo
ple immediately."
"Even a man like Christ has to meet with unbelief."
said Koresh. 33. who thinks tie's Jesus
"I'm sure you're all aware of how I'm involved in a
very serious thing right now," Koresh said "I am really
concerned about the lives of my brethren here and also
really concerned even greater about the lives of all those
in this world."
Buses and other military vehicles moved nearer with
in minutes of the broadcast's start But hours after the
broadcast ended. Koresh hadn't surrendered.
Negotiations with him continued into the night. ATF
spokesman Jack Killorin said. He said agents were pre
pared to wait "a long time ... wo don't have a time frame
for tins.” He added that the cult members likely had
plenty of food and water, but officials were "working so
it does not go on for a month."
The siege began Sunday morning as about 1(H) ATF
Turn to CULT. Page 4
It's a bird, it's a plane... OK, it's a dog
f'Njlo by J*ff
Junior history major David Spector takes his girlfriend's dog. Hataali. to the field between Get
linger Annex and the cemetery to throw sticks for the dog to retrieve Tuesday As soon as Hataali
gets to campus he doesn 't listen to me because he knows he can get a lot of sympathy from peo
ple. " Spector said
Americans help out El Salvador
j Group to meet in Texas before
beginning five-week journey
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Associate tMo>
Though hi Salvador is no longer making U.S.
headlines, the Control American country hasn't
been forgotten by everyone.
Two Eugene residents, both members ol the
local Committee in Solidarity with the Central
American People, joined fallow activists lust
weekend in u 32-vehicle caravan that will take
much-needed supplies to El Salvadoran com
munity organizations.
Catherine Harris and Ross Honduras loft
Eugene Saturday for a five-week journey that
will include nearly two weeks in El Salvador.
People from us far away as Massachusetts, Vir
ginia and E'lorida are also making the trip. The
entire caravan is scheduled to meet in Tunas late
Turn to CISCAP. Page 4
Major earthquake fault
found under Portland
j Aerial magnetic
survey detected fault
line in September
PORTLAND (AP) — A s.« ond
major fault lies dirttcflv Ininoalh
downtown Portland, raising tin'
possibility of a major aarthrpiaku
causing catastrophic damogo in
the Imart of tlm city. s< ientists
said Tuwsdny.
"We i nit expect an earthquake
of up to magnitude 7 in the Port
land area, ' Dr Ku fiurcl Blakely,
a geophysicist with the U.S
Geological Survey, said at a
news conference.
The Octol>er 1980 earthquake
that roi ketl the San Francisco
Hay area measured 7.1 on the
Richter scale. It killed 63 people.
Turn to EARTHQUAKE, Page 4
H Mostly doudy skies return
2 ing with <1 few showers possi
* hie. High temperatures will
! make it up to the lower 60s
i Today in History
In 1091. motorist Rodnev
■ King was severely beaten by
^ Los Angeles police officers
■j after a high-speed chase. The
■j beating was captured on home
a video.
KLAMATH FALLS (AP) - A former student has filed a lawsuit aliening
she was sesuallv abused 10 sears ago bv a Klamath Union High School
tear her
Heather Wayland. now 24 and working for a law office in Sacramento.
Calif., accuser) Barrs Cottula of molesting and abusing her on v.hool
grounds and off when she was 14 and pressuring her to keep quiet.
Her lawsuit was filed in Klamath County Circuit Court it seeks unspeci
fied damages for physical, mental and emotional pain and suffering.
Cottula. a former basketball roach now serving as athletic director and
teaching English, issued a statement saying he was innocent
The Oregon rugbv learn crushed Washington Stale this
weekend 43 0
Seen Morris s< ored three times, ami Seth Nmderberger.
Bradley Neilson and Dean Smith all scored om.e to lead the
Ducks to the victory Saturday
Oregon has two games this weekend Saturday it will play
Washington at 1 pm. and Sunday it squares off with
Southern Oregon at 9:30 a m.
Both games will be played at South Bank field.
The team is making a run at the West Coast Finals, which
will be held nest month at Oregon State