COACHES Continued from Page 9 athletic superiority. Was that T-shirt as offensive as the Oregon Statu fraternity's T-shirt, or was it acceptable because it was less direct and made better use of a double-enten dre? And what about those "Give the Dog a Bone" T-shirts that were so popular at the Oregon-Washington football game last fall? Maybe we should )ust eliminate all of the college nicknames that could be used on T-shirts as a double-entendre. No more South Carolina “Gamecocks." no more USC "Trojans," and. of course, no more Oregon State "Beavers." Although it seems a certain level of insensitivity is still tolerated on T-shirts and souvenirs, when it comes to NCAA basketball coaches, the tolerance level toward insensitivity seems to be at an all-time low. Former California orech Lou Campan elli was apparently too insensitive to his players after their loss to Arizona State Feb 7. Cal athletic director Bob Backrath happened to hear Campanelli's postgame tirade through the locker room doors and fired Catnpanelli the next day. citing Campanelli's personal attacks on his players os reason for his dismissal. The lending candidate to replace Campanelli is Washington State coach Kelvin Sampson. Now, I admit 1 didn’t hear fampanel li's speech to his team after its Arizona State loss, hut whatever he said couldn’t have been much worse than the scathing, hour-long harangue Sampson gave the (kiugar players after their loss to Oregon last week. 1 almost feel compelled to call Back rath and warn him that Sampson also has the tendency to yell at his players after a loss Perhaps 1 can save Backrath the embarrassment of having to lire two coaches in one year because of their lack of sensitivity. Did I miss something? Since when has sensitivity become an essential require ment for a college coach? If current Indi ana coach Bobby Knight, one of the moat successful coaches of all time, were available to coach the Golden Bears, would Backrath refuse to consider Knight because he has been known to be insensitive to the feelings of his players, the referees, his fellow coaches and the entire island of Puerto Rico? Of course not. Although it may have been nice to think the athletic director was supporting the players over the coach for a change. Backrath fired Cam panelli because he was underachieving When it comes to coaches, them will always be a direct relationship between a coach* winning percentage and the amount of Insensitivity tolerated. with a group of player* expected to con tend for the Pacific-10 Conference When it comes to coaches, there will always be a direct relationship between a coach’s winning percentage and the amount of insensitivity tolerated. I guar antee that business will return to normal at California, and Backrath will tolerate post-game tirades for at least as long as the new Bears’ coach continues to win. If Campanelli had amassed a career record like Bobby Knight’s, he would never had been fired — Knight wouldn't get fired even if he showed up at Corval lis' Gill Coliseum wearing a "Hoosiers eat Beavers’’ T-shirt. Erick Sludenicka it a sports reporter for the Emerald. PLAYERS Continued from Page 9 zona State Hut when the Duck coach ing staff checked the rooms a half-hour later, the threw were gone. They were sent back to Eugene Fri day afternoon, missing Oregon's loss to Arizona Saturday. "I'd like to be expending my energy trying to improve our program, but if you make a rule, than you need to enforce it." Green said. "Young people will be young people, but a team has to work together. This is one of those internal problems we don't need. We’ve got enough external things to worry about with our schedule." This weekend's suspensions make it the second time in two weeks Oregon players have been suspended by Green. Bob Fife was kicked off the team two weeks ago for missing prac tices and a game. Reece and Collier have been disci plined before by Green. Reece was sent to the locker room in the middle of a game against Washington State earlier this season, and Collier, a usual starter, was forced to sit out the entire second half against Oregon State this season. 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